Information Technology (IT)

i’d ask what kind of career development plans they have and what the long term options that place has to offer - but at quick glance i’d say its worth it. hope you got a gas efficient car if you’re driving that :lol:
I'm only on the phone for 3 hours. The next 5 hours I manage the queue and assign tickets to my colleagues while playing my Xbox.

I guess that's why it's so hard for me to leave this job.. it's just too comfortable
I’d love a remote job but I can’t stay on that phone. 5 more months at this help desk job and I’m gone.
Job gave me a lil baby raise so I may stay for an additional 2 to 3 months :lol:
Being tied to a phone queue is exhausting, no thanks. No control over your time.
Them ****** when i worked at Tinker AFB didnt even want to let us go to the bathroom. Kept bringing it up at meetings in a passive aggressive manor then somebody reported them and they got some kind of dockes by DOL and came back with an "in the bathroom" status for us to have to check into as opposed to like a general unavailable status. Which means they also were able to run reports on bathroom time at this point

Contrast to now, just have to be online, I've done as much as go to the damn zoo and just packed my laptop in a bag with me online. That work from home freedom is something else.

Hope everyone in this thread is continuing to flourish. I've been intrigued by this Boyd C Lewis kat and his course, I joined the FB Group. Everyone is taking some free Qualys cert and some PCI certification.
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quick question for yall..

got offered a desktop support role for $15K + of what im making right now at a service desk..

only thing is its a 40 minute drive each way while the job im doing right now is 100% remote.

do you guys think $15k is worth going back into the office + driving to?

I guess another positive would be that its a step up from taking calls and i'll be getting more hands on experience with desktop support and system admin things.

This would be a no brainer for me. More exposure to technology is worth the trip to the office.

I have an interview Tuesday with a company that would require me to go in to the office 5 days vs the 2 I go in now with the company that I work with. The rate of pay and the ability to learn is worth to me. I despise IT gigs where everyday is the same and the ability to learn is little to none.
Yeah technical interviews suck, especially if you got that one dork who thinks it's his job to "get" you. Or someone internal who also applied for the role.

Even if you're right and describe the process correctly, sometimes these pricks will feign ignorance as if you don't know what you're talking about.

I've been down this path before.

I remember one good technical interview I had. I got the answer wrong, but the guy actually took the time to explain the answer.
OAN, had an interview for a position with BoA last week as a contractor. Sat on the phone with the guys for a good hour or so just talking some of everything. Only to find out today that they went with someone with a little more experience. According to the recruiter, he wanted her to let me know that this was the hardest decision that he had to make.
I’d rather stay doing help desk than that
OAN, had an interview for a position with BoA last week as a contractor. Sat on the phone with the guys for a good hour or so just talking some of everything. Only to find out today that they went with someone with a little more experience. According to the recruiter, he wanted her to let me know that this was the hardest decision that he had to make.
That's the worst had same situation for a second gig. I actually left the job and they said they wanted to bring me back. The guys literally said you were doing the work we want to hire you for. I would have got some AWS experience, only to find out they passed on me. I knew the guys interviewing me. I was so annoyed, because they never let me know they passed. One of my old coworkers over there had to tell me they passed.
Yeah technical interviews suck, especially if you got that one dork who thinks it's his job to "get" you. Or someone internal who also applied for the role.
Not racist, but individuals from India would love to try and trip you up on technical interviews. Asking you questions from page 56, bottom right corner from vendor best practices. Lost out on so many jobs because that one guy wants to show how smart he is. What does X port number, never the well known ones.
That's the worst had same situation for a second gig. I actually left the job and they said they wanted to bring me back. The guys literally said you were doing the work we want to hire you for. I would have got some AWS experience, only to find out they passed on me. I knew the guys interviewing me. I was so annoyed, because they never let me know they passed. One of my old coworkers over there had to tell me they passed.

Not racist, but individuals from India would love to try and trip you up on technical interviews. Asking you questions from page 56, bottom right corner from vendor best practices. Lost out on so many jobs because that one guy wants to show how smart he is. What does X port number, never the well known ones.

I had emailed the recruiter that morning and she didn't even bother to reply. So I called her boss and she was like oh she didn't tell you, I'm like nah she didn't. Recruiters are done with you once you don't land the position that gets them paid. I hate the "we'll keep you in mind if something else comes along" that's a lie nah you won't :smh:
You ain't been in help desk long enough then.
No matter how good you got it, that **** gets old. Done it many times with different levels of involvement. Started out tier 2 at Network Solutions back in the day, answering phones all day. Once had 54 calls. To other places where we are watching movies on our laptops because we have unrestricted WIFI. Great during the holidays but pay is never what you think your worth.
Yeah I've done the call center thing and help desk. That just isn't an optimal situation for me and how I work.
I've been down this path before.

I remember one good technical interview I had. I got the answer wrong, but the guy actually took the time to explain the answer.

Had This Happen As Well. Things Came Full Circle About A Year And Change Later And The Interviewer And I Actually End Up Working Together At A Completely Different Org :lol:

Also Have Bombed A Technical Interview. Was Awful. Comically Bad, I Wasnt Prepared And Couldnt Even Remember The Company I Was On The Call With Or For What Position.
Had This Happen As Well. Things Came Full Circle About A Year And Change Later And The Interviewer And I Actually End Up Working Together At A Completely Different Org :lol:

Also Have Bombed A Technical Interview. Was Awful. Comically Bad, I Wasnt Prepared And Couldnt Even Remember The Company I Was On The Call With Or For What Position.


I just finished my call and it was interesting. The gentleman didn't come off as a "smartest guy in the room" type, but some questions caught me totally off guard. He asked me about a MX/TXT record and I drew a total blank. On the flip side he gave me an IP address and I was able to identify the class and how many subnets could be created. We talked after the interview and he told me that he does it just to see where people are and their thought process when troubleshooting. I'm praying they offer this position as it would be a great opportunity to learn. That and the fact that it is 100% remote as well doesn't hurt.
Those "interviews" where it is clear the person is interviewing you is trying to prove you NOT worthy of the position are some *******. Last time they did that to me I cut the interview short and he had the nerve to act all surprised. I had already spoken to the recruiter and then the PM who wanted me, this was one of the other sys admins who there was like 8 of them all of us on Zoom and he's the only one talking. He didn't even ask anything about my resume or current gig, just a bunch of textbook definitions and like port numbers which really don't matter and if I did know it, he'd literally go. "ah hah, well what about ____" until he got to a point where I didn't know. I know this game though, I'm not new at this. Hell I had it happened to me even when I already got the job before and the guy everyone wanted to get it couldnt anyways because he lacked the certs.

More than likely he had someone he wanted to get that position so he is going to disqualify everyone else except for his guy. I told them, "look I appreciate the consideration, and it's a Friday. We might as well all reclaim the rest of our time and start our weekend as it's clear this isn't going to be a good fit both ways. Godspeed Gentlemen."

Don't let anybody try to make you feel inferior to them or anything, especially when it's clear I am not about to get the job anyways; no need to kiss anybodys *** or feign chemistry that isn't there or anything like that. Get off my screen ****boi
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I remember applying for a role and the lady was antagonistic as hell, no way I was going to work there. About 6 months later a recruiter reached out to me about the role again, didn't remember it at first but the company name clicked and confirmed the hiring manager name and told the recruiter hell nah. Recruiter sounded a little embarrassed like this isn't the first time that was mentioned. Also that told me they either they filled the role and that person dipped already, or they haven't been able to get someone.
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