If your smart you won't vote for either candidate in this presidential election.

i get what both parties are saying but in his defense we dont know what would happen if no one voted and boycotted etc,,, and demanded a change/answers, because we as a nation have never done it.

i also gt where he is coming from with the ok you keep doing the same thing and you will keep getting the same thing, and the same thing aint working.

So basically you have ppl saying do something with the hopes it will change, despite the track record saying different vs... do something different which has not been done, with the belief it wil not change things despite never doing it, only basing opinion on what they think might would possibly work.

But you're missing my point.

Either way you still pay taxes, which fund the beliefs/policies of said corrupt government and as long as they get their money nobody gives a damn whether you vote or not.
Ok, I have a question. Serious question.

If "they" wanted to lie about the results they very well could right? I mean how would any of us know who really won the election?
Ok, I have a question. Serious question.
If "they" wanted to lie about the results they very well could right? I mean how would any of us know who really won the election?

Who is "they" b? The tens of thousands of people around the country that actually have to count the ballots?

The thousands of pundits measuring the voting turnout, the pollsters?

Why have a week long recount in Florida if "they" could just lie about the results?
It would be so much easier to just make this country a autocracy or a monarch then to go through the work of having a public system of millions of people to lie to the country.

But nah Im thinking to rationally. Saying "they" did it is easier requires less thinking.
But you're missing my point.
Either way you still pay taxes, which fund the beliefs/policies of said corrupt government and as long as they get their money nobody gives a damn whether you vote or not.
its pretty much a damn if u do damn if u dont situation.
Who is "they" b? The tens of thousands of people around the country that actually have to count the ballots?
The thousands of pundits measuring the voting turnout, the pollsters?
Why have a week long recount in Florida if "they" could just lie about the results?
they could/ and possibly do all these things and still lie... the funny thing is ppl say its to hard to pull off, or they couldnt, or it would be to obvious. but i will say this... the best way to hide something is in plain sight.
OP your thread title is pretty gaudy and off-putting.
Should be:
'If you're smart, either you know exactly why it is that you are voting or you know exactly why it is that you are not voting'

But you're saying WE ALL (every single one of us) need to forego our option to vote in order for the mass shift to succeed?
View media item 125676
if nobody voted, we would be handing 100% of the power to the same gov't that you think is corrupt. do you actually believe what you're writing?
btw, "if your smart" :rofl:
wait. hol' up. is this pig love in the skies?

They already have the power. Look it up. Gore won Florida and therefore the presidency, but no one stood up to make sure the right person ended up in the white house. And black folks don't give a damn since "we might not have Barack." Yeah, I said it. And even if you do vote, you're only voting for concepts not the actual execution of a plan. Either way, it sickens me how complacent people are about Gore winning Florida. How can people who voted for Gore have the audacity to look at anyone and say "your vote counts"? That's nothing short of ******ed.
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If you don't like the American government and what future government will look like then why not go live elsewhere? Try Egypt, since you used it as an example.

I swear.
If the popular vote doesn't determine who will be the next president......then what is the point of voting?

It's a voting census. Drives the talking points and statistics we here day in and out during election coverage in media. It's more like a survey than a vote.
i get what both parties are saying but in his defense we dont know what would happen if no one voted and boycotted etc,,, and demanded a change/answers, because we as a nation have never done it.

i also gt where he is coming from with the ok you keep doing the same thing and you will keep getting the same thing, and the same thing aint working.

So basically you have ppl saying do something with the hopes it will change, despite the track record saying different vs... do something different which has not been done, with the belief it wil not change things despite never doing it, only basing opinion on what they think might would possibly work.

great post and repped

What could potentially happen if people en masse stopped voting?
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Programmed? What exactly does that mean? Explain.

As soon as somebody say America is messed up, the first response from a dissenter is to say "well why don't you go to the world sworst hell hole then if you don't like it here stateside!!!!"
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As soon as somebody say America is messed up, the first response from a dissenter is to say "well why don't you go to the world sworst hell hole then if you don't like it here stateside!!!!"
if that happened usa would only have whites and minorities who are blind to the facts, and are complacent and content with how things are so long as they get a pat on the head, a decent wife/car/house and other monetary valued possesions
This post is pointless. Even if no one on NT, or the sneaker community for that matter votes, someone will. There's always electoral votes. Whether you like it or not, one of these two men will be our president for the next two years. If you want to see a corrupt system, try visiting a few 3rd world countries, where there is no middle class (Mexico is nearby and approaching that status), only very rich and very poor. People like you started the "Occupy" movement, another epic fail.
This post is pointless. Even if no one on NT, or the sneaker community for that matter votes, someone will. There's always electoral votes. Whether you like it or not, one of these two men will be our president for the next two years. If you want to see a corrupt system, try visiting a few 3rd world countries, where there is no middle class (Mexico is nearby and approaching that status), only very rich and very poor. People like you started the "Occupy" movement, another epic fail.

Got too cold to protest....first world problems...
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