I'm TIRED of this Stupid %$##...

im a A-Hole
Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by 1212theory

but all in all... [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]just be there for her regardless of what happens.[/color]
That's a given. And good lookin on the advice ya'll.
Perfect advice for getting the girl living your life in the friend-zone
He's not trying to get the girl.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Why the hell do women (not all) have to be so shallow?

Here's a guy who has his head on straight, tryna do things the right way. He doesn't drink (much
), He doesn't smoke, and he's not the type of dude to be beefin with a lot of folks. He doesn't have a lot, but he does well with what he has. He respects women, is NOT a doormat, and doesn't take %**! from anyone.

And here's a guy who always in trouble with the law. He got money, but he gets his the other way (not hating on that aspect). He treats women like %**!, but since he got a knot in his pocket, they flock to him. And behind closed doors, he wouldn't bust a grape even if he visited a vineyard.

What the hell is the problem?

This is crazy...

I actually feel you on this. But you gotta let it slide. You don't want those type of girls anyway, and it's a maturity issue. A lot offemales have a strong urge to change a man. Some of them don't wanna be with a guy that's already "perfect" because they look at it asboring. I'm exactly in the same position you are, and sometimes wondered why a girl will be quick to choose a guy that isn't as good looking and hasnothing going for him. You also have to remember people generally get what they deserve, if they go for those type of guys they might not be much betterthemselves.
Don't give even give her advice.

You always going to reach a point in your life, male or female that you are going to have drop friends.

If she wants to stay in that mentality let her do whatever she wants to do, get smutted out, have kids or whatever.

If thats what it takes for her to learn what a real man is, then thats what she has to do.

She's not going to take any advice from you no matter how hard you try. You just going to dig yourself deeper and deeper into the friendzone by doing so.

There are far better women, physically and mentally to chase after and worry about.
lince am with you to, because i havent been to jaill or so call is (not a bad boy) in there there eyes they look away ..theysay your to nice ..hey F it am a nice guy who gets his money the honest way and treat females with respect dont like it heyy ( haakeem) over there is just foryou

Originally Posted by pastellove88

yeah they love it when you treat em 5@#=. I learned that the hard way tryna be nice guy and got played.smh

same here.. u gotta dog some chicks cause thats how they like it.. not all girls are like that though so just drop her and move on!
I've learned that you can't fix anyone but yourself. Chick obviously has issues (and not because she's a female, like someone stated-it's humannature). It'll catch up with her in the long run...don't let it stress you out. Be there to listen to her, but that's about all you can do...
I can't believe there is actually some "realtalk" in this thread. Good responses yall, i'm taking notes
I am a girl.
This is how it is: Girls want what they can't have.

(For girl advice please contact me on aim at xix emster xix lol)

On topic tho:
Since I kinda been both dudes in this situation from time 2 time, I can tell you this. You gotta realize chick that like the whole 'thug dude' thing aint gon change...she might SAY she want a dude 2 treat her right, buy her flowercardsandcandy and all that Hallmark $#!+, but in reality, she wanna $!#% herself out 2 the gangstas and then have the good dudes as a shoulder 2 cry on when he (unavoidably) do her dirty. It aint right, it aint fair, its unimpeachable baby back bull$#!+...but it is what it is. Only why chicks like that learn is when they finally get sick of gettin treated like $#!+ and then finally woman up and go 4 a good dude...but by that time they prolly been ran thru by so many thugs (cuz that's all a thug want, on some real $#!+) that the good dudes aint gon want em...and thus exists the dating dichotomy that most of us deal with from one perspective or another.

real mfin' talk.

i RARELY believe women @ face value when they say they want a good guy
People both men and women, love making stupid choices

As I grow older, I accept the fact that many of the people I called friends in HS will fail in life and many of the girls I liked or messed with will getknocked up [again] by some loser and stay in the hood or get married on impulse when she turns 22 and divoce when she's 24.

People fall into emotional traps and can't think smart

Not that I care
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