If you were a top 10 HS prospect (bball/fball) are would be your top 3 programs to choose?

football - UM, USC, UF, UGA, UT, BAMA (in that order.. all warm weather/good college location/women.. I HATE USC.. but i would go in a heartbeat, combinationof weather/women and NFL pedigree)

BBall - UNC, Zona, UF, UGA, USC, CAL (UNC is first, just because i am a big tar heels fan.. but if i stick to my criteria above it would be Zona hands down)
Tennessee- Like Bruce Pearl
Duke- Hate them with a passion but Coach K is a great coach
UCLA- The tradition

Clemson- Would be awesome to rub the rock and great fans/atmosphere
The U- Pros they produce
LSU- Another great atmosphere
I think it depends on if I was doing the 1 year and out for bball.

For bball (1 year and out) This is based off the fact that I'm a definite lotto pick no matter what and personal preferences
1. U of I (I'm an alumni and want to bring one to the Orange)
2. Univ of Cincinnati
3. UCLA (weather and tradition rich)

If I wasn't a lock
1. UNC (great coaching, tradition, professional pipeline)
2. UConn (great atmosphere, pro pipeline)
3. Duke (not sold on how the translation comes from college to pro game with Coach K, but he's an excellent coach and the Crazies are awesome)

For football:
1. Florida
2. Texas
3. USC/Michigan (USC would be higher but Pete left, not a fan of Lane Kiffin. Michigan is the BIG HOUSE!)
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