Resolved Intuitive site navigation (Mobile)

Feb 23, 2006
A few thoughts:

The "Home" drop down and "Forums" drop down in the sidebar is very redundant as they share all but 3 of the same links.

No visual indicator that you can actually click "Forums" to get to the forums list page. I though it was just drop down toggle. Have been using breadcrumbs from threads to navigate.
Yeah, the entire team here feels the same way and this is something we're working on. Unfortunately, it's a platform limitation right now. We didn't decide what links go where in the nav menu - that's currently governed by the forum platform.

We obviously want to have a working forum directory in that space so you can immediately jump to any forum using the navigation menu without having to jump through the forums or watched forums links.

If we can't solve it through custom development, the platform itself is scheduled for a major upgrade in about 6-8 months and that will likely allow us to customize the navigation menu to better meet our community's needs.
Just to follow up:

The "forums" tab now includes shortcuts to all the major forums, and the navigation menu also includes collapsible forum shortcuts, organized by section. (The Kicks, The Lounge, etc.)

Now you can jump to any forum from anywhere else on the site, in addition to instantly accessing your watched threads, tracking your recent posts, or seeing what's new around the site.
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