I'm 18 and I Just Ma 1st Whip Vol. Who Tryna See Me In Tha STREETS, Though?


My first car when i was 16 was a 1992 Ford Tempo. I paid $900 for it. The thing had the automatic seatbelts that ran on the track when you open and closed the door :smokin

The Tempo son :rofl:

I remember one time I got pulled over with the Tempo packed full of dudes... we just came back from playing ball. Driving back to around the way we get pulled over and the cop started being a power trip and wanted me to apologize for something that had no warrant. I refused to and he said fine I'm just going to give you a seat belt ticketl... I had the biggest grin on my face and he got tight about it.

Asked what I was smiling and thought was so funny because he's about to write me a ticket and I just told him go ahead... I'll see him in court and he says oh yeah why is that I said because the seat belts are automatic... and some dudes that were with me started laughing but trying to hold it in. His fellow officers said I was being a smart ***, and then he said if I don't apologize he's going to write up a bunch of tickets. I was tight as hell, but I swallowed my pride and took the L. He straight sexually molested me when he was searching me though bro... no lie he was grabbing and pulling and all that |I one of the worst experiences of my life.

I always hoped and wished he would die slow or died in 9/11 and his family would suffer for what he did to me, but I never saw him back after that incident.


I always hoped and wished he would die slow or died in 9/11 and his family would suffer for what he did to me, but I never saw him back after that incident.


Read my whole post and you'll see why I felt that way towards that DT.

When I meant grabbing and pulling I wasn't talking about articles of clothing the dude was squeezing my scrotom and I had on basketball shorts and when he was searching me he put his hands down my shorts and was grabbing and tugging on my ****.

He had no reason or right to do what he did that sick bastard... if it would have happened to you you would feel the same way or different I don't know things vary from person to person.
Congrats op! I know the feeling of getting your first car. My first car was an 87 Chevy Nova.

It looked just like this.

I loved that car to death! I tinted the windows and had 3 bass tubes in the back. This was back in 95. Yes I'm old.
How many miles on it OP? Looks like the owner took good care of it.
Oh my bad that isn't my photo. But it's the same one and color.

The only problem with mine is the headlights are kinda foggy and there is a damage on the left side of the hood.

Other than that its fine.
Hold up, It's not your pic? :stoneface: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :smh:

Everyone's congratulating you because of the car in the pic, Post a pic of yours bruh. :lol:
Hold up, It's not your pic?

Everyone's congratulating you because of the car in the pic, Post a pic of yours bruh.
Oh well i mean its the same exact car..... but i guess. here it is:

bad angle but its the only pic i got on my phone.
Read my whole post and you'll see why I felt that way towards that DT.
When I meant grabbing and pulling I wasn't talking about articles of clothing the dude was squeezing my scrotom and I had on basketball shorts and when he was searching me he put his hands down my shorts and was grabbing and tugging on my ****.
He had no reason or right to do what he did that sick bastard... if it would have happened to you you would feel the same way or different I don't know things vary from person to person.

Naw I did read all of it. My concern is why have ill will towards his fam? My beef would just be w him. But everyone handles scenarios differently. You seriously puttin in work i see :lol:
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Am I the only one who think he got ripped off with that deal? I guess so
Congrats OP

My first car was a 87 Mote Carlo SS, 454 Stroker with a rocket shift kit. My heart wrenched the first time I stepped on the throttle, That rear ends twisted something mean. All I could see was smoke in my rear view, That was my favorite car I ever owned, until I blew it up. 

This is my actual Vid from my youtube account. MAn I miss this car.

Congrats OP enjoy it. I remember when I had my Impala the amount of yambs I was getting sky rocketed cause now I was mobile. My best advice would be take care of all your maintenance first and don't spend stupid money on hooking it up cause chances are you're gonna knock into a few things with it.
I have a Nissan Altima or Maxima (not sure which one) sitting outside that I got basically for free, It's been there for about 1 or 2 years, I already lost the keys to it. Don't want it and don't need it. The car stays open, Not sure but I think it has the title's in there, Someone could come and steal the car if they wanted to. I don't give a ****. :lol: :rofl:

:lol: I have a 98 Ford Contour parked in front of my building for a few weeks now. Someone broke in and I just left it like that, open window and everything. Mad parking tickets. Just to lazy to try and sell it now, I think the title is in the trunk or something
Haha. Good stuff.

My first car was one of those half egg shell Toyota vans (insane GOOD times)

I only had it for four months until my friend wrecked it.

Still, :smokin , OP
I will be joining this club later sometime this year.

It took me so long to find a decent job. I should of got one sooner with my first job but was stubborn and content with the bus.
Congrats. :pimp:
Good deal, They probably got tired of it. :lol:
I have a Nissan Altima or Maxima (not sure which one) sitting outside that I got basically for free, It's been there for about 1 or 2 years, I already lost the keys to it. Don't want it and don't need it. The car stays open, Not sure but I think it has the title's in there, Someone could come and steal the car if they wanted to. I don't give a ****. :lol: :rofl:

What street you stay on?? I'll ride past and tow that ****.
Naw I did read all of it. My concern is why have ill will towards his fam? My beef would just be w him. But everyone handles scenarios differently. You seriously puttin in work i see :lol:
Im with original dude this is why i can't stand cops.

This power trip, ego nonsense never ends.

then they want to take it as a chance to invade your personal space, search you and touch you inappropriately, and continue to talk **** in the process.
This thread is lowkey comedy. First the Supreme trade deal, then not posting an original photo in the first post...:lol:
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