I'm TIRED of this Stupid %$##...

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

I'm an A-hole so it's only fitting that I be with a like minded individual
I'm trying a different approach this time, so we'll see what happens.

Naw, but for serious, tho, it's a mentality more prevalent amongst younger or immature females who don't necessarily know what they want and are content with being some dude's B. They often have low self esteem and self worth and have an unrealistic, romanticized perception of what it means to be with someone who has power or affluence within his respective community/circle/social alliance. It's very appealing to them because it brings them a sense of importance and they are more than willing to sacrifice and compromise their own integrity and overall well being. More mature women think logically and realistically and are more concerned with stability, consistency, and are less apt to tolerate the !%*!!%+! that comes with said individuals.

I been telling my siblings that for the longest time..and they never listen..they just put em into one big generalization.
Your friend knows she's being stupid pursuing a douche bag. Deep down they all know.
Ay, I digs wut ur sayin'. To be honest, that's why I've never been that dude. I've always beenlevel-headed and looked at things differently than a lot of dudes. I mean, I wuz always fresh in school or wutever, but I wuzn't into the wrong things. Ialways worked for wut I had and didn't always show up and show out at this party or that party. So I wuz usually considered as "Tino". That'sall. Not to toot my own horn, I wuz popular but I couldn't always get the girl cuz I didn't have a bad rep.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by harlem

the same reason dudes are shallow.
human nature.

' Thank you...I'm tired of all you herbs on here bashing females when yall turn around and act the same damn way.
It's not females...it's people in general.

Anyways..you need to stop looking in the wrong places and find a girl with a personality
Now I KNOW both of ya'll seen where I said "not all" in my original post. I KNOW ya'llsaw it.

I only singled out females, because that's who I'm talkin bout at the moment. I'm aware that it ain'tjust women. My friend happens to BE female, so....
Girls wanna chase. Theyl'l chase the good guy down after the a-hole did her dirty. She may go back and let him hit it depending on how your laying it.Honestly, the a-hole is pulling her hair n all that, while the good guy is being a puppet in bed. Real men need loyal women though, it's like finding agood friend in a way. Now days it's hard for relationships to reach that point cause we have people like you who are putting women on pedalstals.
You gotta realize chicks that like the whole 'thug dude' thing aint gon change

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

I been telling my siblings that for the longest time..and they never listen..they just put em into one big generalization.

Sometimes it takes something bad to happen before they wake up and see things for what they really are
my guess is she has low self esteem. probably may not want to admit it or even isnt aware of it, but deep deep down inside thats why shes attracted to thisdouche . be a friend and help her raise that, from there she'll open her eyes up..that or shes going to get hurt real bad before it hits her.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by harlem

the same reason dudes are shallow.
human nature.

' Thank you...I'm tired of all you herbs on here bashing females when yall turn around and act the same damn way.
It's not females...it's people in general.

Anyways..you need to stop looking in the wrong places and find a girl with a personality
Exactly. Its people in general.
Don't worry, once the females you are dating have to file tax returns, their priorities change and what they look for in men change.

Wait till the females you are trying to attract are out of college or like 25+...................

Untill then.......you're on your own.
i think Girls go for ##%ho@#+ for the challenge to prove to themselves that they are top notch and can change any dude to be theirs. ***##@#+ don't careabout these girls, girls chase 'em in hopes to make these said ##%ho@#+ to care cuz they believe their P is that good. When they realize that their P isnot good enough they cry to dudes who already care (i.e. OP no offense), and until their lesson is learned the cycle will begin again in which the girl will bein another pursuit of an as%**+@ to change.

so either pursue a girl by being an as%**+@
or pursue a girl thats not looking for an as%**+@
basically weekend girl knows what shes talkn about. if your friend is too stubborn to listen to you, then she may have to get hurt to realize all this..butdont stress yourself about it. also im not saying you are, but if you are nagging her about it, its more likely to push her looking at this with a more logicalapproach.

but all in all... just be there for her regardless of what happens.
Originally Posted by 1212theory

but all in all... [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]just be there for her regardless of what happens.[/color]
That's a given. And good lookin on the advice ya'll.
yeah they love it when you treat em 5@#=. I learned that the hard way tryna be nice guy and got played.smh
Originally Posted by harlem

the same reason dudes are shallow.
human nature.

plus most people are looking for the short term and are too limited mentally to realize when something worthwhile comes along...
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by 1212theory

but all in all... [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]just be there for her regardless of what happens.[/color]
That's a given. And good lookin on the advice ya'll.
Perfect advice for getting the girl living your life in the friend-zone
She has no dignity or inegrity if shes just gonna be with a dude with deep pockets. Dudes are same way. We never know why women do things.
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