I'M PISSED!! Vol. Horrible Flight Stories

:rofl: @ Angry Audi

Doesn't take much to set dude off these days :lol:

Dude literally lying in his bed thinking the world is out to get him for some reason. It's like son just has this weird expectation and sense of entitlement that everyone needs to have the same pov he does. The moment you don't its Angry audi and "they". I'm on the verge of just blocking dude, it's to the point he's not even posting anything, just that whiny ******** over and over.

Now that I think about it, Fousey, Audi, etc, these dudes must be depressed man. The slightest thing sends them careening.
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:rofl: @ Angry Audi

Doesn't take much to set dude off these days :lol:

Dude literally lying in his bed thinking the world is out to get him for some reason. It's like son just has this weird expectation and sense of entitlement that everyone needs to have the same pov he does. The moment you don't its Angry audi and "they". I'm on the verge of just blocking dude, it's to the point he's not even posting anything, just that whiny ******** over and over.

Now that I think about it, Fousey, Audi, etc, these dudes must be depressed man. The slightest thing sends them careening.

Man, it's crazy.... :lol:

AA could say it's 72 and sunny out...another NTer could say, "I just checked my weather app on my phone and it's 71," and you know it's on after that.

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I am African American and was on a flight last year sitting in the back of a United airlines plane isle seat.

I get seated and two Caucasian males sit next to me all they say is those are our seats I jump up and they get settled in.

One of the males in the middle seat asks me "could you move to the empty seat across so we can have the row to ourselves." :smh:

I reply, "Um, if the seat isn't filled I will move" :rolleyes

A minute later this dude asked the flight attendant if I could move to the seat across :smh:

The flight attendant said "If he wants to move to the seat across that's fine" I didn't say anything just sat there like :smh:

Subsequently the seat across is filled and I'm stuck sitting next to these nice guys. :x

Please tell me you are playing.

White privilege does exist but you can't just let it slap n spit at you like this fam! :smh:
:rofl: @ Angry Audi

Doesn't take much to set dude off these days :lol:

Dude literally lying in his bed thinking the world is out to get him for some reason. It's like son just has this weird expectation and sense of entitlement that everyone needs to have the same pov he does. The moment you don't its Angry audi and "they". I'm on the verge of just blocking dude, it's to the point he's not even posting anything, just that whiny ******** over and over.

Now that I think about it, Fousey, Audi, etc, these dudes must be depressed man. The slightest thing sends them careening.

Man, it's crazy.... :lol:

AA could say it's 72 and sunny out...another NTer could say, "I just checked my weather app on my phone and it's 71," and you know it's on after that.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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I am African American and was on a flight last year sitting in the back of a United airlines plane isle seat.

I get seated and two Caucasian males sit next to me all they say is those are our seats I jump up and they get settled in.

One of the males in the middle seat asks me "could you move to the empty seat across so we can have the row to ourselves." :smh:

I reply, "Um, if the seat isn't filled I will move" :rolleyes

A minute later this dude asked the flight attendant if I could move to the seat across :smh:

The flight attendant said "If he wants to move to the seat across that's fine" I didn't say anything just sat there like :smh:

Subsequently the seat across is filled and I'm stuck sitting next to these nice guys. :x

Please tell me you are playing.

White privilege does exist but you can't just let it slap n spit at you like this fam! :smh:

I'm not one to act a fool, especially on an airplane post 9/11.
Lol at the response OP got from ol' boy, though.

Should of hit him with a "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?"
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I feel like these days Audi gets slandered in 7/10 threads I read in General.  Dunno why, but I find it hilarious. 

Cut my mans some slack--buddy went through some thangs that changed his online demeanor.  He'll be back.....
when that fousey account first popped up, i figured it was a troll account. as time went on and posts in the fitness thread, i thought maybe it was him. after those comments about average lifestyle and average salary, i don't think it's him. i don't remember him ever being condescending like that. emotional? yes. demeaning? nah.
You do realize you're the one who accepted being next to someone who was sick right? Simply because you were too frail to sit in an open seat on a plane and instead asked a random pedestrian for his permission and got sonned. :lol:

You soft as hell.

Son terry cloth soft.
I'm actually a nice guy and joke a lot, i talk to a few people from NT on a personal level also

i voice my opinion against what other people believe like NT denim so that makes me bad guy

I'm the black sheep here, i get it

i think people just misunderstand guys like myself and fousey fousey

I'm about positive energy and wish the best for NT
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This the same guy that cried when he got pulled over for driving with a suspended driver's license and no vehicle insurance?
I don't care how much money you have or how many people know who you are. The only factor that matters to me is people's character.

A "bad" flight is sitting next to someone coughing because you have to go to a photo shoot? Pull that skirt down B. You sound entitled as ****. Ol' life revolves around me lookin' boy. Sit your *** down and count your blessings, because apparently you're doing so much better and live a better lifestyle than the members of this board as you so often reminded people. Cornball.
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I'm actually a nice guy and joke a lot, i talk to a few people from NT on a personal level also

i voice my opinion against what other people believe like NT denim so that makes me bad guy

I'm the black sheep here, i get it

i think people just misunderstand guys like myself and fousey fousey

I'm about positive energy and wish the best for NT

We know this, but I don't think you realize you're not doing any of that lately. Everyone posts opinions, it's a message board, that's the point. Not everyone flips out and gets in their feels after one comment, talking bout all of nt is lame and you somehow got "haters" and "theys" now. That's not positive energy, nor funny no matter how much you try to delude yourself. And that just comes from a place of realness, though I shouldn't care. Your time away from the world is a great time for real growth, to build your nirvana, self awareness, and self actualization, not this fake ****.

I think part of me is disappointed because I was legit happy to see the nt fam recover, just like I am with fousey. But dudes just end up embracing the worst. I guess I can see the old man leaving nt progression now.
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God forbid someones death inconveniences you.

This is the same lame that was talking about suicide for views?
Ima need ya to lay off the homie Audi.
The homie been through some rough **** that a lot of us can't relate to.
He was always a positive dude and never looked for no problems.
Ima let scumbag Audi slide...he's earned that much from NT.
I enjoyed some of Fouseys YouTube stunts. Yea it doesn't have the same effect on you if you know it's staged but it's entertainment regardless. He's doing something right, I'm pretty sure most on NT would like to make YouTube vids for a nice paycheck rather than their normal jobs.

But coming on here talking down on people and getting so easily rustled by the salt, that's lame. Do less Fousey.
Ima need ya to lay off the homie Audi.
The homie been through some rough **** that a lot of us can't relate to.
He was always a positive dude and never looked for no problems.
Ima let scumbag Audi slide...he's earned that much from NT.


We know this, but I don't think you realize you're not doing any of that lately


Audi is firme in my book.
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Audis Gucci..

It's the airlines job to keep everyone safe. OP should of let flt attendant know that there's an ILL passenger. Airlines would of escorted ILL passenger out for later flight.
Fousey you went about asking to move his seat in the wrong manner. That's the issue here. Ask a flight attendant - they are there to help more than just give out headphones. Corny to have to bring up your status and wealth as a defensive mechanism tho :rolleyes .
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