Is anyone still going to play COD4?

Apr 26, 2003
I jumped on for the first time in a while tonight, and there were only ~15k people on TDM (used to be 30+). Start playing, and my second game I go 42-2.
At first I was ready to diddy bop around the crib, but then I stopped andrealized how ridiculous it was. I was never bad by any means (2.42 K/D
), but I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice an overall decrease in the level of comp. Pretty much every room I was in was like that, and itwasn't as much fun as I thought it would be.

I'm sure a big part of it is people playing GOW2, but with WAW just releasing too, it seems like the numbers are only going to go down. Do you guys thinkCOD4's had its' time in the sun, or is it good enough that people will come back once they get bored?
my roommate just loves that game so much since he never owned a 360.
yeah, i noticed that as well, but how that system matches people up for matches
is whack too, you hardly get balanced teams. I just got a personal record of 53-7. it was pretty much amazing.
I played a few online matches, took it out of the xbox, and never put it back in. Did not care for it one bit. BF2 on the other hand is sweet!
I hopped on last night for the first time in a while and went 24-0 in Backlot. I doubt I'll play after COD 5 comes out.
Got it a couple months after it came out and only played the up to the highest rank and then stopped....never got too far in single player but Ikeep telling myself when I'm bored I should beat the game but never get around to it....I def. have to beat it before I get COD5.
It should be busiest between now and ~11est. I got on early this morning when I couldn't sleep and there were 3500 in TDM, 14k total.
Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

the new one is no good in my opinion.. the controls are still the same. but nothing like cod4.
I disagree, It generally feels like the same game but with different maps and weapons. They introduced tanks and dogs though. I
I prefer the cod4 maps over these ones but i havent played all of these yet
I know dudes who still play Halo2.

COD4 caused my Ring of Death.


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