"I'll pray for you"

Interesting to see this thread on nt. I'm curious to see people's outlook on certain things.

This is basically the equivalent of saying "I hope things work out for you."

America's stance on religion is weird to me, because this country's true God is money. In the courts, everyone must place their hand on a bible... What if someone's defense is "well your honor, I prayed about those parking tickets and the Lord told me not to worry about it and keep driving." will the judge honor the slogan "In God we trust"?
Whether they actually pray or don't, they both don't do anything to actually remedy the situation :lol:

If anything, I see it as a kind gesture.
Gullible fools who have their sympathies and/or pity directed in the wrong place.
There's some type of "higher power" out there. I don't exactly know the details, and I'm not sure that any one knows exactly, but I'm confident that something exists. It may not work how or when we want/expect it to, but we are all under the power.
I say that to grown *** bums begging me for a quarter while wearing recent Js
stop lying ***** this doesn't happen
Oh yee of little faith.

Maybe it's not that you think others won't pray for you when they say they will, maybe it's you who feels like your not worthy to receive them.
I've had it said to me when I disagree with someone's opinion. Especially so called bible thumpers.
Oh yee of little faith.

Maybe it's not that you think others won't pray for you when they say they will, maybe it's you who feels like your not worthy to receive them.

i don't want prayers from disingenuous people so I guess it works itself out.

I wouldn't necessarily feel honored with prayers from Jeffrey Dahmer.

I'd probably take it as him saying grace before dinner. Doesn't really bode to well for me...
if that all makes sense to you
Oh yee of little faith.

Maybe it's not that you think others won't pray for you when they say they will, maybe it's you who feels like your not worthy to receive them.

Cute play with words and poems dont do anything for me. I dont stop thinking after a play with words. Even if it makes me smile. You might think somethings are mind blowing, but for other people they might have dismissed that type of logic already. Everyone is on a different page. I dont play with maybes, unless theres facts. No point to dissect mini arguments (why I dont like prayer) when you dont believe in the thing as a whole is nonsense (prayer as a whole (basically meditation lol)).

I know you werent talking to me directly, but i just started writing and didnt stop lol
Usually when someone says "I'll pray for you" they're talking down or insulting you.

That's my experience at least.

When someone tells me they'll pray for me I know not to speak to that person ever again cause usually they just made some sort of misguided judgement about me.
I just pray for the person right on the spot. The way I see it if there's a problem would you leave it for later or would you fix right then and there?
I hate religious people and the people that say "I'll pray for you" are those mad religious people that are no different from the Pharisees in the times Jesus walked on earth.
I literally hate when people find God when they F up or preach God on me; you can be religious but keep me out of all that non sense
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