Information Technology (IT)

Never heard of G14…

Yankee White…yeah. And read on specific programs/weapon systems…like F35, Nuclear, BMD, etc.
G14 classified bro. It’s from rush hour :lol:
Never heard of G14…

Yankee White…yeah. And read on specific programs/weapon systems…like F35, Nuclear, BMD, etc.
I got denied for the Yankee White due to excessive speeding/parking tickets in my driving career (about 7) and because I said I smoked weed back in college of 2013. Looking back I'm glad I didn't get that gig since I really didn't want to deal with the Whit House
I got denied for the Yankee White due to excessive speeding/parking tickets in my driving career (about 7) and because I said I smoked weed back in college of 2013. Looking back I'm glad I didn't get that gig since I really didn't want to deal with the Whit House
What’s wild is that when WHCA came to my unit to recruit, the SGM specifically said it was ok if you “smoked a lil weed” back in the day. They just want you to be honest :lol:
What’s wild is that when WHCA came to my unit to recruit, the SGM specifically said it was ok if you “smoked a lil weed” back in the day. They just want you to be honest :lol:
I think Biden’s administration messed things up for a lot of people that admitted to prior drug use. This was early last year so that may be the reason why they were so anal with mine
is anyone worried about the “recession?”

generally tech tends to be recession proof but just wanted to see if everyone was doing okay.

I’m personally not worried since I’m in a big project for the feds that’s 5 years long.
Finally going to take this all the way serious and stop getting distracted.

I have my AWS CCP. Which was a mental win even though everyone votes to not take it and just go for the Solutions Architect.

I just bought Adrian Cantrills:

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03)​

Which comes with access to a slack community which I was looking for in my previous post.
So with Projects and passage of this exam, I'm looking to land a Cloud Engineer role within the next 4 to 5 Months... Will pass exam in 2 to 3 months.

I've been slacking with studying... But the bag said its looking for me...

I got comfortable because my position now, pays me alright, and its low stress. But comfort can be dangerous at times.
How does one break into the IT field?
I followed a highly respected software testing course, got a certificate and then immediately got hired by one of the companies at the job event that was hosted at the end of the course. It can be as easy as that.
A few days before the end of our course, around 15 companies were invited and everyone was required to have a 15 minute interview with all of them, like speeddating. My class had about 12 people and we all got jobs from that event.

Idk how the software testing market is over there in the US but it's a very highly requested field here. My current employer was practically begging me to join them and sent me a contract the very next morning after my interview with the development manager, even though he said to expect a response in about a day or 4-5.
A pretty amazing contract too, overpaying me by €400 net/month over the average for a starting Software Test Engineer, as well as 9 more days off than everyone I know gets.

Software testing is of course very different than actual development but it was a very easy entry point. About half of the people in my class actually had zero IT experience before starting that course. Some were older and sought a less physically demanding job, some were tired of their previous career, ...
From what I can tell on LinkedIn, things have been going well for them since getting our certificates and getting hired at the end of the course.

Besides the course I followed, all my work resume contained was that I studied nursing for a year, then there's a multi-year gap of chronic illness. I did have income throughout the gap period but it's not like I can put 'I acquire and sell social media usernames' on there, because then you get into the question of how those usernames are obtained.
I did however list some of my exploit hunting accomplishments that I did in my free time, which always seemed to get a great response in my interviews. If you want to get into IT but feel like your resume is lacking in that aspect, find something relevant that you can discuss in an interview as part of your motivation.
In my case as a software tester, that was finding and reporting exploits in my spare time.
Find something simillar related to whatever field you're trying to get in and it'll certainly help you in potential job interviews. If you're getting into programming, try coding some stuff in your spare time and make sure you can speak about it passionately. Doesn't really matter what or how successful it is, the main point of that is to greatly boost the impression companies have of your motivation.
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I followed a highly respected software testing course, got a certificate and then immediately got hired by one of the companies at the job event that was hosted at the end of the course.

Can't be overstated enough that if you enroll in any course or bootcamp, vet the professional network and career support and take full of advantage of it throughout the program.
Depends on what you want to do.

For basic troubleshooting, you should start with getting A+ certified. That way,, at the very least, you can understand the basics. From that point on the options are endless(networking, cyber security, Cisco, etc)
I tell people this all the time and they always try to tell me about some other cert afterwards. Either go for A+ if you don’t know nothing or go for Sec+ if you know something and want to have steady employment
How does one break into the IT field?

How I got started was I was hired to be an Electronics Technician for a government contractor literally right before the plandemic. Spoke to someone in the IT department and asked "How do I get into IT?" told me I needed to get a Sec +. I studied for it, passed and started there. I was just there at the right time because my company paid for my security clearance and I as soon as I got that I went ahead and did a lateral move into the IT dept.

Fast forward to now Just got hired with another Government Contractor. This is my second IT job (with no prior IT experience) and man my only regret is that I didn't get into IT earlier in life lol.
Anyone in QA for a govt contractor? Is work in govt contracting usually stressful? I’ve heard it’s chill for other positions. Not sure about QA/sdet
Got a job offer at a telecom company and they’re making me get their internet…except I’m in an area where they don’t service. Neighboring city has it. Any workaround for me to work at home? Do I just rent an office in a city that has it and work from there? Fully remote. Pay is good so I would be ok with renting an office. Just tryna work from home tho tbh.
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