IRAQ getting BETTER (the story you won't hear most places)

Fight for honor, fight for your life.
Pray to God that our side is right.
Even though we won, I still may lose
Until I make it home to you
I see our mothers filled with tears,
grew up so fast where did those years go?
Memories wont let you cry
unless I don't return tonight.
This is great news.
It took years to send the country into oblivion, it'll take years to return it to stability and prosperity.
It says a lot when a publication like the Washington Post, one of the "liberal rags," as designated by the conservative media, runs a story likethis. I'm not saying everything is peachy keen, but hopefully it's a sign of good things to come. Even ABC News today did a small story about how moreand more Iraqis are returning because it's so much safer.
thats is great news for now. but what happens after this big surge troops are gone. its gonna go back to the violent Iraq we know and love.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Funny what Congressional Pressure to end the war and 30,000 additional troops can do especially when funding is an issue. Too bad it only took 4 years, 3,800+ DEAD Americans, and a Democrat party take over of Congress.
Wow, contradictory statements in full effect.
there is no win or lose in this war. what are you gonna do? kill everyone in the middle east who hates americans?

being in iraq right now is causing more hatred in other parts of the muslim world and that equals a never ending "war" on terror. those crazy neocons running this country should just admit this is a war to make profit. last time i checked halliburton made a killing in iraq
Originally Posted by after h0urs

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Funny what Congressional Pressure to end the war and 30,000 additional troops can do especially when funding is an issue. Too bad it only took 4 years, 3,800+ DEAD Americans, and a Democrat party take over of Congress.
Wow, contradictory statements in full effect.
but thats the prob. they started the war with not everything in place. Troops were actually buyin there own armor before headin to iraq. How you gottabuy your sons or daughters armor cause you know your gov aint gonna supply them with the proper tools to keep them safe? how long did it take for them to startarmoring the hummerss?????
I'm currently working on a camp near Baghdad and frankly, there's just no way to tell what "progress" is. But what I know for a fact it thatthere is "incoming" to my camp just about every other day. And people still get hurt. And some die. People may be moving back into Iraq, but where isthe certainty that those who fire mortars are moved out (there are certainly a few left)? I've heard that the violence has decreased, but who has beencaptured? Quiet doesn't mean gone. The problem with this mess from the beginning is that we never new the size or capability of the enemy. Or theobjective, for that matter. All we knew is that we didn't want this stuff going on in the U.S. Even the person quoted in the last part of the articlealluded to the eerie feeling there is around here. I don't watch the news either way, I'm just speaking from what I've seen and the feeling I have.
what exactly is there to win? Nothing. We already lost. Game over. How could you support a war that is servng and has served no purpose?
Bombings in Baghdad, Mosul claim 22 lives

Headline yesterday... this story you've posted cites that refugees are coming home now, but does that mean things are getting "better" like yourtitle suggests? Uh, I'm not sure how those go hand in hand. What exactly is "better" anyways? When they all just stop killing each other? Whenthe entire area is able to exist side by side with only minor deaths resulting? What do we expect out of these people now that we've forced their hand oneverything here? I think many americans picture them living lives just like ours, with wal-marts and christmas trees... we're trying to force a way of lifeon them that isn't their own, and something like that (which makes no sense by the way) could take hundreds of years to take shape. We're almostrobbing them of their culture and history.

I hope it was worth it - that's what i'll continue to say. Whoever gained from this war, be it someone who may have died at the hands of sadaam orwhatever we did to make the country better (still not sure what that was that's been vastly improved), I hope their better life has been worth all the lossof life and discomfort and pain this war has caused everyone else over there and around the world.

I also read today that Iran is willing to talk still... something tells me that won't be happening either.
Minor upticks in a highly unpopular war will be seized as evidence of progress at first report.
Those returning make up only a tiny fraction of the 2.2 million Iraqis who have fled Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.
How can that figure not represent something far more grave than any so-called progress in securing a smoldering Baghdad reduced to rubble?

2.2 million Iraqis - mainly intellectuals, and elite possessing the economic security to leave Iraq. A severe blow to the successful reconstruction of Iraq.With trained professionals, business owners, intellectuals and other wealthy citizens gone the prospect of creating a functional Iraqi society post-invasion islimited.

How can we believe stories of a slighly more secure Baghdad when schools remain empty and people are too fearful to venture out of doors? (before themandatory curfew, of course) A few less suicide bombings per day doesn't amount to half a crap consideringthe utter destruction we've wrought upon their country.

The disasterous U.S.-lead Iraq imperialist venture will carry grave implications for the future generation. Blow back is a term that I have recently become aquainted with. I have no doubt weall will in the coming years.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

the story you won't hear most places
this is where i stopped reading
Your loss, you clearly aren't educated on what is going on then if you won't even take the time to read an article from a very credible source, the Washington Post.

And it is a reference to the known liberal bias in the news of ABC, NBC, CBS.
lol as if these "liberal-biased" news enterprises aren't owned by large corporations without their best interest in mind...
Good read, I appreciate progress in any sense. Its gonna be hard for people to get their lives together. I couldn't imagine openning my doors to deadbodies or being worried about walking at night. Whatever the reason for the war I just want it to end, bring our troops home and hope that Iraq can make it"without us"..
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