If your pops was cheating on your moms...

Real talk never put hands on your father, it don't matter if he cheated on your moms. You still got to respect him also. I'm pretty sure youwouldn't put hands on your mom if she cheated on your pops.
my dad tells me all the time he would cheat...if he does go ahead, i really dont care.....lol no wonder i think cheating is accceptable.
as far as i know pops has never cheated or moms.they were both raised better than that. its crazy tho my pops is only 41 and im 22 already! dude had me maddyoung with my moms.at least they were married a year before i was born ( he was like 18) and they knew each other since 14. its like ur typical highschool lovestory.im an only child.and that $+$$ would hit me hard even at the age i am.but real talk.if i found out. i dont think i would be able to tell my moms.but iwould rock his $+$$.and never speak to him again. kick him out the crib(half mine anyways, i pay half of the mortgage) and do the best to comfort my mother andgive her another reason why he left. mann.juss thinkin of it angers me .and id feel pretty bad how bac id @$+# him up. i got a small anger problem, so i thinki would let it all out right there and then. i wouldnt care if i went to jail after that.i wouldnt givea @$+# about anything. @$+# it.real talk.he knows betterthan to @$+# with my moms. im bigger than him anyways so he knows i dont play that $+$$.
tell moms. i think my mom is strong enough to take care of us. 3 of us already grown..2 more left. they have the least respect for my dad anyways..so any wayhe gets the L..lol
don't say jack. seriously don't say anything. there adults let them deal with it. i know it's mommy and boy we love mommy. but if pops is doing itis because on the low they do have a problem but don't know how to deal with it, then that's something they have to figure out.. so let them figure itout.
My boy think his pops is cheatin too. My parents got a divorce right after I was born so I don't really know how I would react. Most likely I wouldconfront my father.
my pops cheated on my moms while she was pregnant with me.... I never got to see them together... He's basically the reason she came to the US... ImTrinidadian BTW
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

My dad is bragging to me all the time how he smashed over 700 women all dimes in the past 10 years (and this is true).

Eventually he slips in how he railed his secretary back in the day in the work parking lot. And the time frame conflicted with the same time frame of his marriage to my mother.

I threw a stone face at him and told him to shut his *+@+@@$ mouth with that @@#! in front of me.
your dad should def be your hero
uffed me up for a while. terrible.

i was too young to realize what was going down but my sister told my moms...
Originally Posted by stoneyjax

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

My dad is bragging to me all the time how he smashed over 700 women all dimes in the past 10 years (and this is true).

Eventually he slips in how he railed his secretary back in the day in the work parking lot. And the time frame conflicted with the same time frame of his marriage to my mother.

I threw a stone face at him and told him to shut his *+@+@@$ mouth with that @@#! in front of me.
your dad should def be your hero
Reverse affect.
I get MAD pressure when we go out to clubs or anywhere for that matter.
If i don't take a girl home my dads all like

+ .....ayoooo?"

I hit em' back with the

but then I'm like

and then I'm like
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