I'll admit i have a lot more respect for Dirk now

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Dirk has played with Nash, Howard, Terry, Antawn Jamison, Michael Finley, Stackhouse, Harris and now Jason Kidd but still hasn't got the job done.
What's your point with this list?

Terry and Stackhouse have never approached an all-star level of play in Dallas. Nor did Harris or Jamison. Howard is a fringe all-star but he's probably not one of the 20 best players in the league... Finley? Same as Howard in that he was a fringe all-star. Nash didn't have anywhere near the impact in Dallas that he's had in Phoenix. Good, but not great...

People want to talk about how great Dirk's teams have been and blah blah blah, but the fact remains Dirk has never played with another bonafide star. Never. Good, solid supporting casts? Sure. But you cannot win a championship in this league without at least 2 legitimate all-star players. You can't, you won't.
We got Jason Kidd now

We? Excuse me Lakers fan.
Dirk has got to show me something in the playoffs, the last month of the regular season means nothing right now.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

The thing that pisses me off no other player has accomplished as much as Dirk except for Shaq, Duncan and maybe Kobe(unless he takes this team to the Finals I still won't agree)yet he never gets shine for it.




All these guys took their teams to the finals with hardly any supporting cast. Dirk has played with Nash, Howard, Terry, Antawn Jamison, Michael Finley, Stackhouse, Harris and now Jason Kidd but still hasn't got the job done. Let's not forget the Mavs are always among the league leaders in payroll

With that being said, I think the Mavs will beat the Hornets in 7 but then lose in the 2nd round.

That logic is so flawed it made my head hurt,
. Dirk Nowitzki's supporting cast has been minimal at most. Yeah sure we had Antawn, we had Nash, we had Finley, but we never got anywhere with them. We got to the NBA Finals with a very bare squad, and went through the hardest match-up's I've seen probably since this year. Tell me how many teams beat the Suns and the Spurs in the same Playoff series? Who? Oh yeah. Wade had Haslem, Posey, Shaq, the refs, and the rest of them dudes who played GREAT together. LeBron had a minimal cast as well, yes, but Boobie Gibson was on fire, and Big Z is still a top 5-6 Center in the league, not to mention their role players stepped up huge. Jason Kidd had a dude by the name of Kenyon Martin, people forget how dominating he was, but he was a HUGE force before he got injured. I'll give credit to Allen Iverson for getting their, his cast did suck, but you act like we have a roster full of all-star studs. We have one guy who is an All-Star year in and year out in Dirk, we now have Kidd, but Terry isn't an all-star and no where near it, Dampier is not even close to being considered, Josh Howard has been, in an injury ridden season, Devin Harris could be in the future (FUTURE), Nash wasn't nearly as good as he is in the Phoenix system, Antawn wasn't used to his capabilities, we've had a SOLID team, oh yeah we have. But you act like we're the LA Lakers with Shaq, Kobe, Malone and Payton.

I have no problem with people saying that we're not good enough, we're gonna lose, but to say that we got to the Finals with a stacked supporting cast is wrong. NO ONE counted us into the Finals that year, no one expected us to beat the Spurs that year, no one expected us to beat the Suns after them!

Also, I've been preaching what the Original Quote says, you give me a list of players who have been more successful in the Playoffs, it's minimal, I'll tell you that. This team has made the Playoffs for how many years straight now? We've had to battle the hardest teams year in and year out (and the Mavericks nightmare last year, the Warriors). From the Kings to the Suns to the Spurs, we've lost to them all, but you know what we've come back and beat them too (the Spurs and the Suns in the same year).

You contradict yourself so many times I dont know where to begin.

You say Dallas had a minimal cast and made the finals...Harris, Howard, Stackhouse, Terry, Dampier (he's decent), that supporting cast is better than80% of the league. You make it seem like Dirk carried the entire squad by himself to the finals in 06, just like the Heat in 06, 76ers in 01, Cavs in 06, Netsin 00, the Mavs had role players step up on their way to the finals.

The Mavs are a team that have been way over the NBA salary cap for years now but haven't got the job done. We're not talking about the NYK'shere, the Mavs had enough talent to win the title. Even without Michael Finley's buyout, you guys are spending $90 million in payroll (the rest of theleague spends around $60 mill), you're telling me thats not enough to get the job done?
You contradict yourself so many times I dont know where to begin.image

You say Dallas had a minimal cast and made the finals...Harris, Howard, Stackhouse, Terry, Dampier (he's decent), that supporting cast is better than 80% of the league. You make it seem like Dirk carried the entire squad by himself to the finals in 06, just like the Heat in 06, 76ers in 01, Cavs in 06, Nets in 00, the Mavs had role players step up on their way to the finals.

The Mavs are a team that have been way over the NBA salary cap for years now but haven't got the job done. We're not talking about the NYK's here, the Mavs had enough talent to win the title. Even without Michael Finley's buyout, you guys are spending $90 million in payroll (the rest of the league spends around $60 mill), you're telling me thats not enough to get the job done?

Just because you have a high payroll doesn't mean you have a great roster, look at the Knicks as you stated yourself. Just because you have a huge payrolldoesn't mean you have a minimal cast. This isn't the MLB where you can spend as much as you want and get a great team. Yeah we've paid hugecontracts, but MOST of our huge contracts were for nothing better than good role players, we played Shawn Bradley a ridiculous amount of money, same withFinley but he was at best a top 10 or 15 SG in his prime. As much as I like him, Dampier is NOT worth 9 million a year, Harris was good, yes, but on our tripto the Finals, Dirk made I'd say about 75-80% of that team's efforts in the post-season in 06.

Dirk didn't carry the Mavericks to the 06 Finals? I mean yeah JET had a good string of games, and Harris made a few key plays, but you can look at ANY ofthose squads you listed, and you could say the same exact thing. Shaq was monsterous in the playoffs in 06, averaging 18 and 10. Wade carried them?
IfDirk didn't carry the Mavericks (through the Spurs AND the Suns in the SAME post-season), then Wade clearly cannot have carried the Heat.

LeBron last year? Yeah along with AI I'd probably say they are a prime example of "carrying" a team to the Finals, but Big Z is as I statedbefore a good center, better than most in the League. Drew Gooden is vastly underrated in this League, and Boobie Gibson had a few decent games in thePlayoffs.

Jason Kidd in 00? No way.
Kenyon Martin was the man back then, and Richard Jefferson was a YOUNG star, and my dude Lucious Harris,

06 Playoffs, Mavericks Players-

Dampier- 4 points 5 rebounds from a starting center.
Devin Harris- 9 points, 2 assists, 1 rebound.
Stackhouse- 13 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists.
JET- 18, 3 rebounds, 3 assists.
Josh- 16, 7 rebounds.

Now, granted JET and Josh were both good, I know you could find someone on that Nets team that averaged the same, Shaq was just as good as he could be in theFinals and playoffs in 06, and maybe AI and LeBron didn't have THAT much help, but it's not like the Mavericks without Dirk were spectacular.
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