iPhone: Post everything here

Yo, why the hell does the AIM app keep telling me the screenname or pass is wrong? I KNOW its right...
Originally Posted by TheRav4

I'm enjoying the iPhone thus far. I havent had the iPod Touch or anything like that, so even the iPod of the features of this phone has me suprised. I
added Currency, iScopes, Face and Bloomberg apps just right now.
What video converters are people using when it comes to converting avi and divx files to .mp4? And what program is available to rip DVD's into mp4 format?

I use iSquint. It is free, and works great! (I have a mac BTW)
^ just sync it through itunes. or if you jailbroke it, then you can manually add it. i love my o.g. iphone. Since i upgraded to 2.0, i have had more fun than iwas on 1.1.4
anyone jailbreakers add installer 4.0 beta like i did? boy i cant wait until they do a full release, cydia + installer = success
So is it really recommended to jump into 2.0 are are there a lot of bugs and problems with it since it's so new? I realize that this has probably beenasked already but I have no idea where so....
Damn. I'm really tempted to get the new iPhone. AHHH.
I need people to persuade me to NOT spend money haahha...
If i get this 1k scholarship on Tuesday, it's pretty much a wrap that I'm getting the phone
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

So is it really recommended to jump into 2.0 are are there a lot of bugs and problems with it since it's so new? I realize that this has probably been asked already but I have no idea where so....

2.0 is great & no bugs for me (assuming you're talking about the legal way not unlocked version)
I'm running an 2.0 unlocked and jailbroken. So far its pretty much flawless. App store is pretty cool but nothing beats installer and cydia
I just got the 1st generation iphone from someone... I noticed that the ringtone isn't that loud and even when I call people, the volume isn't thatloud. So I compared it to my cousin's and her's seems louder. I tried the buttons on the side to put it all the way up and I checked settings and allthat. Is there anyway to make it louder besides the button on the side?
For all you dudes who are saying you ordered it already, how did you order it? i looked on both apple & at&ts site and i dont see it available, are youguys ordering by phone?
im thinking about getting the iphone soon, just wonder what are the best case for the iphone? i seen some at the apple store and AT&T, they dont look thatnice....
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

For all you dudes who are saying you ordered it already, how did you order it? i looked on both apple & at&ts site and i dont see it available, are you guys ordering by phone?

Any AT&T store. Just walk in and ask to order the iPhone. The white ones are taking anywhere from 4-14 business days and the black ones (8/16) aretaking from 2 to 4 weeks. I ordered my white 16gb 3G on a Thursday and recieved it the following Tuesday.

I just got the 1st generation iphone from someone... I noticed that the ringtone isn't that loud and even when I call people, the volume isn't that loud. So I compared it to my cousin's and her's seems louder. I tried the buttons on the side to put it all the way up and I checked settings and all that. Is there anyway to make it louder besides the button on the side?

Take a staple. Bend it straight. Poke holes in the bottom left speaker (only the left is the speaker, the right is the mic). Just put the staple in whereverthere's a hole on that side. I did it to my first generation iPhone and it made it about 3x louder. Make sure you don't get dust in there though.
Originally Posted by deezxnutz

Originally Posted by hella handsome

yo, who has jailbroken their phones?
i did a little while ago, and since the cydia update with winterboard is working its been fire.
i cant wait for that gba and snes emulator to come out.

i don't have an iphone anymore but i got an ipod touch and i installed the nes update. i got over 600 games installed. it's hard to play the games though. i don't like it.

took me hours to learn but now i also got a ton of the paid apps from the app store for free

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

OK so here's my situation..... My iphone is unlocked/jailbroken on 1.1.4 still and I was using it with my T-Mobile sim but I also have a AT&T sim that I use for my company cell phone so I popped that into the iphone and of course everything works fine. But the question I have is can I update through itunes to 2.0 and continue to use the AT&T sim without the phone bricking just because it is unlocked?

you can't just update the phone to 2.0 through itunes. it won't be unlocked anymore. you should also restore your iphone, not update. i think that may brick your phone because it's unlocked/jailbroken. restore your iphone to 2.0 then pwn it with the pwnage tool (for mac), winpwn (for windows).

word, i be getting the free paid app hookups too

crash cart racing is so much more fun when its free

im waiting on that video recorder app to release for 2.0
Figured out how to look at your favorites with pandora....you have to go throw their website

how did i not think of that before
I just got the 3G iPhone. I dunno if it was a bold move or not, considering I have a family phone with Verizon... AHHHH I couldn't take it anymore.
So, there was a picture of the Joker as the background in someone's iphone pages and pages back... does anyone know how to do that or a place to downloadthat picture/background???

thanks a lot in advance
Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

I just got the 3G iPhone. I dunno if it was a bold move or not, considering I have a family phone with Verizon... AHHHH I couldn't take it anymore.
So, there was a picture of the Joker as the background in someone's iphone pages and pages back... does anyone know how to do that or a place to download that picture/background???

thanks a lot in advance

Check out sciphone.net for wallpapers


Thought I would inform you that I'm officially going back to the Curve today
The iPhone is cool, but since my wife has the Curve and likes to send me pics MMS is what's up for me as well as SMS forwarding and havingflash on the cam. Don't worry, up next is the Bold
Will my OG iPhone brick if I unlock it, get a SIM card for the UK (with Orange or O2) and use it over there?
---Advice requested---

I recently ordered a 8G 3G from my local ATT store on 7/21. I was charged forthe phone on the 23rd. I received and email the 29th saying my order was cancelled and my card will not be charged.

My card HAS been charged and I have received no refundof any sort, and currently beginning to receive the runaround from the store I purchased the phone.

I have been using a loaner Blackberry 8130 issued from the store. I am goingback to the store today to find out what the deal is.

Can anybody give me some tips/keywords/advice to receive my phone +compensation?

Has this happened to anyone else? They said the same thing had happened toanother person who ordered from the same store.
Thanks,any feedback is appreciated

---Advice requested---
How are you guys getting everythin free from the app store? I have 2.0 unlocked and jailbroken on tmobile.
Originally Posted by skips kicks

---Advice requested---

I recently ordered a 8G 3G from my local ATT store on 7/21. I was charged for the phone on the 23rd. I received and email the 29th saying my order was cancelled and my card will not be charged.

My card HAS been charged and I have received no refund of any sort, and currently beginning to receive the runaround from the store I purchased the phone.

I have been using a loaner Blackberry 8130 issued from the store. I am going back to the store today to find out what the deal is.

Can anybody give me some tips/keywords/advice to receive my phone + compensation?

Has this happened to anyone else? They said the same thing had happened to another person who ordered from the same store.
Thanks, any feedback is appreciated

---Advice requested---

did you pay through credit card and not debit card? if so, the last resort is to dispute it with your credit card company. you should be able to get yourmoney back from them.
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

So is it really recommended to jump into 2.0 are are there a lot of bugs and problems with it since it's so new? I realize that this has probably been asked already but I have no idea where so....

This is my opinion. I have lag while texting or typing in safari. The AIM app doesnt function over edge for me just on wifi. Scrolling on sites also lag abit for me. IMO as far as performance goes 1.1.4 is better until they fix these bugs
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