I'M PISSED!! Vol. Horrible Flight Stories

Audi is a good dude, he been through a lot so cut him some slack.
Audi is always gucci fam, don't let it seem otherwise. Just calling it like i see it. But i'll let it be and let him keep ******* on ya'll.
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Thread had potential with the title but OP just has to hate old people and ruin it for everybody

Fly Southwest its that simple :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: No airline can compare when flying within the states

Jet Blue's new first class looks pretty amazing
how dare they make you sit next to a person whos dying. how unfortunate for you.
I know, right?

OP should have shown her some of his youtube vids and sent her to the grave sooner.
I don't even jig with the FOUSEY hate train but bruh im crine
Bro how you gonna ask another man to get under the guillotine for you :rofl:

I woulda done it for an IG shoutout tho :nerd:
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