"I'll pray for you"

^There is also the possibility that whatever god may be, the concept of right and wrong may not exist at that grand scale. They could just be expressions of logic.
stop lying ***** this doesn't happen :lol:

I swear people do too much, maybe that dude wasnt homeless maybe he just needed a quarter. I have has strangers who were not bums come up and ask me for money.
I never met a bomb with brand kicks even fake bums would be smart enough to change into old kicks
Interesting to see this thread on nt. I'm curious to see people's outlook on certain things.

This is basically the equivalent of saying "I hope things work out for you."

America's stance on religion is weird to me, because this country's true God is money. In the courts, everyone must place their hand on a bible... What if someone's defense is "well your honor, I prayed about those parking tickets and the Lord told me not to worry about it and keep driving." will the judge honor the slogan "In God we trust"?

"He told you not to worry,he didnt tell you not pay for them"

You say the dumbest things yet try to sound so smart :lol:
On a semi related note I used to be an admin assistant in the accounting department of this large construction company. Our elevator wasnt working as it was a new building(ironically). But since I was the only male and the other chick who would actually do work was pregnant.

I had to walk up and down 8 flights of stairs daily when we were getting audited by PWHC to get old documents from 10 years prior in a massive archive just for the accountants to look at it for one second and hand it back to me.

What killed me was this old dude would thank god when i brought him the file.

God? Yo, thank my black ***. Sorry for the rant.
On a semi related note I used to be an admin assistant in the accounting department of this large construction company. Our elevator wasnt working as it was a new building(ironically). But since I was the only male and the other chick who would actually do work was pregnant.

I had to walk up and down 8 flights of stairs daily when we were getting audited by PWHC to get old documents from 10 years prior in a massive archive just for the accountants to look at it for one second and hand it back to me.

What killed me was this old dude would thank god when i brought him the file.

God? Yo, thank my black ***. Sorry for the rant.

so he really didnt verbally thank you?
Nope, I just dont see how anyone besides myself could have made me get the documents.

Old religious folks stay blowing me.
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