If you see a guy beating up his girl, would you step in?

Nah I'm good.

If dude is brazen enough to put hands on her in public I'm 99% sure he's done it before and she doesn't care cause she's still there.

Only time I get in the middle of anything is if its family, and even then depending on the situation people gotta learn.
I'll try to stop it in a calm manner, but if the dude gets violent I'll just walk away and call the cops. Not risking myself over this. At least I tried to stop it.
In high school some idiot I knew started choking out some girl, think they might have dated or something. Dude full on grabbed her throats and slammed her into the locker right next to me and he's like I'll kill you *****

First thing I did was wrap dude up and threw him into the other lockers and was like wtf is wrong with you? Dude like shook his head like he was sick and just walked away before any teachers came by

These days though it's a tough situation, a lot of dudes are just crazy and messed up and carry. Ready to pop off dumb ****, who's to say I don't grab some guy off his girl and he goes nuts and shoots me? Idk

I'd probably still do something as it's the right thing to do off instinct
Strangers? I would make my presence to them known but to intervene like putting my hands on the dude to separate em? Nah that's for Law Enforcement to handle.

If it's a family member or a friend that yeah without a doubt I would handle it.
Living next to it HAS to be rough. So many different angles to explore in these situations.
Neighbor (17) and her dude (25) ALWAYS get into it. I stepped into it once because I was outside. Calmed him down. But the next week they were fighting in the car, police would be at the house every other month.

It is annoying because you FEEL like you are SUPPOSED to do it, but like OP said, you have to look out for yourself.
When I was like 16 me and a dude I knew were walking down the street and some dude was hitting his girl so we went over and pulled him off her. Then he swung at us so we started hitting him and the girl he was just hitting swung a tire iron at me. I told her shes on her own now and we walked away. Never again
He'll Nah.. My dad's cousin got killed trying to help out someone getting beat. Dude got stabbed to death.
I was named after him. I mind my own, unless it's fam and even then it's how it plays out.
I have a sister that used to always get beat. She stayed with the dude always. I ain't getting involved....
I have another sister. Her husband hit her once when he was drunk. She left him and took a long break. Me and my bigger brother went and kind of roughed him up.. He never did it again. He was a good guy to, he just messed up.

I remember back in the day when I went to church, the pastor told a story that he saw some guy beating up on his girl and he yelled and told the guy something, that he should try hitting a man. The girl getting beat up yelled at him to mind his business.

You can't be getting involved is how I feel.
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Nah I'm good.

If dude is brazen enough to put hands on her in public I'm 99% sure he's done it before and she doesn't care cause she's still there.

Only time I get in the middle of anything is if its family, and even then depending on the situation people gotta learn.
my thoughts exactly.
The best thing would be to call the police, then do a move that would potentially stun/tranquilize/subdue the both of them. That way, they can't beat up on each other. By the time the cops come, they can arrest the aggressor of the 2.

I would probably not get involved. Unless son is standing over her and hitting her with the wild haymaker. If it's a shoving match, I'd probably run away before it gets too graphic. When I was a kid, I heard a story of a man who broke into a dudes house and killed dude because he looked out the window into the street to watch him and his girl argue. He didn't want there to be any witnesses of him hitting his girl, so he killed the witness. Kinda backwards if you ask me. And I don't know how true this is. This is back when kids use to make up stories and ****
Tell someone to call the cops and do my best to diffuse the situation. Can't let a lady get beat up in front of like that. Whether it's her fault or his, I'll leave that for the cops to decide. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that I let a woman get her *** beat.
My threshold for me getting involved depends on how big the dude is. If the guy looks like Alistair Overeem or Brock Lesner, he would have to literally be murdering her for me to physically get involved. If it's some 5'4 120 dude, his decibel levels better stay within the normal range. Don't even raise your voice at her.
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