Illegal Alien Driver Hits 4 Teens, Treats Them Like 'Debris'

Originally Posted by TacC4

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

I'll go ahead and predict how this thread will go:

Side A:

Why does it matter if he's illegal? He's a human like you. We're all illegals if you think about it. Illegal immigrants provide so much to our economy. Besides, they only take the jobs lazy Americans don't want. Do you want to pick strawberries?

Side B:

There are too many illegal immigrants here, that's why! Send them all back to Mexico, they don't speak English and they are causing us too much trouble.

If you don't mind the rest of us opening this thread back up, we'd like to point out that "Side C" is actually the most logical perspective to take:
Illegal immigrants have more to lose from any run-in with the law. The driver's status as an illegal immigrant is almost certainly what caused him to drive off. Do legal citizens take part in hit-and-run accidents every day? Absolutely. But most of them do it because they are afraid of getting in trouble, the rest of them probably just panic. OP's point, whether it was trolling or not, was that illegal immigrants will get in more trouble (losing your livelihood sounds pretty bad) than the average citizen. Its not the greatest anti-illegal immigration argument, but its a valid point and its going to resonate with a lot of white America.

KING OF ERV wrote:
RicanChulo wrote:
ooIRON MANoo wrote:
Really? These articles would disagree with you.

so next think before you post/speak

Thank you for making my point. The first story you linked to involved a 17 year old driving a stolen car and the second story involved a 16 year old driver. One's status as an illegal immigrant does not necessarily make them more or less likely to be involved in a hit-and-run incident. But it does give them an additional incentive to flee any scene where law enforcement officials will be involved. That's the only point that needs to be made here. It has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with the psychology of being on the wrong side of a crime.

SIRIUS LEE HANDSOM touched on a great point. Why do some of you find it necessary for all Hispanics to defend illegal immigration? I love the "stop snitching" mentality. Makes it much easier to blame your problems on the government.

ooIRON MANoo wrote:
Another thread where NT'ers get to justify their closet racism.
Replace the term"illegal alien" with any other legal demographic and the statement makes you a racist.

I understand being upset about this thread and general statements about illegal immigrants, but you have long since departed from making logical arguments. One's status as an illegal immigrant has nothing to do with race. Illegal immigrants can come from any country in the world, and belong to any race. You're the one who has already replaced "illegal immigrant" with "Mexican." If anyone is guilty of stereotyping here, its probably you.
moneyisthemotive wrote:
RicanChulo wrote:
SMH. I hope that arizona law spreads to all states. Lets get rid of all these parasites.

considering the Arizona law is nothing more than a re-statement of the federal law, you already got your wish ... the only thing Arizona is doing is calling the government out for not enforcing it

Looks like someone actually read SB 1070. That makes 2 of us...

SuperAntigen wrote:
There are numerous cases of hit-and-runs everyday; I suspect that an overwhelming majority of these are committed by legal naturalized U.S citizens, and yet I don't see any threads popping up about these. 

So what does that say? That as a community (NT) within a larger community (the U.S), we turn a blind eye to those crimes committed by "legal" aliens and harp on those committed by "illegal" aliens? I mean, that's exactly what this thread is about right? We're playing favoritism--right? 

"Heather Locklier and a host of other people recently committed hit-and-runs...but they're all naturalized citizens so let's not demonize them. Let's instead focus on the one hit-and-run that just so happens to involve a stupid "illegal", making sure to use this particular incident to demonstrate just how vile, despicable, and dangerous ALL of these "illegal" aliens are."

In general, I agree with what you're saying. To be fair though, the overwhelming majority of drivers are legal citizens. That's just a matter of percentages. The reason nobody cares about Heather Locklear is because we already know blondes are dumb; there's no reason to start a new thread. For that matter, I'm on the record as saying most Americans are terrible drivers, regardless of hair color. So the distinction between the "ordinary" hit-and-run and this incident is that the status of illegal immigrants is still up for debate and this adds fuel to the fire, whether its reasonable or not.
REDUCE523 wrote:
RicanChulo wrote:
Sorry i hurt so many Its goin to be a wrap for illegals in the next few years look at the polls Americans have had enough. Stories like the 1 i posted is just fuel on the fire.
So yall just stay salty real change is comming "change we can believe in"
Paz i buenas noches.

Its funny you say that because in about 20 years we will be the majority not the minority. No matter what you do like it or not these people are not leaving. So get used to it. Its funny you think there is a wall high enough or enough cops to stop the flow if you put every single border patrol and every single military personnel at the border people will find a way. So laugh you ignorant +!%+ because one day you will be the minority and we will be deciding what to do with you. 

This type of ignorant and hate-fueled mentality is what makes most Americans opposed to illegal immigration. Just think about what you're saying. In about 20 years, Mexicans are going to come into the United States and take over and begin telling Americans to jump. I can't think of anything that would make Americans more willing to support legislation like SB 1070. Way to scuttle your own ship.

igotmineatross wrote:
OP your logic is misguided. what if thread read "African American driver hits 4 teens blah blah" then should we get rid of all AAs? Though some scumbags may be illegal, not all illegals are scumbags. think twice before u say something.

You are also misguided. What if the thread read "Software engineer hits 4 teens..."? Who cares. It doesn't read any of these hypothetical titles. It is what it is and there's no connection between being a software engineer and fleeing an accident. OP's post simply highlights the belief that there is a connection between being an illegal immigrant and fleeing an accident.
Does anyone know of a BBS where people discuss relevant issues and those arguing one either side aren't motivated strictly by race? I'd really love to have a logical debate about illegal immigration because there are valid points on both sides. But because I'm white and opposed to opening the border, I'm sure NT will label me a racist. When the US attempts to "liberate" Iraq, its racially motivated. When the US doesn't attempt to liberate Darfur, its racially motivated. I don't think I've ever been in another environment where its so difficult to explain your rationale.

you said all that and still said NOTHING.

NT is a bunch of closet racists. Period. Let me or iron man make a thread with an asian/flip being the hit and run suspect it would either be locked or deleted. The arizona law is targeting only one race not all illegals.  THATS FACT.  so go to hell with all this talk about them imposing a federal law thats already in place. Even their own hill billy %%% sheriff made a comment about seeing men in front of HOME DEPOT and for it to be reasonable that they were illegally the hell is that not against the law.  We might as well go racially profile asians at donut shops and flipinos at hospitals
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

What does dudes "status" have to do with anything?

He committed a heinous crime because he's a heinous individual--nothing more, nothing less.

There are numerous cases of hit-and-runs everyday; I suspect that an overwhelming majority of these are committed by legal naturalized U.S citizens, and yet I don't see any threads popping up about these.

So what does that say? That as a community (NT) within a larger community (the U.S), we turn a blind eye to those crimes committed by "legal" aliens and harp on those committed by "illegal" aliens? I mean, that's exactly what this thread is about right? We're playing favoritism--right?

"Heather Locklier and a host of other people recently committed hit-and-runs...but they're all naturalized citizens so let's not demonize them. Let's instead focus on the one hit-and-run that just so happens to involve a stupid "illegal", making sure to use this particular incident to demonstrate just how vile, despicable, and dangerous ALL of these "illegal" aliens are."

Y'all are too funny...

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

NT is a bunch of closet racists. Period. Let me or iron man make a thread with an asian/flip being the hit and run suspect it would either be locked or deleted. The arizona law is targeting only one race not all illegals.  THATS FACT.  so go to hell with all this talk about them imposing a federal law thats already in place. Even their own hill billy %%% sheriff made a comment about seeing men in front of HOME DEPOT and for it to be reasonable that they were illegally the hell is that not against the law.  We might as well go racially profile asians at donut shops and flipinos at hospitals
you have a poor understanding of reality.  i have to assume you have a horse in this race.

REDUCE523 wrote:
RicanChulo wrote:
Sorry i hurt so many Its goin to be a wrap for illegals in the next few years look at the polls Americans have had enough. Stories like the 1 i posted is just fuel on the fire.
So yall just stay salty real change is comming "change we can believe in"
Paz i buenas noches.

Its funny you say that because in about 20 years we will be the majority not the minority. No matter what you do like it or not these people are not leaving. So get used to it. Its funny you think there is a wall high enough or enough cops to stop the flow if you put every single border patrol and every single military personnel at the border people will find a way. So laugh you ignorant +!%+ because one day you will be the minority and we will be deciding what to do with you. 

This type of ignorant and hate-fueled mentality is what makes most Americans opposed to illegal immigration. Just think about what you're saying. In about 20 years, Mexicans are going to come into the United States and take over and begin telling Americans to jump. I can't think of anything that would make Americans more willing to support legislation like SB 1070. Way to scuttle your own ship.

When is there legal migration was it when the true full blooded Americans came and stole this country from the real native Americans?? See what you dont get is eventually someone else takes over. And for all of those that think that rich people dont want illegals here that is where you are wrong. They love the cheap labor the fact you dont pay taxes for there labor or pay for health care. Its the brainwashed middle class that think all of these illegals are making this country worse they take our jobs you want to pick grapes for 20 bucks a day go do it but you say nothing  while the government bails out banks so they can hand out billions in bonus financed by tax paying Americans. Whether you like it or not these people are going nowhere so good luck with that. And by the way I am an American so dont act like you speak for all Americans or most because come to Los Angeles and talk your #+$% and see how it goes.
Originally Posted by RicanChulo

SMH ^^your sig validates my previous post

Originally Posted by RicanChulo

You cant mention illegal without mexicans getting all butthurt. Chill with all the personal attacks on me and post your opinion on the topic

You validated  Iron Man's  post

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by RicanChulo

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

It ain't a stretch to think that due to dudes username, someone in his fam was illegal at some point.
Puerto Ricans been US citizens for close to 100 years.
Stick to the topic and stop posting %%@+ u know nothing about.

what? no....but really, the way you guys run rampant with the crime in nyc, they need to get puerto ricans outta here.

Where  are  the Mods

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by RicanChulo

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

It ain't a stretch to think that due to dudes username, someone in his fam was illegal at some point.
Puerto Ricans been US citizens for close to 100 years.
Stick to the topic and stop posting %%@+ u know nothing about.

what? no....but really, the way you guys run rampant with the crime in nyc, they need to get puerto ricans outta here.

Where  are  the Mods



My dude aint even try to be slick with his prejudice x ignorance; just straight up linked ALL P.R with "rampant crime" in NYC


Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by RicanChulo

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

It ain't a stretch to think that due to dudes username, someone in his fam was illegal at some point.
Puerto Ricans been US citizens for close to 100 years.
Stick to the topic and stop posting %%@+ u know nothing about.

what? no....but really, the way you guys run rampant with the crime in nyc, they need to get puerto ricans outta here.

Where  are  the Mods



My dude aint even try to be slick with his prejudice x ignorance; just straight up linked ALL P.R with "rampant crime" in NYC


don't think you are putting him on blast by trying to point out the obvious. he is obviously making the same link that not all humans who illegally entered the US are committing all the crimes. 
Originally Posted by REDUCE523

REDUCE523 wrote:
RicanChulo wrote:
Sorry i hurt so many Its goin to be a wrap for illegals in the next few years look at the polls Americans have had enough. Stories like the 1 i posted is just fuel on the fire.
So yall just stay salty real change is comming "change we can believe in"
Paz i buenas noches.

Its funny you say that because in about 20 years we will be the majority not the minority. No matter what you do like it or not these people are not leaving. So get used to it. Its funny you think there is a wall high enough or enough cops to stop the flow if you put every single border patrol and every single military personnel at the border people will find a way. So laugh you ignorant +!%+ because one day you will be the minority and we will be deciding what to do with you. 
And by the way I am an American so dont act like you speak for all Americans or most because come to Los Angeles and talk your #+$% and see how it goes.

a)I never said I was speaking for all Americans.
b)Los Angeles is not most of America.

c)The fact that some people in Los Angeles would like to kill me because of my views doesn't mean they represent the majority.

UnbornSeed wrote:
TacC4 wrote:

you said all that and still said NOTHING.

NT is a bunch of closet racists. Period. Let me or iron man make a thread with an asian/flip being the hit and run suspect it would either be locked or deleted. The arizona law is targeting only one race not all illegals.  THATS FACT.  so go to hell with all this talk about them imposing a federal law thats already in place. Even their own hill billy %%% sheriff made a comment about seeing men in front of HOME DEPOT and for it to be reasonable that they were illegally the hell is that not against the law.  We might as well go racially profile asians at donut shops and flipinos at hospitals

You say that SB 1070 is about racial profiling. And then turn around an call a sheriff a "hill billy %%%."
Somebody remind me, who's doing the profiling again?
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

you said all that and still said NOTHING.

NT is a bunch of closet racists. Period. Let me or iron man make a thread with an asian/flip being the hit and run suspect it would either be locked or deleted. The arizona law is targeting only one race not all illegals.  THATS FACT.  so go to hell with all this talk about them imposing a federal law thats already in place. Even their own hill billy %%% sheriff made a comment about seeing men in front of HOME DEPOT and for it to be reasonable that they were illegally the hell is that not against the law.  We might as well go racially profile asians at donut shops and flipinos at hospitals
Just like that mental ****** Iron Man, you're way too irrational to discuss the concept of illegal immigration and its negative impacts on our society in an intelligent and mature manner. You predictably resort to using "race" as a crutch by seeking sympathy for one group and making them the appear like the sole victims while wielding stereotypes about other groups of people. You're really no better than the average bigot.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

you said all that and still said NOTHING.

NT is a bunch of closet racists. Period. Let me or iron man make a thread with an asian/flip being the hit and run suspect it would either be locked or deleted. The arizona law is targeting only one race not all illegals.  THATS FACT.  so go to hell with all this talk about them imposing a federal law thats already in place. Even their own hill billy %%% sheriff made a comment about seeing men in front of HOME DEPOT and for it to be reasonable that they were illegally the hell is that not against the law.  We might as well go racially profile asians at donut shops and flipinos at hospitals
Just like that mental ****** Iron Man, you're way too irrational to discuss the concept of illegal immigration and its negative impacts on our society in an intelligent and mature manner. You predictably resort to using "race" as a crutch by seeking sympathy for one group and making them the appear like the sole victims while wielding stereotypes about other groups of people. You're really no better than the average bigot.
what qualifications do you hold? you mental giant! how many degrees in sociology (the study of society, since that is what we're discussing) do you hold? how many articles and books have you read on the topic, to have any credible saying in this matter? how many paper and lectures have you heard, to have any true saying?

SMH @ you NT
Originally Posted by I AM NAS

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

you said all that and still said NOTHING.

NT is a bunch of closet racists. Period. Let me or iron man make a thread with an asian/flip being the hit and run suspect it would either be locked or deleted. The arizona law is targeting only one race not all illegals.  THATS FACT.  so go to hell with all this talk about them imposing a federal law thats already in place. Even their own hill billy %%% sheriff made a comment about seeing men in front of HOME DEPOT and for it to be reasonable that they were illegally the hell is that not against the law.  We might as well go racially profile asians at donut shops and flipinos at hospitals
Just like that mental ****** Iron Man, you're way too irrational to discuss the concept of illegal immigration and its negative impacts on our society in an intelligent and mature manner. You predictably resort to using "race" as a crutch by seeking sympathy for one group and making them the appear like the sole victims while wielding stereotypes about other groups of people. You're really no better than the average bigot.
what qualifications do you hold? you mental giant! how many degrees in sociology (the study of society, since that is what we're discussing) do you hold? how many articles and books have you read on the topic, to have any credible saying in this matter? how many paper and lectures have you heard, to have any true saying?

SMH @ you NT
This is NT, not some educational forum.

However, If you can't present your opinion in an intelligent and mature manner, why bother?

People in this thread have been passing biased arguments as fact and using diversionary tactics to get their point across.

If you don't have enough knowledge on a subject to properly defend your position, then don't say anything at all. By speaking on this topic about 90% of the people in this thread have shown that they either have no idea what they are talking about or are of below average intelligence.
Originally Posted by RicanChulo

Originally Posted by kdawg

Yeah, I'm not sure that his being illegal has anything to do with it - but that is a terrible thing to do.
The fact that he is illegal has everything to do with it he shouldnt be in this country to commit these crimes


you win big dummy on niketalk of the year award...

let me guess by ur sn ur puerto rican right>??

how sad boy.... you do realize if you live in arizona they would prolly mistaken you for mexican right??? lol

gotta love one group of minority's superior complex over another.

or maybe you just had a bad day and werent completely thinking right?

tell me why didnt u ever post all of the terrible crime that legal people in america have done???

for every incident involving illegal immigrants there are probably 20 other incidents involving legal american citizens.

but yea lets not post those...

Originally Posted by Iron Mike

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by RicanChulo

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

It ain't a stretch to think that due to dudes username, someone in his fam was illegal at some point.
Puerto Ricans been US citizens for close to 100 years.
Stick to the topic and stop posting %%@+ u know nothing about.

what? no....but really, the way you guys run rampant with the crime in nyc, they need to get puerto ricans outta here.

Where  are  the Mods



My dude aint even try to be slick with his prejudice x ignorance; just straight up linked ALL P.R with "rampant crime" in NYC


don't think you are putting him on blast by trying to point out the obvious. he is obviously making the same link that not all humans who illegally entered the US are committing all the crimes. 

yup and even if it wasnt on purpose puerto rican dude seriously has issues...

wasnt there some dumb +@* on here who tried to use one crime to show his hate for illegal immigrants last time?? !!%+ is getting old. where was this guy to report my neighbor getting run over and killed by a drunk old legal dude last week?? seriously where do these ignorant kids come from?
Originally Posted by RicanChulo

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

It ain't a stretch to think that due to dudes username, someone in his fam was illegal at some point.
Puerto Ricans been US citizens for close to 100 years.
Stick to the topic and stop posting %%@+ u know nothing about.
pot meet kettle

you are 23 talking like a 13 year old

Originally Posted by RicanChulo

Originally Posted by kdawg

Yeah, I'm not sure that his being illegal has anything to do with it - but that is a terrible thing to do.
The fact that he is illegal has everything to do with it he shouldnt be in this country to commit these crimes

its pretty much legal in CA anyways.  a cop can pull you over whenever they want just to ask for ID.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


Another thread where NT'ers get to justify their closet racism.

So what do we do with the legal citizens that commit heinous crimes?

Should their citizenship be stripped and should they be sent back to where their ancestors came from?


UnbornSeed wrote:
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

What does dudes "status" have to do with anything?

He committed a heinous crime because he's a heinous individual--nothing more, nothing less.

There are numerous cases of hit-and-runs everyday; I suspect that an overwhelming majority of these are committed by legal naturalized U.S citizens, and yet I don't see any threads popping up about these.

So what does that say? That as a community (NT) within a larger community (the U.S), we turn a blind eye to those crimes committed by "legal" aliens and harp on those committed by "illegal" aliens? I mean, that's exactly what this thread is about right? We're playing favoritism--right?

"Heather Locklier and a host of other people recently committed hit-and-runs...but they're all naturalized citizens so let's not demonize them. Let's instead focus on the one hit-and-run that just so happens to involve a stupid "illegal", making sure to use this particular incident to demonstrate just how vile, despicable, and dangerous ALL of these "illegal" aliens are."

Y'all are too funny...

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by the north west

this should be good


like crunk alluded to, why is it important if he's illegal?  dude is a scum whether legal or not.  there are plenty of hardworking illegal immigrants that contribute to our society and dont cause no trouble.

i'm not gonna even bother answering this ? but i will ... like many others stated ... there is a pretty good chance his status contributed to running part ... (and yes i know illegal immigrants aren't the only ones capable of hitting and running)
If you break the law, you break the law ... if you're here illegally stay under the radar and follow the rules ... you shouldn't be driving ... you shouldn't be breaking the law, yes the person is scum but its part of a bigger problem ... people will argue well they're not all like that but there are enough that DO cause trouble AND don't contribute to our society. That is enough for me to say we gotta do a better job ... i personally have no problem w/ the arizona law ... it could use some tweaking but its a step in the right direction. 

yeh people are coming over here trying to make their lives better, but what is the problem with going about it the right way and becoming legal ... is that too much to ask?
Originally Posted by ago225

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

illegals are always in the all or nothing state
they have nothing to lose and will do crazy things

Nothing to lose are you kidding me? they dont come here just to come here to kick it and chill. They come to improve their lives, to have a better future. Have you seen the countries where they come from? its crap. gov sucks, hard to get an education because of the poorness and many have to quit their academic career to support their families. NOT ALL ILLEGALS ARE FROM MEXICO. this ahole was from Guatemala. 
TheBachellor wrote: how stupid are you? "how does his immigration status matter"? if he wasnt here, it wouldnt have happened. thats why it matters.
WHAT??? thats your typical response to crap like this. its always blamed on the victim and that it. Why no look further into detail. im pretty sure the law is to operate a vehicle with a license right. and its also law to have some sort of id thats actually legit to purchase a vehicle, not some bs home made card. Why is it that this guy has a vehicle without having either of these things. thats something where its messed up locally. Furthermore if the article wouldnt of mention the guys legal status, you guys wouldnt even trip. all you would have said is "omg, what is wrong with people these days" and continue with your lives.

Originally Posted by Kobefan23

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


Another thread where NT'ers get to justify their closet racism.

So what do we do with the legal citizens that commit heinous crimes?

Should their citizenship be stripped and should they be sent back to where their ancestors came from?
This is a terrible post.
Because you can't logically answer the questions.

Just because one "illegal alien" did this, now all of them are guilty.  Replace the term"illegal alien" with any other legal demographic and the statement makes you a racist.

So it is ok to judge, generalize and stereotype a group of people because they are "illegal"?

Oh yeah, I also forgot that every "illegal" is Mexican
What the heck are you talking about? You're logic is so faulty it's mind-blowing.

1) This ONE crime would not have taken place if this man was not illegally in this country. FACT. Since some people in this thread can't wrap their mind around this, this does NOT imply that only illegals commit hit&runs. It is saying that this individual crime could have been avoided had this guy not been here illegally.

2) It is plausible (although not guaranteed) that the driver's actions after hitting the girls were partially in fear of being caught&deported. Again, this does not mean legal citizens don't frequently do the same thing. But this is an additional "incentive" that SOME illegal immigrants might have when committing a crime.

3) Although you seem to not be able to accept it, there is a CLEAR difference between legal citizens and illegal aliens.We send legal citizens that commit heinous crimes to jail. No, their citizenship should not be taken away. We don't take citizenship away for crimes. Illegal aliens never had citizenship in the first place.

4) Comparing the term illegal aliens to any other race. That makes sense. Because a person's race and whether a person broke the laws of a country by even being there are extremely similar.

Thank you for this. Dudes saying they have "superior" logic when there is nothing sound about it at all.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


Another thread where NT'ers get to justify their closet racism.

So what do we do with the legal citizens that commit heinous crimes?

Should their citizenship be stripped and should they be sent back to where their ancestors came from?

I know. #*!* makes absolutely no sense. The DC snipers were killing people for no reason. Let's put all black's on death row so something like that never happens again! 
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