In Kanye News....

Trump told a group of black UNAPOLOGETIC congresswomen....3 of which were born and raised in “go back to their country” for protesting racism....

Yet, you got brothers in here talking about Joe Biden saying, “you ain’t black” for voting for “way worse” :lol: :smh:

This ***** Trump was sued by the racist *** Nixon Admin...a mere 5 years after the civil rights act was passed (‘68) 1973 for Housing Discrimination against Black people. This is the time and place this was going on in.

You got people not even understanding how the man in the White House right now....systematically kept black people from renting, owning and building wealth. Yet...he ain’t “that bad”.

Trump really just a system. The entire GOP ain’t nothing salvageable. And are turning America into a full apartheid state...while we both-sides and let it happen. The demographics aren’t in their favor, and their aren’t enough Irish, Italian or Jewish immigrants to make “white” or southern strategy to turn it in their favor.

So voter suppression. Gerrymandering. Abortion (low white fertility rates) are the last stand.

You’d think....*****s have read enough “Great replacement” manifestos of the white mass shooters, to get informed about what’s really going on now. But you got dudes playing dumb in here.


All I’m seeing is that they both white devils and I can’t give my vote to either of em

:lol: they both on some ****. If trump win again **** it none of these white folks been ****ing wit me over the ****. But I’m not finna act like Biden some savior.
6pac 6pac

Peacefully protesting police brutality, in 2017....

“Sons of Bishes”

they both devils mane I’m not finna have a racist-off :rofl:

That being said, perfectly illustrating why neither getting my vote. Doubt Ye will actually make it to ballot

I could just be young and dumb and in four years ****s hella worse but I’m not rewarding a white devil for being more polite racist than a ****ing reality show star
All I’m seeing is that they both white devils and I can’t give my vote to either of em

:lol: they both on some ****. If trump win again **** it none of these white folks been ****ing wit me over the ****. But I’m not finna act like Biden some savior.

Never...ever said Biden is a F’n “SAVIOR”

That’s the patronizing and projection part y’all do. It’s annoying. If anything, Trump is a White supremacist. And if you did the research, you’d understand why. But it’s soo much easier to be willfully ignorant, ignore context and be above it...than take the time to understand more of it.

It’s hella naive, for you to think black people don’t understand that 78 year old Joe Biden ain’t f’n perfect, likely a racist....while realizing the harm that another term of trump admin could really do. YEARS down the line. 400 years of oppression...with like 20 years of “fair” voting, and you think we sheep or sum. You can actively choose to play “both sides” to a larger game.

Like, I’ve never discounted any of what y’all said. But y’all really be downplaying trump...and buying into to ALL of the White supremacist talking points :lol:. The work is done right there.
Never...ever said Biden is a F’n “SAVIOR”

That’s the patronizing and projection part y’all do. It’s annoying. If anything, Trump is a White supremacist. And if you did the research, you’d understand why. But it’s soo much easier to be willfully ignorant, ignore context and be above it...than take the time to understand more of it.

It’s hella naive, for you to think black people don’t understand that 78 year old Joe Biden ain’t f’n perfect, likely a racist....while realizing the harm that another term of trump admin could really do. YEARS down the line. 400 years of oppression...with like 20 years of “fair” voting, and you think we sheep or sum. You can actively choose to play “both sides” to a larger game.

Like, I’ve never discounted any of what y’all said. But y’all really be downplaying trump...and buying into to ALL of the White supremacist talking points :lol:. The work is done right there.

what do you think the effects of 4 more Trump years would be? Solely as it relates to black people...I’m talking tangible things not saying mean **** at a press conference or something

and How would Biden be exponentially better or **** it, better at all
they both devils mane I’m not finna have a racist-off :rofl:

That being said, perfectly illustrating why neither getting my vote. Doubt Ye will actually make it to ballot

I could just be young and dumb and in four years ****s hella worse but I’m not rewarding a white devil for being more polite racist than a ****ing reality show star

Just dumb
do people really think Kanye really got the juice to help Trump win the swing states lol

honesty F Kanye, Trump, and Biden!!
what do you think the effects of 4 more Trump years would be? Solely as it relates to black people...I’m talking tangible things not saying mean **** at a press conference or something

and How would Biden be exponentially better or **** it, better at all
You don't think trump has had an effect on how white folks have acted these last 4 years? You don't think he's placed a battery in their backs and given them more confidence to act out their aggressive fantasies towards minorities?
You don't think trump has had an effect on how white folks have acted these last 4 years? You don't think he's placed a battery in their backs and given them more confidence to act out their aggressive fantasies towards minorities?

bruh I’m from the South. none of this **** new to me. :lol: on an overall scale he riled them up and is the reason they feel confident to walk around with guns but Biden becoming president ain’t gon calm them down and it may even make them wild out more. Especially after this summer. We already here bruh.
what do you think the effects of 4 more Trump years would be? Solely as it relates to black people...I’m talking tangible things not saying mean **** at a press conference or something

and How would Biden be exponentially better or **** it, better at all

See, I don’t give a **** what Mean things trump says at a press conference. You gotta stop thinking, that’s all we see. He been MOVING, fulfilling a white, evangelical agenda. For starters:

The 2020 census. We won’t be counted accurately. We won’t be allocated resources as we could with democratic leadership. Consent decrees. He rolled back those, making it easier for police to wild out. His DOJ, is Actively running 21st century COINTELPRO, on Black people...while not designating actual white terrorist at terrify. Given them cover, and locking us up. But Kanye & Kim gave him a photo opp, super watered down police reform, and freed a handful of people who made deals to campaign for him, for their freedom :lol:. And y’all buy it.

Also, Education (Betsy davos). He’s already filled the judges with outward racist. More judges than any ever. And they’ve all been racist. All white.

His AG (Bill Barr) actively trying to ramp up more mass incarceration. Fund and defend the police. Trickle down economics is Reagan era economics of the 80s...which failed black America while promising prosperity. And white people still hold Reagan up as the gold standard...while he was an aggressive, capitalist racist whose done irreparable harm...and Bush, Trump are his legacy. Directly impacting black people.

With Biden....he actually gets held to account. If the senate is able to be flipped and the house maintained....the first time in basically forever will represent a chance to get meaningful legislation for black people passed. He’s as center as it gets....and the black, progressive part has forced him to move sooooo far left already. The reps, judges, etc and voting, funding, judges etc can be effected in a positive way.

I think it’s fundamental for understand how we got here...starting with the civil rights era, southern strategy and demographics before containing.

Otherwise, you’ll just look at some short term game, with surface level wins.. When the white supremacist been at it for much longer, and it’s deeper and darker.

It’s a lot man. I’m leaving out so much lol. This just off the top.
See, I don’t give a **** what Mean things trump says at a press conference. You gotta stop thinking, that’s all we see. He been MOVING, fulfilling a white, evangelical agenda. For starters:

The 2020 census. We won’t be counted accurately. We won’t be allocated resources as we could with democratic leadership. Consent decrees. He rolled back those, making it easier for police to wild out. His DOJ, is Actively running 21st century COINTELPRO, on Black people...while not designating actual white terrorist at terrify. Given them cover, and locking us up. But Kanye & Kim gave him a photo opp, super watered down police reform, and freed a handful of people who made deals to campaign for him, for their freedom :lol:. And y’all buy it.

Also, Education (Betsy davos). He’s already filled the judges with outward racist. More judges than any ever. And they’ve all been racist. All white.

His AG (Bill Barr) actively trying to ramp up more mass incarceration. Fund and defend the police. Trickle down economics is Reagan era economics of the 80s...which failed black America while promising prosperity. And white people still hold Reagan up as the gold standard...while he was an aggressive, capitalist racist whose done irreparable harm...and Bush, Trump are his legacy. Directly impacting black people.

With Biden....he actually gets held to account. If the senate is able to be flipped and the house maintained....the first time in basically forever will represent a chance to get meaningful legislation for black people passed. He’s as center as it gets....and the black, progressive part has forced him to move sooooo far left already. The reps, judges, etc and voting, funding, judges etc can be effected in a positive way.

I think it’s fundamental for understand how we got here...starting with the civil rights era, southern strategy and demographics before containing.

Otherwise, you’ll just look at some short term game, with surface level wins.. When the white supremacist been at it for much longer, and it’s deeper and darker.

It’s a lot man. I’m leaving out so much lol. This just off the top.

okay **** it y’all may be right :lol:

imma try to actually look more into Biden policies. But that **** just feel nasty that dude can say all this **** **** for 40 years “Lock those SOBs up” have a hand in all those BS laws and now his only requirement for black support is “at least the ***** ain’t Trump”

but I do see what you saying.

“The truth is,” Mr. Biden had boasted a year earlier in a speech on the Senate floor, “every major crime bill since 1976 that’s come out of this Congress, every minor crime bill, has had the name of the Democratic senator from the State of Delaware: Joe Biden.”

In 1989, with the violent crime rate continuing to rise as it had since the 1970s, Mr. Biden lamented that the Republican president, George H. W. Bush, was not doing enough to put “violent thugs” in prison. In 1993, he warned of “predators on our streets.” And in a 1994 Senate floor speech, he likened himself to another Republican president: “Every time Richard Nixon, when he was running in 1972, would say, ‘Law and order,’ the Democratic match or response was, ‘Law and order with justice’ — whatever that meant. And I would say, ‘Lock the S.O.B.s up.’”


Lemme stop tap dancing though.

You gotta stop tap dancing man.

You ill informed or being lied to.

And that's one of your many problems falling in to that naivety category. You think voting for Biden is the same as thinking of him as a savior. It's like you have lost touch with reality or are in some vacuum desperately bringing up things from Biden's past to try to have them measure up to Trump's continuous ignorance and discrimination.
2:50 :lol:

This thread has 6 pages, w/ the majority being serious discussion. Says more about this country than anything else. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Man, bless you storm2006 storm2006 and wavycrocket wavycrocket for dropping gems in here. I know I said it a little on page 2, but everything you guys have said is what I'm trying to tell folks in my real life lol. Again, if we want the progressive stuff to get passed, we gotta get someone in there that will actually listen to the progressives. At this point, like it or not, that someone is Joe Biden. Right now, jerkoff and all his super conservative buddies are laughing at and slamming the door in the face of folks who are trying to enact real change like AOC and Omar and there's not a damn thing anybody can do about it while this Numbnuts is still in the white house. The first step in that direction is to get him out, and that means voting for the only person that truly has a chance to beat him.
Damn Kanye trying to run for President to keep Kim K from leaving him😳 You hate to see it. Dude knows he has no chance to win just trying to buy time.
You gotta stop tap dancing man.

You ill informed or being lied to.

And that's one of your many problems falling in to that naivety category. You think voting for Biden is the same as thinking of him as a savior. It's like you have lost touch with reality or are in some vacuum desperately bringing up things from Biden's past to try to have them measure up to Trump's continuous ignorance and discrimination.

desperately bringing up things from his past?


Gotta do what you gotta do tho right. :rofl: @ me tap dancing for calling a white devil a white devil. The most dangerous type of bigot is the one who doesnt realize he’s a bigot.
Y’all aren’t even caping for Trump and we’ve admitted Biden is neither Biden not perfect. It’s kind of weird trying to make Biden look like he’s on Trump’s level as a racist. It’s like comparing a fender bender to a 30-car pileup :lol:
Joe Biden is problematic as hell, no one denies that, but if we are gonna draw a equivalency between Biden and Trump when it comes to their policy agenda for black america. Imma need the both siders to cite Trump supporting anything close to this...

There is nothing cool about this "both side" steez. It is just lazy contrarian hot takes.
BTW, stuff doesn't get done in this country because of structural gridlock. #1 Being the Senate filibuster.

If the Dems and Biden get the House, Senate, and Presidency and drop the filibuster, positive things we definitely get done on a large scale. It would not be a panacea, but it would be a step in the right direction.

I wish people would put as much energy advocating for electoral and procedural reform as they do convincing themselves that there is no difference between two highly partisan parties.
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