Is anybody harassed for not being "social" enough

As I was clocking out of my job last summer, this lady walks up to me and says. "hey, why don't u smile?" I laughed a little bit and thencontinued to clock out. She goes up to my other coworker and says "Look he's smiling, why can't you" I'm like alright now, she isstarting to reach. As I start to walk out, she comes closer and goes "so smile you bonehead, is that hard?" I'm standing there like this *@++$says one more thing, I'm going off. I walked out the store, and she continued to call me a bonehead. Telling the story, gets me mad. How to you tellsomeone to smile, you have never met before smh.
I thought anti-social was a type of behavior where one has no morals. I didn't know it meant not socializing with people also.

A lot of times I just have nothing important to contribute to the conversation so I just keep quiet. I also like listening instead of speaking a lot of times,but people often mistake this as me just being a quiet person.
Also when people I've met like once or twice, tell me I'm concieted, I'm just a quiet dude around strangers. If I don't have anything that willimprove the convo, I'll stay quiet. I talk more around my friends.
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OP - I think the issue is that while you're being polite, you're not putting forth the extra effort to her FAMILY and FRIENDS.. these are peopleimportant in HER life. Just being polite is treating them like strangers.
It's not enough to be polite.

the greater issue though is this:
don't you know that being able to interact with others is an important life skill? you will open so many doors for yourself if you can learn to navigate your way around social situations.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

the greater issue though is this:
don't you know that being able to interact with others is an important life skill? you will open so many doors for yourself if you can learn to navigate your way around social situations.

True. I'm the type to agree with a lot of what was said in this threa. But I've put myself out there more and more (gradually) in random situations forno apparent reason other than this. I always felt if I didn't know how to get around social situations I'd be just missing out on some potentialopportunities.

I stil prefer to be the guy who's not "social" enough or rude though.
My ex always said that about me.
Im quiet but I dont get harassed alot about
it. I usually have too much info on what the
topic at hand is, or not kno too much, so I
just choose to not say anything. Also doesnt
help that I get all, if not most of my info off
here, which would just make the convo wierder
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

no but sometimes people hit me up on say a friday night asking me to go out and i decline because i'd rather read and relax or just stay home. and they can't grasp the concept
i don't care what day it is, i do what i want when i want.

word same here. i have a crazy schedule...and many times i just wanna stay home and do some reading and chill with a bowl
Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

I just choose not to carry on unnecessary conversations with random people over trivial stuff.
Some's me up and its with everyone unless I'm trying to get some. I don't wanna have stupid conves with people
I'm like this around people I don't know or first meet. Those people tend to think I don't talk or I'm "anti-social", whichcouldn't be further from the truth. I'm a people person and I'm very approachable. If I don't know you, or don't want to know you,that's how I'm gonna be.

There are plenty of people who thought I was an $+! the first time they met me. Like, I don't know how you got that from me not talkin'
not by anybody close, but to strangers.

security in the dorms stay askin me "why dont u talk or smile?"
i be like the only times i see yall is when i pass by the door, what the heck do u expect me to say and to be laughin at?

3 people i dont know so far have came up to me and asked me "are u okay?"

for somebody who dont say much, i find it weird that people want to know so much about me.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I think people mistake my reserved nature for being a snob.

oh well.

This. I swear people think I'm arrogant/conceded/rude when I'm actually just very shy and they just take it the wrong way.
Originally Posted by Alan Garner

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I think people mistake my reserved nature for being a snob.

oh well.

This. I swear people think I'm arrogant/conceded/rude when I'm actually just very shy and they just take it the wrong way.

Im the same way fam..I think this is why girls dont approach me more
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

no but sometimes people hit me up on say a friday night asking me to go out and i decline because i'd rather read and relax or just stay home. and they can't grasp the concept
i don't care what day it is, i do what i want when i want.

Co sign, !
im kinda like this...

but im just realising that you have to go out your way with some people, even if you dont want to. i mean is chatting bout some trivial #*!% really thattaxing?? like you might be cool not talking but you probably making other people feel awkward in a situation like that...

i used to be all about doin me and me i realised it aint about that.
Originally Posted by shaqtus92

My family thinks I'm anti-social or something. But the truth is when they're not around, I'm one of the most social people you'll probably meet.

Me too
like you might be cool not talking but you probably making other people feel awkward in a situation like that...

i never though about it like that
OP - I think the issue is that while you're being polite, you're not putting forth the extra effort to her FAMILY and FRIENDS.. these are people important in HER life. Just being polite is treating them like strangers.
It's not enough to be polite.

that makes sense but at the same time if the roles were reversed i wouldnt care
yea i mostly keep to myself and dont get into conversations that dont involve me so in that respect people think in not social.
If she doesnt like then dont chill with her and her friends simple as that. If she knows you dont talk much then she shouldnt try to get you to chill with herfriends, not that you said any of that im just including that.
yea man i have always keep to myself i dont like to club/party or any of that its just not my thing. I still have the same group of boys from high school andthem dudes is off playing ball in the south or overseas so im a loaner i like it thow.

Just do you, if your happy then thats whats up/
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