Is facial Hair/Beards Professional? Yay or Nay?

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

I was bored and cut off my beard, but man I miss it, I`m currently in the process of trying to relocate, Once your in a company its whatever when it comes to growing it back, unless they say no facial hair at all.
But what do you guys think about beards and the corporate world?

My Beard

is it just me, or are those eyeglass frames way too small for his head?
at an internship i had before this guy told me when i go on an interview to cut my mustache off....told him if i have to do that then that job isnt for me. As long as its groomed man you will be fine
I got a beard, keep it trimmed low, and got a mini LBJ going with the chin hair and I work in a corporate office...It's all good with them. I keep it lined up and crisp so its no thang...

We are living in an era where things that weren't acceptable 5-10 years ago are heavily being accepted now because it is the norm.
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