In Plane Site 9/11 Wow...just Wow.

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

youre trying to hard

keep spewing conspiracies and oxymorons, why did you stop? I'm dead serious. 
 Typical and predictable of you. As if you're not trying hard enough to stay on my tip by typing lol smiley faces and replying with nonsensical remarks with your lame failed attempts at shots. That's all you can seem to replywith since a mature discussion is beyond your capability.

Expected from someone with a peanut of a brain. 



oh shut up and report me already
read through the first few pages. some valid points.

i remember being in my engineering class freshman yr 02 at bucknell u and watching a video about the twin towers. i found it amazing that they said that the towers were designed to take on an airplane but not in the size that the planes were that actually hit them. i think it was because planes that size were not in existence when the towers were built.
the buildings did not immediately fall because of their designs but they did fall because of the intense heat that persisted from the fire for so long. the beams were covered with antiflamatory material that eventually failed. i think they said a design flaw was the elevator/stair location because people up top could not get out.
read through the first few pages. some valid points.

i remember being in my engineering class freshman yr 02 at bucknell u and watching a video about the twin towers. i found it amazing that they said that the towers were designed to take on an airplane but not in the size that the planes were that actually hit them. i think it was because planes that size were not in existence when the towers were built.
the buildings did not immediately fall because of their designs but they did fall because of the intense heat that persisted from the fire for so long. the beams were covered with antiflamatory material that eventually failed. i think they said a design flaw was the elevator/stair location because people up top could not get out.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

The military does propaganda nowadays? Many of you don't understand that the threat of our military is why we have many of the liberties as americans. If our military wasn't the way it is now, we wouldn't have a "free" society.
Both of my parents served and I served proudly and would do it again. I joined and served not because I couldn't cut it in school but because I wanted to.

Suppose it is the case where our military is not at the same level as it is now. Suppose that our military is at same level as the other G7 countries. How will that affect us ?

- What happens to our "freedom" ?
- Do we lose this American type of "freedom" and exchange it for the the "freedom" experienced in Europe, Canada, and Australia ? Afterall, their military arsenal is feeble compared to ours.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

The military does propaganda nowadays? Many of you don't understand that the threat of our military is why we have many of the liberties as americans. If our military wasn't the way it is now, we wouldn't have a "free" society.
Both of my parents served and I served proudly and would do it again. I joined and served not because I couldn't cut it in school but because I wanted to.

Suppose it is the case where our military is not at the same level as it is now. Suppose that our military is at same level as the other G7 countries. How will that affect us ?

- What happens to our "freedom" ?
- Do we lose this American type of "freedom" and exchange it for the the "freedom" experienced in Europe, Canada, and Australia ? Afterall, their military arsenal is feeble compared to ours.
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

youre trying to hard

keep spewing conspiracies and oxymorons, why did you stop? I'm dead serious. 
 Typical and predictable of you. As if you're not trying hard enough to stay on my tip by typing lol smiley faces and replying with nonsensical remarks with your lame failed attempts at shots. That's all you can seem to replywith since a mature discussion is beyond your capability.

Expected from someone with a peanut of a brain. 



oh shut up and report me already
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

youre trying to hard

keep spewing conspiracies and oxymorons, why did you stop? I'm dead serious. 
 Typical and predictable of you. As if you're not trying hard enough to stay on my tip by typing lol smiley faces and replying with nonsensical remarks with your lame failed attempts at shots. That's all you can seem to replywith since a mature discussion is beyond your capability.

Expected from someone with a peanut of a brain. 



oh shut up and report me already
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wr

No. It's the point of no return as far as military deployment. Think about All the oil companies and gov't interest around the world that say they'll build schools and fix this and that. You may see a picture on the news that will satisfy you in thinking the govt is helping the infrastructure of 3rd world country, but in reality it hardly ever happens and when they do, it's piss poor.  You can believe in what you think is happening all you want. The truth is the truth. 
Why don't you show where a infrastructure rebuilding projects has been successful 

This is one of the not-for profit groups my family donates to annually.

I should post letters my family have received from Afghanistan children and parents whom now can read and write.  They thank us for giving them books, providing them school supplies, school uniforms, etc.  But I am sure you and the Taliban would rather have these kids stay illiterate correct 

Why don't you make your point without adding words to mine 
I hope you realize how much these non-profits have failed across the board around the world, but you don't. 
You got countries that us companies have invested millions in business operations and turn over billions in profits, yet the thousands they put to the side for building roads, schools, hospitals don't cut it. 

If you get injured and need surgery, why don't you go over to Iraq and have surgery so you can see your dollars at work.

Why don't you send your kids and suggest to your other friends with kids that you can go to school in Iraq and receive a competitive education since your dollars are making things perfect over there.
Point taken.  The $$$$ my family donates annually to Spirit will be reallocated to PETA then.  Thanks for letting me know that it's pointless to donate to help the children of Afghanistan.  
and why in the world do I want to go to Iraq for anything much less education and medical services?  A 3rd world country in comparison to the US?  
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wr

No. It's the point of no return as far as military deployment. Think about All the oil companies and gov't interest around the world that say they'll build schools and fix this and that. You may see a picture on the news that will satisfy you in thinking the govt is helping the infrastructure of 3rd world country, but in reality it hardly ever happens and when they do, it's piss poor.  You can believe in what you think is happening all you want. The truth is the truth. 
Why don't you show where a infrastructure rebuilding projects has been successful 

This is one of the not-for profit groups my family donates to annually.

I should post letters my family have received from Afghanistan children and parents whom now can read and write.  They thank us for giving them books, providing them school supplies, school uniforms, etc.  But I am sure you and the Taliban would rather have these kids stay illiterate correct 

Why don't you make your point without adding words to mine 
I hope you realize how much these non-profits have failed across the board around the world, but you don't. 
You got countries that us companies have invested millions in business operations and turn over billions in profits, yet the thousands they put to the side for building roads, schools, hospitals don't cut it. 

If you get injured and need surgery, why don't you go over to Iraq and have surgery so you can see your dollars at work.

Why don't you send your kids and suggest to your other friends with kids that you can go to school in Iraq and receive a competitive education since your dollars are making things perfect over there.
Point taken.  The $$$$ my family donates annually to Spirit will be reallocated to PETA then.  Thanks for letting me know that it's pointless to donate to help the children of Afghanistan.  
and why in the world do I want to go to Iraq for anything much less education and medical services?  A 3rd world country in comparison to the US?  
But to say that it's an inside job from start to finish? Let's say it is an inside job. How many individuals would need to be involved? What would be their incentive? What are the chances that every single one of them was 100% dedicated and didn't leak any information?

What are the chances that a few people armed with shaving blades can hijack a plane full of hundreds though, 3 out of 4 times?

How many individuals would need to be involved?

How many were involved in Watergate? Every individual involved in the act wouldn't need to know the big picture behind what they were doing, much like a soldier on the battlefield doing the fighting doesn't really know the true motive behind the war.

What would be their incentive?

To start wars and make money off it. I won't go into details, but if you google it, you can find PLENTY of info on how easily you can profit out of wars.

What are the chances that every single one of them was 100% dedicated and didn't leak any information?

Well, there is the example of Steve Pieczenik who is ready to testify in court and reveal the source high up that told him that 9/11 was set up. Then there are the stories of various witnesses who were talking about what they saw and heard on 9/11 with their own eyes and ears, which conflicted the official government story. These witnesses died under mysterious circumstances.

For the record, I'm not saying that 9/11 was an inside job. I'm saying that it could've been. And it could definitely have been a semi-inside job where they simply allowed the planes to be hijacked.
But to say that it's an inside job from start to finish? Let's say it is an inside job. How many individuals would need to be involved? What would be their incentive? What are the chances that every single one of them was 100% dedicated and didn't leak any information?

What are the chances that a few people armed with shaving blades can hijack a plane full of hundreds though, 3 out of 4 times?

How many individuals would need to be involved?

How many were involved in Watergate? Every individual involved in the act wouldn't need to know the big picture behind what they were doing, much like a soldier on the battlefield doing the fighting doesn't really know the true motive behind the war.

What would be their incentive?

To start wars and make money off it. I won't go into details, but if you google it, you can find PLENTY of info on how easily you can profit out of wars.

What are the chances that every single one of them was 100% dedicated and didn't leak any information?

Well, there is the example of Steve Pieczenik who is ready to testify in court and reveal the source high up that told him that 9/11 was set up. Then there are the stories of various witnesses who were talking about what they saw and heard on 9/11 with their own eyes and ears, which conflicted the official government story. These witnesses died under mysterious circumstances.

For the record, I'm not saying that 9/11 was an inside job. I'm saying that it could've been. And it could definitely have been a semi-inside job where they simply allowed the planes to be hijacked.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by Pig Love

I wonder how many of the people that were in the
compound with Osama were flown out by the US
govt. the day the two planes flew out of here with
the Bin Laden family?

How come they were flown out in the first place non theorists?
They flew out Sept. 20th, not on 9/11. They were flown out for "their own safety" or some other such reason. They were definitely not involved in the attack (Bin Laden family has disowned/cut off ties from him for years & have good relations with the West) if that's what your getting at.

Question for all conspiracy theorists: How do you explain KSM ? CIA agent ? 
Wait a minute, I'm gonna need some factual evidence or I can't believe anything you say.

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by Pig Love

I wonder how many of the people that were in the
compound with Osama were flown out by the US
govt. the day the two planes flew out of here with
the Bin Laden family?

How come they were flown out in the first place non theorists?
They flew out Sept. 20th, not on 9/11. They were flown out for "their own safety" or some other such reason. They were definitely not involved in the attack (Bin Laden family has disowned/cut off ties from him for years & have good relations with the West) if that's what your getting at.

Question for all conspiracy theorists: How do you explain KSM ? CIA agent ? 
Wait a minute, I'm gonna need some factual evidence or I can't believe anything you say.

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

9/10 there was some underhanded stuff done on 9/11. However, we will never know truly. We still don't know the story behind the JFK or MLK assassinations
JFK was probably done because Johnson was obsessed with
being the President. The CIA did that too, there is no way
Oswald hit that shot. I will be back later to post pics of the shell
casings cause I got em for you pro Bushers.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

9/10 there was some underhanded stuff done on 9/11. However, we will never know truly. We still don't know the story behind the JFK or MLK assassinations
JFK was probably done because Johnson was obsessed with
being the President. The CIA did that too, there is no way
Oswald hit that shot. I will be back later to post pics of the shell
casings cause I got em for you pro Bushers.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

But to say that it's an inside job from start to finish? Let's say it is an inside job. How many individuals would need to be involved? What would be their incentive? What are the chances that every single one of them was 100% dedicated and didn't leak any information?

What are the chances that a few people armed with shaving blades can hijack a plane full of hundreds though, 3 out of 4 times?

How many individuals would need to be involved?

How many were involved in Watergate? Every individual involved in the act wouldn't need to know the big picture behind what they were doing, much like a soldier on the battlefield doing the fighting doesn't really know the true motive behind the war.

What would be their incentive?

To start wars and make money off it. I won't go into details, but if you google it, you can find PLENTY of info on how easily you can profit out of wars.

What are the chances that every single one of them was 100% dedicated and didn't leak any information?

Well, there is the example of Steve Pieczenik who is ready to testify in court and reveal the source high up that told him that 9/11 was set up. Then there are the stories of various witnesses who were talking about what they saw and heard on 9/11 with their own eyes and ears, which conflicted the official government story. These witnesses died under mysterious circumstances.

For the record, I'm not saying that 9/11 was an inside job. I'm saying that it could've been. And it could definitely have been a semi-inside job where they simply allowed the planes to be hijacked.

I am saying the same thing. Who knows if this is trully an inside job, but to me it seems like the pendelum is swinging towards it. Too many lies from the government, too many questions left unanswered. Infact, like I said before in other threads, it is the AFTERmath and after effects of how the superpowers have been exploiting 9/11 and milking it that makes me believe it is more of an inside job.

Who has more to gain from all of this? How much did a supposed fragmented terrorist cell like Al-Qaeda gain from all this? The profiters and elite corporate and high government officials are the clear winners out of all of this.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

But to say that it's an inside job from start to finish? Let's say it is an inside job. How many individuals would need to be involved? What would be their incentive? What are the chances that every single one of them was 100% dedicated and didn't leak any information?

What are the chances that a few people armed with shaving blades can hijack a plane full of hundreds though, 3 out of 4 times?

How many individuals would need to be involved?

How many were involved in Watergate? Every individual involved in the act wouldn't need to know the big picture behind what they were doing, much like a soldier on the battlefield doing the fighting doesn't really know the true motive behind the war.

What would be their incentive?

To start wars and make money off it. I won't go into details, but if you google it, you can find PLENTY of info on how easily you can profit out of wars.

What are the chances that every single one of them was 100% dedicated and didn't leak any information?

Well, there is the example of Steve Pieczenik who is ready to testify in court and reveal the source high up that told him that 9/11 was set up. Then there are the stories of various witnesses who were talking about what they saw and heard on 9/11 with their own eyes and ears, which conflicted the official government story. These witnesses died under mysterious circumstances.

For the record, I'm not saying that 9/11 was an inside job. I'm saying that it could've been. And it could definitely have been a semi-inside job where they simply allowed the planes to be hijacked.

I am saying the same thing. Who knows if this is trully an inside job, but to me it seems like the pendelum is swinging towards it. Too many lies from the government, too many questions left unanswered. Infact, like I said before in other threads, it is the AFTERmath and after effects of how the superpowers have been exploiting 9/11 and milking it that makes me believe it is more of an inside job.

Who has more to gain from all of this? How much did a supposed fragmented terrorist cell like Al-Qaeda gain from all this? The profiters and elite corporate and high government officials are the clear winners out of all of this.
we have been lied to before. history always finds a way to repeat itself.  whether the prez looked at reports coming in and "ignored" them or sat in on it all, the story is too fishy to just accept it as told especially knowing the smallest of things like we created this enemy and all the questions of structure of building and pentagon questions. plus if the govt is withholding the evidence doesnt that make you implicit in the crime in court in some way ....moral courthouse or a brick/mortar  courthouse 

President McKinley told the American people that the USS Maine had been sunk in Havana Harbor by a Spanish mine. The American people, outraged by this apparent unprovoked attack, supported the Spanish American War. The Captain of the USS Maine had insisted the ship was sunk by a coal bin explosion, investigations after the war proved that such had indeed been the case. There had been no mine.

[table][tr][td]FDR claimed Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. It wasn't. The United States saw war with Japan as the means to get into war with Germany, which Americans opposed. So Roosevelt needed Japan to appear to strike first. Following an 8-step plan devised by the Office of Naval Intelligence, Roosevelt intentionally provoked Japan into the attack. Contrary to the official story, the fleet did not maintain radio silence, but sent messages intercepted and decoded by US intercept stations. Tricked by the lie of a surprise attack, Americans marched off to war.

President Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin to send Americans off to fight in Vietnam.
There were no torpedoes in the water in the Gulf. LBJ took advantage of an inexperienced sonar man's report to goad Congress into escalating the Vietnam War.

other tidbits 

The chief proponent of this hoax was Colin Powell, who presented illustrations such as this one to the United Nations on February 5th, 2003.

This claim fell apart when it was revealed that these trailers were nothing more than hydrogen gas generators used to inflate weather balloons. This fact was already known to both the US and UK, as a British company manufactured the units and sold them to Iraq.
[/td][/tr][/table]Osama bin Laden's "Mountain Fortress", shown to the US public by the corporate media, and like Saddam's nuclear weapons, never actually existed.
we have been lied to before. history always finds a way to repeat itself.  whether the prez looked at reports coming in and "ignored" them or sat in on it all, the story is too fishy to just accept it as told especially knowing the smallest of things like we created this enemy and all the questions of structure of building and pentagon questions. plus if the govt is withholding the evidence doesnt that make you implicit in the crime in court in some way ....moral courthouse or a brick/mortar  courthouse 

President McKinley told the American people that the USS Maine had been sunk in Havana Harbor by a Spanish mine. The American people, outraged by this apparent unprovoked attack, supported the Spanish American War. The Captain of the USS Maine had insisted the ship was sunk by a coal bin explosion, investigations after the war proved that such had indeed been the case. There had been no mine.

[table][tr][td]FDR claimed Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. It wasn't. The United States saw war with Japan as the means to get into war with Germany, which Americans opposed. So Roosevelt needed Japan to appear to strike first. Following an 8-step plan devised by the Office of Naval Intelligence, Roosevelt intentionally provoked Japan into the attack. Contrary to the official story, the fleet did not maintain radio silence, but sent messages intercepted and decoded by US intercept stations. Tricked by the lie of a surprise attack, Americans marched off to war.

President Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin to send Americans off to fight in Vietnam.
There were no torpedoes in the water in the Gulf. LBJ took advantage of an inexperienced sonar man's report to goad Congress into escalating the Vietnam War.

other tidbits 

The chief proponent of this hoax was Colin Powell, who presented illustrations such as this one to the United Nations on February 5th, 2003.

This claim fell apart when it was revealed that these trailers were nothing more than hydrogen gas generators used to inflate weather balloons. This fact was already known to both the US and UK, as a British company manufactured the units and sold them to Iraq.
[/td][/tr][/table]Osama bin Laden's "Mountain Fortress", shown to the US public by the corporate media, and like Saddam's nuclear weapons, never actually existed.
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