iPhone: Post everything here

Yeah, someone please list the steps of getting the custon ringtones, I cant find a good one online.
Yeah, thanks for the replies so far. I've played with the phone on daily occasions and I fell in Love with it. The internet is really my main focus and ILove the entire 'feel' of the phone. Though, I've always had a few doubt.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]-Has it gotten in the way of anyone that the phone doesn't copy andpaste? Or have they finally added the feature?

-How good is the camera? Because I know it doesn't have flash.

[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]-How'sthe aim on it? I heard you can go on meebo and use the aim but is there any other way? Because I'm making the transformation from a sk to a iPhone. LatelyI've been using its aim less than I use to but I still want it to be available for when I need it.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]-Can you post on NT? Ever since we gotYuku, it doesn't let me make a post on NT.[/color]

Thanks a lot for the help so far. I'm really excited about getting this damn thing. I'm also pretty gasped up that I'm going toget it from the company for $340.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

^^^So it doesnt matter if I have a current cingular contract?

And is insurance recommended for it? if so, how much would that cost.

Any NYC Nt'ers can tell me how much their total was AFTER tax?

432 and change.

can someone answer my question?

If you use another carrier w/ iphone what happens to your current plan?
thanks Mthreee... that worked perfectly..

jailbreaking is easy, pretty much couple clicks of the mouse. and no you dont get a virus

there are a couple aim clients that were made for the iphone. they work but do come with some downsides. random crashes, etc
^ yeah...changing software meaning you jailbreak it and you install third party apps...etc.
I just got the iphone, im such a noob at this.

SO i got the version 1.1.1 thats hackable now.

I want to jailbreak it to get all the apps.

Do i just go to that jailbreakme sit on me phone?

I dont know what to do afterwards.

SOmeone please get at me: aim :iversonmoss384 thanks
I have a 3rd party film on it but it's just as thick as the stock one. I guess I have to look into another film. The one I have has air bubbles anyways,and it cost $15....damn.

Turn up your hearing aid Fong! J/P

What? Huh?
buy it on ebay, son.. unlocked.. thats the quickest and surefire way your guatemalan buddy will get his iphone..

no worries no hassles.. just pop in ur sim and call it a day,sir
Originally Posted by TOUCH MONEY

how do i download a picture from my email to my iphone? and how do you create ringtones for it too?

im pretty sure it was posted earlier in this thread...


1. Select the song in iTunes that I want to use as a ringtone. Protected AAC files will not work.
2. Right-click on the song and select Get Info
3. Go to the Options page and select the start and end times for the ringtone
4. Right-click on the song again and select Convert Selection to AAC
5. Right-click on the converted song and select Show in Finder
6. Drag the .m4a file from the Finder window to your desktop
7. Go back to iTunes and delete the converted song from iTunes. When I skipped this step, double clicking on the .m4r file to import the ringtone into iTunesdid not work properly.
8. Right-click on the song file on your desktop, select Get Info and change the file extension from .m4a to m4r. You should get a warning message aboutchanging the extension.
9. Open a Finder window and locate the Ringtones folder underneath your iTunes folder. The path should be /Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Ringtones. If thisfolder does not exist, create it.
10. Drag the renamed song file from your desktop to the Ringtones folder in Finder.
11. Double-click on the .m4r file now stored inside the Ringtones folder. iTunes should change to the Ringtones folder under Library near the top and startplaying the ringtone
12. Plug-in your iPhone to begin the sync process. This should copy the ringtone over to your iPhone. You can verify this after the sync is complete byexpanding the iPhone contents inside iTunes and then, selecting the Ringtones folder.

^^got that from pg 6
From my knowledge, you can make your own ringtone from your iTunes music so that's a great thing!
1. no copy/paste, a few times i wish it had it but hopefully it will be added eventually
2. the camera is great
3. AIM is good. you can use meebo.com or jailbreak it and install apollo both work well
4. yes NT looks just like it does on your computer browser
[denzelwashington] My man!! [/denzelwashington]
yeah its done that to me before, but it hasnt been doing that ince the last update. have you updated your phone yet?
my biggest problem right now is my phone froze for the first time the other day. im going to call apple about it and get the problem resolved.

im hoping some 3rd party browsers release soon like a firefox mobile or opera mini for the iphone.
Originally Posted by SWiFT Yons

no no it is not about the ringtone. i already figured that out.

i just want IM and such on my Iphone but i can't jailbreak it without the right version, so with that being said i was trying to downgrade it but i heard that it could "permanently brick" the phone and what not. Just looking for another alternative.

have you tried using the browser based apps?

old news but trillian astra is gonna be on the iphone
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