Is anyone else incapable of having sex with just one woman?

wavy bone

Jul 18, 2012
I'm sure everyone's heard of the Coolidge Effect and there has to be some validity to it if it's been tested across multiple species. I personally have no control over this and it's more than just mental.

People in monogamous relationships are obviously going to come in with the whole "Be mature. Grow up. Fall in love" rhetoric but I want to hear from people that aren't but are involved with a female that they hold in higher regard than others.

Me personally...even if I have a woman that meets all my standards...eventually I will get tired of having sex with her to the point I get bored and might even go soft in her or have to pull the fake bust a nut move and dispose of the rubber before she notices there's nothing in it. But if come across another woman that I haven't been with before or for a while...I bring a Game 7-like mentality to banging her out.

Why are we wired this way?
lol im the same way..i been with this chic whose in love with me wants to marry me and for me to move into her place asap..but yet im still messin with this 18 year old whose comin to my place tonite lol
strong thread : screen name ratio

no doubt though. some guys may come at you and just excuse it as immature or childish, but in reality, its nature. a bee cant help but sniff other flowers..
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No, you're a immature child, grow up and stay with one woman you disgusting chauvinistic jerk.

J/k :lol:

Lately, I've only been having sex with one woman, it's going on 8-9 months now on what you could call a "open relationship", shockingly I aint tired of her yet. But as far as relationships before her, yea it would get old quick, got to the point sex almost felt like a chore with one girl I talked to :smh:

Lot of girls just have a weak sex game too and while it might be cool at first over time you're just like >D

Nothing wrong with open relationships though, you just need to establish boundaries, make sure she aint out getting trains ran on her and whatnot.
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Having sex with multiple people or being monogamous has nothing to do with maturity. But what you need to do is be upfront about it. Find yourself a bi-sexual woman who doesnt mind you and her having sex with other woman.
infidelity is a curse...especially for black can see how it effects our communities...and even our existence itself...

sex is WAY too casual these days...that its acceptable...
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I've had 4 serious relationships and I've cheated in all of them.

Sometimes I blamed it on the chicks but I came to realize it was just me. My last chick was down as hell but I still stepped out. I couldn't help myself (ATL is a tough place to stay faithful :lol:)

Maybe it'll change when I get older and/or meet someone I feel like is the one.

I'm talking to this chick right now and I'm feeling her a lot but went and banged this chick in Vegas last weekend :smh:>D
Personally, I'm against lying. Everything else is fair game.

I think it would be interesting if we adopted a concept of polygamy BUT on the condition that you're open and honest about it AND you're a consenting adult. That goes for both genders. 

I understand the evolutionary benefits behind monogamy and pair-bonding studies in "lesser" mammals like prairie voles, but I think most concepts of forced monogamy are societally enforced.

I think we're trained to only see things in a certain way and once we consider switching the game up, we might see a way to initiate in once perceived, "unmovable" gender oles. 

Me personally, I only want and could handle one other individual but I don't see why I should hold everyone else to that standard.
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infidelity is a curse...especially for black can see how it effects our communities...and even our existence itself...
sex is WAY too casual these days...that its acceptable...

Not talking about infidelity.

If a man and a woman have nothing more than a sexual relationship...the same theory applies. Eventually, you get tired of her. That's human nature. Not a "curse"

Also, sure what you mean by the "these days" when you consider the fact that historically...polygamy has been practiced across multiple civilizations.
A male rat was placed into an enclosed large box with four or five female rats in heat. He immediately began to mate with all the female rats again and again until eventually, he became exhausted. The females continued nudging and licking him, yet he did not respond. When a novel female was introduced into the box, he became alert and began to mate once again with the new female.

Human males experience a post-ejaculatory refractory period after sex. They are temporarily incapable of engaging in sex with the same female after ejaculation and require time to recover full sexual function. In popular reference, the Coolidge effect is the well-documented phenomenon that the post-ejaculatory refractory period is reduced or eliminated if a novel female becomes available.[9] This effect is cited by evolutionary biologists as one reason why males are more likely to desire sex with a greater number and variety of partners than females
i think theres a time in peoples lives where you meet one and want to stay faithful. i think the simple answers yo haven't met one worthy of it.

Damn look at all these open-minded people commenting. (not sarcasm)

When I posted about even doing anything with another girl, I got flamed and called immature and pitchforks flew out my computer screen.

I honestly didn't think I would ever feel this way until I got into my relationship for a long time.. now I believe that all males have that urge, but some fight it harder than others.

Some who have had their cake many times before their relationship have no problem holding back, because they already had their share of the world of yambs.. but us late bloomers who slim down or get our looks later in life have to deal with WOMEN trynna talk to US instead of the other way around like we're used to. And of course, this happens when we're in a relationship finally.

I won't go around smackin every nice #$% I see if they gave me the chance, but damn is it tempting.. :smh:
i think theres a time in peoples lives where you meet one and want to stay faithful. i think the simple answers yo haven't met one worthy of it.

This doesn't happen until you're older. Stay single while young.
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but us late bloomers who slim down or get our looks later in life have to deal with WOMEN trynna talk to US instead of the other way around like we're used to. And of course, this happens when we're in a relationship finally.

Story of my life. :smh:

I got a good girl, though. She's held me down when even my mother didn't. Only woman that's ever been able to literally been able to switch my entire mood around. There have been days that I've been minutes away from just breaking down and crying because life's trials and tribulations... and each time she's said something, done something, or just looked at me in a certain way that reminded me of how everything tends to work itself out, and this next obstacle would be the same story.

She's paid my rent, phone bills, bought me clothes, and fed me on her dollar. I've laced her with diamonds, gold, and silver. I really can't get enough of her. Can't imagine life without her now, and we've already talked about moving in together and a future beyond that.
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I just cheat, I bring a game 7 to my girl and every chick I mess with. Im Just an Animal I guess,lol.

But Idk why I can't be faithful. Its just so many different females out there I cant help myself. I feel like if I settle I missing out on TONS of pie on the table waiting to be devoured.
yes its true for me aswell but when im in a relationship the urge for another woman is greatly diminished
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