iPhone 5 vs. Galaxy S3

Sep 23, 2013
Alright, here's the deal:

I currently have a Galaxy S3 . I love the phone , but its time for something new. My girl has an iPhone so Facetime and such would be a nice change.

I have T-Mobile on a grandfathered plan (Yeah, the service is horrible. But its a family choice) and the new upgrade policy allows me to get a new phone now.

So, can anyone give me the pro's and con's between my S3 , iPhone 5, and a 5S? I use it mostly for social networks, texting , google , pandora, and music.
I own both. S3 has bigger screen. Both have pretty much same capabilities. My 5 is a little faster internet wise but that may be cuz it's verizon the s3 isn't. Cop Iphone you will thank me. It doesn't freeze or glitch.
I had a Galaxy s4 which i got when i switched from my iphone 5 but i switched back to a iphone 5c once again.

The Galaxy is a great phone and both do exactly the same thing but in different ways

I prefer apples stock media player to anything i had on my android (and syncing music is so much easier)

All the social networking apps pretty much run the same on both device from my experience.

Apple now offers itunes radio which could be an alternative to pandora .

Facetime is very easy to use and looks good (I have only used it once or twice not really into video calling).

Like stated above you will have far less glitches and random freezes of the phone but apps still do "crash" on ios7

I would deff say play around with an ios7 device because the new layout isn't for everyone and does take a few minutes to get use to look-wise.

The phone deff will feel small compared to your galaxy device but i find the size of the iphone 5 just right for my tastes

The added back in web search from spotlight so you can google stuff eaiser without having to launch the web browser.
Not even an apple fan...

But that iPhone 5 is super underrated...

And the 5s is overrated.

Phone is nice ... Can't front.

I have a 5. It's the perfect size IMO. I never really understood the fuss about bigger screen sizes. It's a phone... If you want a laptop or a tablet, get one of those :lol:

It never freezes. Never has any lag. Super easy interface. I'm good with it.

I'm not too sold on the 5s so I'll probably hold on to this until they disappoint us with the 6. :lol:
I don't think it glut commended for its efficiency, camera, and smoothness..

People just copped cuz its an iPhone...

But I loved that phone... It was the biggest jump, and apple would have been just fine without even releasing a new version this year because that phone is really good...
Depend on the user and what you're looking for. Like most have said, they can both do the same things. Only edge i'd give to iPhone is battery life and less glitching. Galaxy has expandable memory, removable battery and more cusomization. Other than that it's all personal preferance for the average user.

Question, why not iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4? Just curious.
An iPhone 5 is easily better than a GS3..it came out sooner as well so it's the newer phone out of the 2. I used the 5s for a while and the 5 Is pretty much the same.. Solid phone great camera, good enough battery life, and simple to use. I'm back on Android cause its just what I'm used to.. I like using my 3rd party apps that Apple doesn't allow you to use. But if you like things nice and simple and want to use it straight out the box 5 is an easy choice
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I own both. S3 has bigger screen. Both have pretty much same capabilities. My 5 is a little faster internet wise but that may be cuz it's verizon the s3 isn't. Cop Iphone you will thank me. It doesn't freeze or glitch.

Bold face lies.

I'm a resolution hoar so I didn't like the s3.

But the perceived reliability of the iPhone is overrated
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I've owned Android devices for a long time I'm not sure where people get the freeze or glitch comments from.. Half the people that say it have never owned an android phone in their life.

My 5s had apps force close on me.. I don't know if it was ios7 but it happened plenty of times you don't hear people talk about that much
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I've owned Android devices for a long time I'm not sure where people get the freeze or glitch comments from.. Half the people that say it have never owned an android phone in their life.

My 5s had apps force close on me.. I don't know if it was ios7 but it happened plenty of times you don't hear people talk about that much

It's ios7 everyone knows that , apple's software was glitch free ,

iPhone 5s -> iPhone 5
Every apple product I've ever owned has glitched on me.

In the last year and a half the reliability gap closed phone wise.

That iPad murders all tablets tho
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I've experienced apps crashing and freezing on both android and apple phones. My iphone 5 was freezing and shutting off 10 times a day until I got the software update last week.
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