"I'll pray for you"


Mar 4, 2011
Everytime I hear somebody say that I :rolleyes on the inside.

Like are you really including me in your bedtime prayers before you go to sleep?

It just feels so cheap and dishonest whenever I hear it.

If I'm gonna pray for someone, I'm not gonna tell them. I'm just gonna do it.

I feel like it is showboating.

just a gesture, i mean i dont like it either but what can you do?

majority of them dont even do it sadly :\
I take it only for face value when it comes from my brother, grandparents, parents, and some family members other than that I dont pay any mind when people say it
just a gesture, i mean i dont like it either but what can you do?

majority of them dont even do it sadly :\

that's what bothers me.

It's like people feel obligated to say it because that's what gran gran used to tell folks all the time
I feel grateful that I'm in someone's thoughts regardless of if they're actually praying or not.

My problems aren't anybody else's. Even if they don't mean it, it helps to know/think somebody it's out there.
just a gesture, i mean i dont like it either but what can you do?

majority of them dont even do it sadly :\

that's what bothers me.

It's like people feel obligated to say it because that's what gran gran used to tell folks all the time

How do you know they dont do it?
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You know what you're doing with this thread.

I would really like to have a discussion about prayer.

Me personally, my prayer or relationship with prayer has changed.

I view the way I was brought up praying in the Christian faith, is akin to a Christmas wishlist.

As I've grown, I've learned to be more thankful in my prayers, than to request things in my life.

I moved toward silent prayer and meditating, but when you talk to people at church about silent prayer, or meditation, they say that is opening your self up to demon/ spirit possession and that it is evil.

Just reflecting bros.

Not trying to rustle anyones jimmies here
How do you know they dont do it?

Let's say I've spent extended periods of time with folks who say this kinda stuff and don't see them pray at all.

In fact, they down talk the person instead of "praying them up"

I don't think that is very constructive behavior.
I just say thanks now. dont care if they mean it or not, doesn't change anything in my eyes.

Matthew 6:1-2 though.

just a gesture, i mean i dont like it either but what can you do?

majority of them dont even do it sadly :\

that's what bothers me.

It's like people feel obligated to say it because that's what gran gran used to tell folks all the time

How do you know they dont do it?

Because they dont? hell, ive said it and not done it.

its messed up

why even say it?
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I just say thanks now. dont care if they mean it or not, doesn't change anything in my eyes.

Matthew 6:1-2 though.

6 “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
How do you know they dont do it?

Let's say I've spent extended periods of time with folks who say this kinda stuff and don't see them pray at all.

In fact, they down talk the person instead of "praying them up"

I don't think that is very constructive behavior.

I get where you're coming from, I know those types too so I dont knock you for feeling that way.

Me personally, it doesnt bother me..I dont feel betrayed or lied to, if they really do end up praying for me..its appreciated

If not, Im more worried about what im doing on my end anwyways
just a gesture, i mean i dont like it either but what can you do?

majority of them dont even do it sadly :\

that's what bothers me.

It's like people feel obligated to say it because that's what gran gran used to tell folks all the time

How do you know they dont do it?

Because they dont? hell, ive said it and not done it.

its messed up

So you do something to others that yourself doesnt like done to you?

I guess man
So you do something to others that yourself doesnt like done to you?

I guess man

To clarify and put in context, I think that when most people say it, they're usually of an older generation or they're the type to be ultra christian. Both of which use the term so often that the meaning and weight is lost. Additionally, when defaulted to the "praying for you" response it circumvents the personal tangible responsibility that they could do if they were really empathetic to your situation. They're ratio for action and non, is skewed so out of proportion that it seems like just words.

Not to say that when the situation calls for it that it isn't appreciated. Like someone else said, regardless of your religion human thought is an extremely powerful thing. I appreciate when it's actually done.
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To me, prayer is just you cliffnoting yourself on what you feel and think. Basically just repeating and talking to yourself. Nothing more, nothing less. To think that your thoughts go somewhere else is insane to me. But at this point in human history, its not a thing that can be said outloud from a mountain top without any backlash so its just best to let it be even though I stand by my views. Cons outweigh the pros on being a douche and being angry at the world for being a certain way. It doesnt bother me day to day but if you wanted to instigate me, I think we can do better as human beings.

I personally feel that my words wont change anyones minds. Because sadly thinking critically is still strongly outnumbered in this day and age.
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So you do something to others that yourself doesnt like done to you?

I guess man

To clarify and put in context, I think that when most people say it, they're usually of an older generation or they're the type to be ultra christian. Both of which use the term so often that the meaning and weight is lost. Additionally, when defaulted to the "praying for you" response it circumvents the personal tangible responsibility that they could do if they were really empathetic to your situation. They're ratio for action and non, is skewed so out of proportion that it seems like just words.

Not to say that when the situation calls for it that it isn't appreciated. Like someone else said, regardless of your religion human thought is an extremely powerful thing. I appreciate when it's actually done.

I get the condescending tone that older religious folks can put into the saying..like Wr mentioned, its more of a negative response than one to actually help another...or folks in general who put on a front they dont mean

Whether they're circumventing the responsibility by just saying it to say it, its on them..It doesnt sway me one way or another...I appreciate the gesture, if they never meant it, it doesnt have any bearing on me to carry..they live with that not me

Doesnt make it ok, doesnt make it wrong for people to feel agitated feeling people arent being real with them, because you're right..it comes off as just words

Just for me personally, it doesnt bother me
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