
@b__fresco (double underscore, lol)...
I def follow back all my #NT fam...
As previously mentioned by others, OD kicks/drugs/selfies/food/ninjas be like/Beaches be like pics will prob get an eventual unfollow, lol...
I don't post often, but when i do, its ALWAYS pics I'VE taken WITH MY phone...
Lol @ some of you IG snobs. It's not even that serious.

Anyways, @C_Boy79 #NT always gets followed back


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I follow back as long as you don't post useless ****. Stuff with fam and friends and such is cool with me
My name is christhegodson845 on it follow me I post a couple pics a week on average so I won't blow your feed up and it consist of my kicks and my kids mostly
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