Is drinking Gatorade casually that bad?

I used to drink Gatorade a lot but I stopped because water is better for you and gatorade has a lot of acid that mess with your teeth
I drink water all the time with a meal, and I don't really see why its so bad. Maybe you guys are so used to drinking a sugary drink with your meal whichis why you need it with a meal.

All I know is that sugar loaded beverages such as gatorade and soda's have high fructose corn syrup which isn't good for your body. Just like howhydrogenated oils in junk food aren't good for you.

But if you drink it once in a while it's not that bad.
Things like Gatorade and Powerade are pop without the bubbles. They're basically high fructose corn syrup (cheap sugar) and water. Propel is the samething only with less sugar.

I'm sure someone will want to argue that they also contain some salts, but the negligible amount of electrolytes you get from "sports drinks"pales in comparison to the empty sugar calories you're drinking. Nobody would take a Coke with them to basketball practice but people think nothing ofslamming Gatorade - and there is very little difference nutritionally.

Vitamin Water is a joke. It's flavored water with cheap B and C vitamins. These are the easiest vitamins in the world to obtain in any diet. You wantyour B vitamins? Eat a piece of whole wheat bread. And Vitamin C is in all sorts of commercial products and soft drinks (even some candy!) already because itgives things a tangy flavor - just look for "ascorbic acid" in the ingredients.

Show me a Vitamin Water with meaningful amounts of vitamin A, D, or E and I will be very impressed. These are vitamins that many people lack in their dietbecause the sources are either expensive, don't store well, or aren't fun enough for some people to eat (fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh milk, freshfish).

Kool-Aid will rot your teeth and give you diabetes but at least Kool-Aid is honest. Selling things like Gatorade and Vitamin Water as products that do goodthings for you takes your money and insults your intelligence.
Originally Posted by cronicmole

H20=Good Skin=Girls= an Hour of pleasure for Jr.
So true!

i get alot of comments on my face but i also take care of my face too
Originally Posted by derrty6232

does water leave a bad taste in you guys' mouth or something?
honestly, for me it does

ill drink it if im exercising, doing sports or w.e
but other than that, ill gag
Originally Posted by Feasting Horns

It's bad for your teeth. It's just as bad as pop soda.

and yeah its bad, its supposed to rot your teeth after a while if you drink it enough
Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

Things like Gatorade and Powerade are pop without the bubbles. They're basically high fructose corn syrup (cheap sugar) and water. Propel is the same thing only with less sugar.

I'm sure someone will want to argue that they also contain some salts, but the negligible amount of electrolytes you get from "sports drinks" pales in comparison to the empty sugar calories you're drinking. Nobody would take a Coke with them to basketball practice but people think nothing of slamming Gatorade - and there is very little difference nutritionally.

Vitamin Water is a joke. It's flavored water with cheap B and C vitamins. These are the easiest vitamins in the world to obtain in any diet. You want your B vitamins? Eat a piece of whole wheat bread. And Vitamin C is in all sorts of commercial products and soft drinks (even some candy!) already because it gives things a tangy flavor - just look for "ascorbic acid" in the ingredients.

Show me a Vitamin Water with meaningful amounts of vitamin A, D, or E and I will be very impressed. These are vitamins that many people lack in their diet because the sources are either expensive, don't store well, or aren't fun enough for some people to eat (fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh milk, fresh fish).

Kool-Aid will rot your teeth and give you diabetes but at least Kool-Aid is honest. Selling things like Gatorade and Vitamin Water as products that do good things for you takes your money and insults your intelligence.
That's +$%@$% up, those are my favorite drinks.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

enjoy life drink it

i drank a dr pepper today...might knock out a 12oz vitamin water and then like 12-15 beers

my man, i dropped 15 cans last night

then finished up with some coca-cola
drinking water with your meal?? Outrageous

good thing restaurants serve capri sun and vitamin water with their meals
I cut Gatorade and Soda from my diet almost completely. Workouts will consist of water only. All the meals we eat throughout contain enough sodium already.
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

I cut Gatorade and Soda from my diet almost completely. Workouts will consist of water only. All the meals we eat throughout contain enough sodium already.
Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

I'm sure someone will want to argue that they also contain some salts, but the negligible amount of electrolytes you get from "sports drinks" pales in comparison to the empty sugar calories you're drinking. Nobody would take a Coke with them to basketball practice but people think nothing of slamming Gatorade - and there is very little difference nutritionally.

Vitamin Water is a joke. It's flavored water with cheap B and C vitamins. These are the easiest vitamins in the world to obtain in any diet. You want your B vitamins? Eat a piece of whole wheat bread. And Vitamin C is in all sorts of commercial products and soft drinks (even some candy!) already because it gives things a tangy flavor - just look for "ascorbic acid" in the ingredients.

Show me a Vitamin Water with meaningful amounts of vitamin A, D, or E and I will be very impressed. These are vitamins that many people lack in their diet because the sources are either expensive, don't store well, or aren't fun enough for some people to eat (fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh milk, fresh fish).

Kool-Aid will rot your teeth and give you diabetes but at least Kool-Aid is honest. Selling things like Gatorade and Vitamin Water as products that do good things for you takes your money and insults your intelligence.
After a nice workout, and this logic, Vitamin Water is not all that bad. I mean between some cardio,basketball, and the weight room Vitamin Waterseems like a OK choice. I'm not looking to replace regular vitamins but the stuff has actual vitamins,although of course the cheap kind, and I don'tsee it as a meal replacement like I really think some consumers may sadly

I see what you are saying though
Originally Posted by LEX DlAMONDS

Water with a slice of lemon a.k.a. lemon water, FTW!

You mean cheap restaurants puttin' lemons in dirty water to make it taste clean FTL.
Filtered water at home> ____________
Gatorade is meant for athletes because they sweat alot when doing whatever it is that they do and gatorade puts back the sodium and potassium they loose. Inthat sense Gatorade is mos def bad to be drank casually.
And wth is wrong with some of you drinking water "with meals is nasty"
i drink water with my food all the time, especially at restaurants. I have it with lemon and I think it tastes great.
I used to drink alot of PowerAde but now its just strictly Zephyrhills
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