iPhone: Post everything here

Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

Originally Posted by dalilboy

Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

i tried to find garage band ap and the winterboard ap for customizing (search under the app store). Man, nothing is there.
Is there an app place you go online and just send it to your phone or how do you guys go about this?

I got a free ringtone from ATT and they don't even allow you to select iPhone so how am I supposed to get it


All I want is to have some ringtones (preferrable make my own via itunes) and a background picture behind where i select the icons.

(unless it's not possible on the 3g, but i doubt it)


easiest and fastest way for ringtones is Audiko.com
Ahh i put it in google because it didn't work, but you meant audiko.net I think.

oh yea its .net sorry but atleast you got it it works good
Another good place for ringtones. I downloaded a family guy one.
"Brian, are you there? over. Yes, Im here. Brian, can you please say "over" at the end of your sentence? over."
For those of you who ordered your iphone at an att store, how long did it take for it to arrive? I was told it would take 10-21 days for the 8gig, but thatthey've been getting them in faster recently.

I just hope my order doesn't get canceled like the guy in the last page...
Originally Posted by sw00shm4n

For those of you who ordered your iphone at an att store, how long did it take for it to arrive? I was told it would take 10-21 days for the 8gig, but that they've been getting them in faster recently.

I just hope my order doesn't get canceled like the guy in the last page...

Took mine 4 days. Yes, 4 days. I got the white 16GB though.
the only thing holdin me back from buyin this phone is the damn monthly bill im not tryin to pay more then about 60 bucks.

I think with my fan discount (UPS) I get 15% my bill tho
It's 75 with all cheapest stuff. Then tax I'm not sure what it's at but probably 90. You get student discount though if you go to a uni.
How many of you have unlocked the 3G? I have it with At&t and at first I wasn't going too, but you can download free games correct? If so, where can Iget info on how to do it? Thanks!
Originally Posted by 4JsIHustle

I got a couple questions about this. First when i get the email and click the link, it says Michigan employee and I can't figure out how to change it to student, does that mean my school only has discounts for employees? Also should i buy the iphone off the site when I use this, or can i buy my iphone in stores and apply this later? anyone.

I just did it online. I authenticated way back, and it worked.
I just did this link:


Then I got an e-mail a few minutes later to confirm (school e-mail) and then I confirmed and got another e-mail:

Your AT&T Enrollment is now Complete, and Your Discount Has Been Applied


Your Individual Responsibility User validation request has been processed.

Please note that to the extent you are eligible for a service discount*, it may take up to two billing cycles (up to two months) for your service discount to appear on your bill. During the first month your service discount is applied, you might receive a pro-rated bill for the days of that month before the discount was applied, and a new bill for the days at the discounted rate.

If you have any questions about your eligibility for a service discount, please contact your company's Benefits Coordinator or Telecommunications Manager.

Thank you for choosing AT&T.
That is exactly what I did. It was extremely easy imo to get a discount on the plan. I didn't have to talk to anyone at all. Checked my online account fewmins later and it had my new FAN# on the top right corner.
Okay so I have an unlocked iPhone running on version 1.1.4, and I am trying to use the SendSong app to use the songs on my iPod as ringtones, but once the songis sent to my ringtones section it doesn't play. Any help?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I need a good case for the iPhone... 1st gen, preferably one of the hard plastic types... I've got a rubber one and it's not holding up well... Losing its shape and stretching out.

get an incase slider.
I need a good case for the iPhone... 1st gen, preferably one of the hard plastic types... I've got a rubber one and it's not holding up well... Losingits shape and stretching out.
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

Originally Posted by beezylocks



i read the dude who made ziphone isn't going to develop anything for 2.0 or later. there's already a jailbreak program for 2.0 anyway and the appsare coming little by little. just hit up the forums on macrumors.com and modmyifone.com for info. if you want free apps, you need to upgrade to 2.0 first. thenhit up macserialjunkie.com for more info.
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