If your smart you won't vote for either candidate in this presidential election.

Nov 1, 2012
If you’re smart you won't vote for either candidate. Your government, as well as your media, is entirely bought and paid for by big corporations and it makes absolutely no difference who wins. By voting all your doing is supporting a corrupt system. Don't listen to the nonsense you hear on TV or what your college professors shove down your throat. Have a free mind and think for yourself. The last thing our government wants is people capable of critical thinking. 
If I might ask, how do you suggest we break free from the system?

A lot of people claim that the government is corrupt, but offer no real alternatives or cures to rid the American political system of its corruption.

What do you suggest?
This man knows. Didn't even register, refuse to participate in such shenanigans.

Inb4 Silly Putty
If I might ask, how do you suggest we break free from the system?
A lot of people claim that the government is corrupt, but offer no real alternatives or cures to rid the American political system of its corruption.
What do you suggest?

exactly, untill dudes start brainstorming for solutions the clowns who spew this system is corrupt crap and conspiracy mess are no better than the corrupt individuals because theyre all doing abuncha talking and no action.
I think I'm pretty smart, and will be voting. It is our right as citizens to help make decisions for our country. That is why we have the right to vote, and the government doesn't have "full" control. But like iBlink said above, how should we escape of this corrupt government? 
I think I'm pretty smart, and will be voting. It is our right as citizens to help make decisions for our country. That is why we have the right to vote, and the government doesn't have "full" control. But like iBlink said above, how should we escape of this corrupt government? 
Well said :nerd: . I'll be voting as well
what exactly does not voting resolve though?

by not voting you can't possibly expect the system to change.
This man is right, the only way to change things is by doing absolutely nothing..
Doing nothing will do nothing. Just like if the different branches can't agree on anything, nothing gets passed and nothing is done in that period of time. Everything is stalled. If anything, the government would do something about it, but it would never escalate to that point as people will vote, even if it doesn't include everyone. 
but....if it doesn't matter....in the first place...why not vote anyway? If noone exercises their right to vote....it's that much easier to take that right away. How're we supporting a corrupt system if our vote doesn't count? ...............
Imagine...noone votes. Government says, "Yo, we need you guys to vote." We say, "No, we don't like how corrupt the system is...change it." How exactly do you think that scenario would play out? They'd just roll over play clean from now on?
Imagine...noone votes. Government says, "Yo, we need you guys to vote." We say, "No, we don't like how corrupt the system is...change it." How exactly do you think that scenario would play out? They'd just roll over play clean from now on?


Y'all "we shouldn't vote" people kill me. Bring no solutions to the table, but think not voting is magically going kick some corruption out the government like they give a damn.

Either way Uncle Sam will take them taxes out your check, so whether you vote or not you're still funding said corrupt government.
Forget the sarcasm doesn't show up on screen, we are lucky we even get vote, for gods sake our president is black...:smokin
If I might ask, how do you suggest we break free from the system?
A lot of people claim that the government is corrupt, but offer no real alternatives or cures to rid the American political system of its corruption.
What do you suggest?
Good question. The only way to break free would be to have a mass revolution from the ground up, similar to the one that took place in Egypt. This of course will never happen because the Egyptians knew their government was corrupt, however most Americans have no idea. Most people automatically dismiss this type of talk as crazy conspiracy theory crap without actually looking into it and doing research when the facts are right their in front of them.I have been telling people about RFID chips for years and they all thought I was foolish, but now turns out its being included in the new health care plan that all citizens will be required to have the chip implanted in them by March 2013. You people need to wake up. Not saying I have a solution but it doesn't hurt to spread awareness does it? 
If you’re smart you won't vote for either candidate. Your government, as well as your media, is entirely bought and paid for by big corporations and it makes absolutely no difference who wins. By voting all your doing is supporting a corrupt system. Don't listen to the nonsense you hear on TV or what your college professors shove down your throat. Have a free mind and think for yourself. The last thing our government wants is people capable of critical thinking. 


if nobody voted, we would be handing 100% of the power to the same gov't that you think is corrupt. do you actually believe what you're writing?

btw, "if your smart" :rofl:

wait. hol' up. is this pig love in the skies?
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I don't believe that's necessarily true. A sense of mass awareness of the Egyptian people occurred once there were people already taking to the streets and rebelling. In fact, a lot of Americans are aware that we live in under a corrupt system, and they are willing to revolt. Occupy Wall Street is an example of this. People took to the streets across the coutry for weeks (jeopardizing their jobs, welfare, etc) demanding change. But these people also know their limits.

It all goes back to the initial question I was asking. How do we break free? Revolting isn't enough. There has to be some end in sight before people start tooting the horns of revolt. People die during revolutions. Egypt, as you mentioned, is a prime example of this. People took to the streets and their resistance was met with force. The same thing, if not worse, would happen here in the US. Look at our military. Number one in the world. You think the people in power wouldn't turn them on us if their positions were threatened? If we threatened the state?

I'd like to believe that there are those out there willing to lay down their lives to change things, but people are smarter now than they were during the american revolution. People of the 21st century won't upset the establishment and sacrifice themselves for a greater cause unless they know what will eventually come about. Problem with people who say "Listen up everyone, don't vote" is that they have no legit plan for reformation. If you guys don't have a legit plan, I know for certain you don't have a practical conceivable end goal in sight.

It's more than just telling folks not to vote every four years. People talking that revolution talk need to understand the ramifications, both visible and invisible, of what it means to call for reformation. Other wise, you'd have a case like Tunisia or Syria where hundreds of people lost their lives essentially for nothing beyond an incoherent thought.
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