Is hip-hop to blame for the youth acting out? bunB and Lupe speak to teacher

Originally Posted by Dr LukeMartin

The parents and the enviroment they raise their children in and along with the choices that the children decide to make will determine their manner of behavior. Not some freaking rap song. Ive been listening to sluts, female dogs, drugs, shooting, and other bad things since I was a toodler. In no shape or form does that represent the life I live or intend to live or my manner of behvaior.

This idea of being a role model for kids should not exist. I live my life for me. Not the little shuns around the world. They(the powers that be) want you to limit your speech in order to make their kids good. IF yo can't take care of your baby, then dont have a baby
Again...nobody is saying it's the sole reason. But it's one piece of a puzzle of problems. Using ourselves as example is a moot point. We're the minority...not the majority of who the targeted are.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Honest Abe Lives

If I were a betting man, I would not bet on the upliftment of the urban community. And when I say urban, I don't just mean black. I mean black, hispanic, south east asian, everyone in the struggle.

Why? Well the main reason is that many people cannot get beyond a victimized mindset. Is the world unfair? Yes. Are some born with much better odds than others? Yes. Those are the harsh realities of the situation.

But how do you react to that? Do you say - "well someone should fix this situation!" Sure, you could. But that's not productive. That doesn't do anything. Nobody will fix it. Because winners never care about the losers. Not in sports, not in entertainment, not in society, not in America. Even if they won by starting with an unfair advantage. They just don't because there is no real incentive to.

So once you understand that nobody is going to give you any REAL sustainable help, what do you do? You just have to work your @%+ off.

But you don't. Because you're distracted. And part of that distraction is the mainstream hip-hop image.

It's not hip-hop's fault, but unfortunately hip-hop IS unwittingly part of the problem.

This is exactly how I see it.
It's all a machine at the end of the day and geared to have everything exactly the way it is.


Hip Hop is kind of like how back in the day when we all thought wrestling was real until someone told us it wasn't or we fig'd it out. On the other hand, no one is telling these kids its not (and there's a reason). At the end of the day its entertainment 90% of your favorite rappers never did/do 90% of the stuff they claim they did/do. But they know you like to hear about it, because its entertaining. You can replace the characters of COD or Grand Theft Auto with your favorite rapper.

Problem is that most of these kids think the +%$$ is real. They don't see it as wrestling.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Honest Abe Lives

If I were a betting man, I would not bet on the upliftment of the urban community. And when I say urban, I don't just mean black. I mean black, hispanic, south east asian, everyone in the struggle.

Why? Well the main reason is that many people cannot get beyond a victimized mindset. Is the world unfair? Yes. Are some born with much better odds than others? Yes. Those are the harsh realities of the situation.

But how do you react to that? Do you say - "well someone should fix this situation!" Sure, you could. But that's not productive. That doesn't do anything. Nobody will fix it. Because winners never care about the losers. Not in sports, not in entertainment, not in society, not in America. Even if they won by starting with an unfair advantage. They just don't because there is no real incentive to.

So once you understand that nobody is going to give you any REAL sustainable help, what do you do? You just have to work your @%+ off.

But you don't. Because you're distracted. And part of that distraction is the mainstream hip-hop image.

It's not hip-hop's fault, but unfortunately hip-hop IS unwittingly part of the problem.

This is exactly how I see it.
It's all a machine at the end of the day and geared to have everything exactly the way it is.


Hip Hop is kind of like how back in the day when we all thought wrestling was real until someone told us it wasn't or we fig'd it out. On the other hand, no one is telling these kids its not (and there's a reason). At the end of the day its entertainment 90% of your favorite rappers never did/do 90% of the stuff they claim they did/do. But they know you like to hear about it, because its entertaining. You can replace the characters of COD or Grand Theft Auto with your favorite rapper.

Problem is that most of these kids think the +%$$ is real. They don't see it as wrestling.
Originally Posted by richiecotite

Bun B hit the nail on the head.

Lupe, on the hand, said nothing of substance.
havent watched it yet, but I wouldnt be surprised with this

EDIT: Lupe def made sense, he might not have fully outlined everything for people to understand his points, but they were there
Originally Posted by richiecotite

Bun B hit the nail on the head.

Lupe, on the hand, said nothing of substance.
havent watched it yet, but I wouldnt be surprised with this

EDIT: Lupe def made sense, he might not have fully outlined everything for people to understand his points, but they were there
I want to start off by saying that Hip Hop is NOT responsible AT ALL.

When Hip Hop began, it was presented in many forms. From Djing to Bboying to MCing, to graffiti, etc. It was a true form of positive artistic expression through differents mediums.

Hip hop was something positive that uplifted the community,and presented a message that had real meaning.

But hip hop, as it was created, has been DEAD for a long time. So no hip hop is not to blame.

We often mischaracterize the rap that we listen to today as "hip hop", which couldnt be further from the truth.

I 100% agree with those that say comprehensive parenting plays a vital role in the development and character of our children.
But to say that music doesnt have a MAJOR role in the way our kids think is simply naive. We have to remember that music is a universal language
One that even a toddler can understand.
So I ask you who teaches our children first? The parents or the music? The answer is THE MUSIC.

I have seen it a hundred times. A young child 1 or 2 years old hears their favorite song on the radio and they begin to flap their arms in excitement, and mimic
the song in baby language. Even though they are not even old enough to talk or walk.
Essentially, they are singing the lyrics to the song. They just cant speak yet.
Anything that has that much influence on the human psyche cannot be overlooked. Which leads me to my main point.

HIP HOP is NOT to blame "CRACK" Rap is.
At least for the last decade(and Im sure its longer than that) 90% of the rappers have been talking about the same thing over and over and over again.
Example: Selling Dope, being "bout that life, cars, money, clothes, and %$#*. And not much has changed from that mantra.
And what I dont understand is: How do we as a people continue to support a lifestyle that has proven time and time again, to be a death trap?
Why do we as a people still consider selling drugs a viable career path? How long is it going to take us to realize that we cannot keep supporting this ignorant mindframe?
When are we gonna wake the %+!+ up!!?

And the worst part about it is that we all know that most of these rappers do not live,nor have they ever lived the life that they rap about.
Their rhymes are fairy tales! They get paid to make up stories about "the hood" and at the end of the day they go home to their suburban mansions.
Living off publishing checks and performance fees, NOT dope money.
These rappers dont give a %+!+ about our community other than getting us to spend our money.

And its like someone posted earlier, these kids eat up every word of these fictional stories, and fantasize about actually living that life.
The rappers dont make it real. WE MAKE IT REAL. If selling drugs wasnt popular people wouldnt do it.

And in this digital age "CRACK RAP" has become an even more negative influence than TV or movies.
These kids have MP3 players with thousands upon thousands of songs in it. And they walk around all day listening to this garbage, polluting their minds almost 24/7.
How can a single parent working 2 jobs compete with that?

We have to go on the offensive, and not accept the ignorant mindframes that we refuse to give away. We have to depopularize the things that we routinely overlook in our communities. We have to make it uncool to sell drugs, rob people, be in gangs, hating on each other and being "bout that life", in general.

I understand that there is a time and place for everything including being about that life. If someone attacks you, there is a possibility that you may have to kill them but…

Until we are honest with ourselves, we will NEVER break the cycle because...
Man sells drugs--> eventually gets locked up or killed--> his kids are raised by a single parent too busy to teach them the right morals--> kid gets their morals from music and
the streets--> kid starts selling drugs--> cycle continues.

Selling drugs is a major reason for the single parent home, due to the fathers being dead or in jail. And that is exactly what CRACK RAP promotes and represents.
The dopeboy lifestyle is and always will be a trap. So we have to stop jumping in the hole without a ladder, and stop supporting those who promote his loser lifestyle to
our kids. Because until we do that, record execs will keep releasing these records, because it is profitable.

The single greatest plague facing our youth today is the wrong mentality

*takes off flamesuit*
I don’t care if I get flamed. Somebody has to tell the truth.
I want to start off by saying that Hip Hop is NOT responsible AT ALL.

When Hip Hop began, it was presented in many forms. From Djing to Bboying to MCing, to graffiti, etc. It was a true form of positive artistic expression through differents mediums.

Hip hop was something positive that uplifted the community,and presented a message that had real meaning.

But hip hop, as it was created, has been DEAD for a long time. So no hip hop is not to blame.

We often mischaracterize the rap that we listen to today as "hip hop", which couldnt be further from the truth.

I 100% agree with those that say comprehensive parenting plays a vital role in the development and character of our children.
But to say that music doesnt have a MAJOR role in the way our kids think is simply naive. We have to remember that music is a universal language
One that even a toddler can understand.
So I ask you who teaches our children first? The parents or the music? The answer is THE MUSIC.

I have seen it a hundred times. A young child 1 or 2 years old hears their favorite song on the radio and they begin to flap their arms in excitement, and mimic
the song in baby language. Even though they are not even old enough to talk or walk.
Essentially, they are singing the lyrics to the song. They just cant speak yet.
Anything that has that much influence on the human psyche cannot be overlooked. Which leads me to my main point.

HIP HOP is NOT to blame "CRACK" Rap is.
At least for the last decade(and Im sure its longer than that) 90% of the rappers have been talking about the same thing over and over and over again.
Example: Selling Dope, being "bout that life, cars, money, clothes, and %$#*. And not much has changed from that mantra.
And what I dont understand is: How do we as a people continue to support a lifestyle that has proven time and time again, to be a death trap?
Why do we as a people still consider selling drugs a viable career path? How long is it going to take us to realize that we cannot keep supporting this ignorant mindframe?
When are we gonna wake the %+!+ up!!?

And the worst part about it is that we all know that most of these rappers do not live,nor have they ever lived the life that they rap about.
Their rhymes are fairy tales! They get paid to make up stories about "the hood" and at the end of the day they go home to their suburban mansions.
Living off publishing checks and performance fees, NOT dope money.
These rappers dont give a %+!+ about our community other than getting us to spend our money.

And its like someone posted earlier, these kids eat up every word of these fictional stories, and fantasize about actually living that life.
The rappers dont make it real. WE MAKE IT REAL. If selling drugs wasnt popular people wouldnt do it.

And in this digital age "CRACK RAP" has become an even more negative influence than TV or movies.
These kids have MP3 players with thousands upon thousands of songs in it. And they walk around all day listening to this garbage, polluting their minds almost 24/7.
How can a single parent working 2 jobs compete with that?

We have to go on the offensive, and not accept the ignorant mindframes that we refuse to give away. We have to depopularize the things that we routinely overlook in our communities. We have to make it uncool to sell drugs, rob people, be in gangs, hating on each other and being "bout that life", in general.

I understand that there is a time and place for everything including being about that life. If someone attacks you, there is a possibility that you may have to kill them but…

Until we are honest with ourselves, we will NEVER break the cycle because...
Man sells drugs--> eventually gets locked up or killed--> his kids are raised by a single parent too busy to teach them the right morals--> kid gets their morals from music and
the streets--> kid starts selling drugs--> cycle continues.

Selling drugs is a major reason for the single parent home, due to the fathers being dead or in jail. And that is exactly what CRACK RAP promotes and represents.
The dopeboy lifestyle is and always will be a trap. So we have to stop jumping in the hole without a ladder, and stop supporting those who promote his loser lifestyle to
our kids. Because until we do that, record execs will keep releasing these records, because it is profitable.

The single greatest plague facing our youth today is the wrong mentality

*takes off flamesuit*
I don’t care if I get flamed. Somebody has to tell the truth.
Originally Posted by BX GOT EM

i think Lupe was just making a point to teach them something about life (plants are living things) rather than bulcrapp

this... he just didn't sugarcoat it
Originally Posted by BX GOT EM

i think Lupe was just making a point to teach them something about life (plants are living things) rather than bulcrapp

this... he just didn't sugarcoat it
Originally Posted by OoPrinceOfFreshoO

You wanna blame someone blame society. We promote texting 90999 to help Japan and Haiti when its citizens of the United States of America who don't even know where their next meal is coming from nor can they even read and write.

Nobody even commented on this?
There were disasters in those countries. The people in America who can't read or write chose not to learn that. This is the land of opportunity--that is, if you put an effort in you can succeed.

Honest Abe Lives's post at the top of page 6 was one of the better things in here.

To all of you saying that what you're learning in school is useless... sigh... you don't seem to get it. Besides your last two years of college, everything else is just proving that you can learn. If you graduate high school, your diploma from there (or a GED) is proof that you can learn--at least to the level expected of a high school graduate... which, in America, isn't terribly high. Thus, when you go to college, you're doing more of the same, but at a higher level. THEN you finally get into the declared-major courses and separate schools within the university to learn actual applied stuff.

Every single course you take before your last two years of college are like a regular season game, whereas the last two years are the playoffs.  Even your graduating honors are typically calculated from your last 60 hours.

What severely undermines a lot of the arguments in here, however, is that I've known people who have come from poor families and attended public high schools, and then went on to the most elite universities in the country. So it CAN be done. The problem is a lot of these youths (teens) don't want to do that. Whether that's because of rappers or local dirt bags is hard to determine since rappers strive to look authentic and want to resemble the local dirt bags.
Originally Posted by OoPrinceOfFreshoO

You wanna blame someone blame society. We promote texting 90999 to help Japan and Haiti when its citizens of the United States of America who don't even know where their next meal is coming from nor can they even read and write.

Nobody even commented on this?
There were disasters in those countries. The people in America who can't read or write chose not to learn that. This is the land of opportunity--that is, if you put an effort in you can succeed.

Honest Abe Lives's post at the top of page 6 was one of the better things in here.

To all of you saying that what you're learning in school is useless... sigh... you don't seem to get it. Besides your last two years of college, everything else is just proving that you can learn. If you graduate high school, your diploma from there (or a GED) is proof that you can learn--at least to the level expected of a high school graduate... which, in America, isn't terribly high. Thus, when you go to college, you're doing more of the same, but at a higher level. THEN you finally get into the declared-major courses and separate schools within the university to learn actual applied stuff.

Every single course you take before your last two years of college are like a regular season game, whereas the last two years are the playoffs.  Even your graduating honors are typically calculated from your last 60 hours.

What severely undermines a lot of the arguments in here, however, is that I've known people who have come from poor families and attended public high schools, and then went on to the most elite universities in the country. So it CAN be done. The problem is a lot of these youths (teens) don't want to do that. Whether that's because of rappers or local dirt bags is hard to determine since rappers strive to look authentic and want to resemble the local dirt bags.
Man the sheer stupidity in this thread is mind-boggling

Is hip-hop to blame - Yes, it makes this trapstar, gangster life out to still be something to aspire too. People say it's societies fault which is true but the media in all it's form has a direct significant impact on the way people act. I def. can say that hip-hop isn't the only factor but imho it is a contributing factor...and i'm really just talking about the rappers/mc's that glorify that kind of life i.e. rick ross, lil wayne, even jigga

also the hip-hop of yesterday =/= to the hip-hop of today
Man the sheer stupidity in this thread is mind-boggling

Is hip-hop to blame - Yes, it makes this trapstar, gangster life out to still be something to aspire too. People say it's societies fault which is true but the media in all it's form has a direct significant impact on the way people act. I def. can say that hip-hop isn't the only factor but imho it is a contributing factor...and i'm really just talking about the rappers/mc's that glorify that kind of life i.e. rick ross, lil wayne, even jigga

also the hip-hop of yesterday =/= to the hip-hop of today
I'm literally the LAST person to believe in any type of conspiracy theory. I'm majoring in hard science and I believe in ONLY science, and yet I still can't shake the thought that the mainstream media has way more of an influence on impressionable people than is obvious.
I'm not going to take it to the level of CIA brainwashing experiments putting symbols in music videos to militarize children
but I think there's something there. Kind of like people being tempered by a "keep the people in the struggle down by promoting self destruction" vibe in mass media.
I really know nothing on the subject as far as facts go, those are just my two cents from the standpoint of someone who is not easily convinced of anything without proof.
I'm literally the LAST person to believe in any type of conspiracy theory. I'm majoring in hard science and I believe in ONLY science, and yet I still can't shake the thought that the mainstream media has way more of an influence on impressionable people than is obvious.
I'm not going to take it to the level of CIA brainwashing experiments putting symbols in music videos to militarize children
but I think there's something there. Kind of like people being tempered by a "keep the people in the struggle down by promoting self destruction" vibe in mass media.
I really know nothing on the subject as far as facts go, those are just my two cents from the standpoint of someone who is not easily convinced of anything without proof.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Man the sheer stupidity in this thread is mind-boggling

Is hip-hop to blame - Yes, it makes this trapstar, gangster life out to still be something to aspire too. People say it's societies fault which is true but the media in all it's form has a direct significant impact on the way people act. I def. can say that hip-hop isn't the only factor but imho it is a contributing factor...and i'm really just talking about the rappers/mc's that glorify that kind of life i.e. rick ross, lil wayne, even jigga

also the hip-hop of yesterday =/= to the hip-hop of today
hiphop dont give birth to these kids, its not responsible...
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Man the sheer stupidity in this thread is mind-boggling

Is hip-hop to blame - Yes, it makes this trapstar, gangster life out to still be something to aspire too. People say it's societies fault which is true but the media in all it's form has a direct significant impact on the way people act. I def. can say that hip-hop isn't the only factor but imho it is a contributing factor...and i'm really just talking about the rappers/mc's that glorify that kind of life i.e. rick ross, lil wayne, even jigga

also the hip-hop of yesterday =/= to the hip-hop of today
hiphop dont give birth to these kids, its not responsible...
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I want to start off by saying that Hip Hop is NOT responsible AT ALL.

When Hip Hop began, it was presented in many forms. From Djing to Bboying to MCing, to graffiti, etc. It was a true form of positive artistic expression through differents mediums.

Hip hop was something positive that uplifted the community,and presented a message that had real meaning.

But hip hop, as it was created, has been DEAD for a long time. So no hip hop is not to blame.

We often mischaracterize the rap that we listen to today as "hip hop", which couldnt be further from the truth.

I 100% agree with those that say comprehensive parenting plays a vital role in the development and character of our children.
But to say that music doesnt have a MAJOR role in the way our kids think is simply naive. We have to remember that music is a universal language
One that even a toddler can understand.
So I ask you who teaches our children first? The parents or the music? The answer is THE MUSIC.

I have seen it a hundred times. A young child 1 or 2 years old hears their favorite song on the radio and they begin to flap their arms in excitement, and mimic
the song in baby language. Even though they are not even old enough to talk or walk.
Essentially, they are singing the lyrics to the song. They just cant speak yet.
Anything that has that much influence on the human psyche cannot be overlooked. Which leads me to my main point.

HIP HOP is NOT to blame "CRACK" Rap is.
At least for the last decade(and Im sure its longer than that) 90% of the rappers have been talking about the same thing over and over and over again.
Example: Selling Dope, being "bout that life, cars, money, clothes, and %$#*. And not much has changed from that mantra.
And what I dont understand is: How do we as a people continue to support a lifestyle that has proven time and time again, to be a death trap?
Why do we as a people still consider selling drugs a viable career path? How long is it going to take us to realize that we cannot keep supporting this ignorant mindframe?
When are we gonna wake the %+!+ up!!?

And the worst part about it is that we all know that most of these rappers do not live,nor have they ever lived the life that they rap about.
Their rhymes are fairy tales! They get paid to make up stories about "the hood" and at the end of the day they go home to their suburban mansions.
Living off publishing checks and performance fees, NOT dope money.
These rappers dont give a %+!+ about our community other than getting us to spend our money.

And its like someone posted earlier, these kids eat up every word of these fictional stories, and fantasize about actually living that life.
The rappers dont make it real. WE MAKE IT REAL. If selling drugs wasnt popular people wouldnt do it.

And in this digital age "CRACK RAP" has become an even more negative influence than TV or movies.
These kids have MP3 players with thousands upon thousands of songs in it. And they walk around all day listening to this garbage, polluting their minds almost 24/7.
How can a single parent working 2 jobs compete with that?

We have to go on the offensive, and not accept the ignorant mindframes that we refuse to give away. We have to depopularize the things that we routinely overlook in our communities. We have to make it uncool to sell drugs, rob people, be in gangs, hating on each other and being "bout that life", in general.

I understand that there is a time and place for everything including being about that life. If someone attacks you, there is a possibility that you may have to kill them but…

Until we are honest with ourselves, we will NEVER break the cycle because...
Man sells drugs--> eventually gets locked up or killed--> his kids are raised by a single parent too busy to teach them the right morals--> kid gets their morals from music and
the streets--> kid starts selling drugs--> cycle continues.

Selling drugs is a major reason for the single parent home, due to the fathers being dead or in jail. And that is exactly what CRACK RAP promotes and represents.
The dopeboy lifestyle is and always will be a trap. So we have to stop jumping in the hole without a ladder, and stop supporting those who promote his loser lifestyle to
our kids. Because until we do that, record execs will keep releasing these records, because it is profitable.

The single greatest plague facing our youth today is the wrong mentality

*takes off flamesuit*
I don’t care if I get flamed. Somebody has to tell the truth.

 Completely disagree this post.

1. What is "Crack Rap"? Was Kool G Rap "Crack Rap"? Was NWA "Dopeman" a "Crack Rap" song? Was Biggie "Crack Rap"? Was Reasonable Doubt a Crack Rap album?
2. You can't generalize Hip-Hop and say only the positive stuff is hip hop, and the negative stuff is rap. Hip-hop comes from the streets and you're going to have both elements. Hell, most hip hop legends have both positive and negative music (Pac, Big, Jay, Em, Wu-Tang)
3. If rappers didn't glamourize drugs and violence, movies and television would anyway. We live in a culture that glamaorizes violence in general
4. Do you think people sell drugs cause it's cool? They sell drugs cause it makes $$$$. Take a trip to any ghetto in this country and try to believe that there still wouldn't be pushers if rap never exisited.

I respect it if you don't agree with the negativity in hip-hop, but to try to separate it and call it "Crack Rap" is naive, IMO.

To say it's responsible for the downfall of the black youth is pretty shortsighted also. It's not like 90% of black children growing up in the 60's and 70's ended up being doctors and lawyers, and then "Crack Rap" came and destroyed a generation. I know my parents generation pretty well, there were plenty of pimps, theives, winos, and pushers from that time period also.

Negativity in music is a symptom of the issue, the actual issue is poverty, ignorance, and a lack of education.  
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I want to start off by saying that Hip Hop is NOT responsible AT ALL.

When Hip Hop began, it was presented in many forms. From Djing to Bboying to MCing, to graffiti, etc. It was a true form of positive artistic expression through differents mediums.

Hip hop was something positive that uplifted the community,and presented a message that had real meaning.

But hip hop, as it was created, has been DEAD for a long time. So no hip hop is not to blame.

We often mischaracterize the rap that we listen to today as "hip hop", which couldnt be further from the truth.

I 100% agree with those that say comprehensive parenting plays a vital role in the development and character of our children.
But to say that music doesnt have a MAJOR role in the way our kids think is simply naive. We have to remember that music is a universal language
One that even a toddler can understand.
So I ask you who teaches our children first? The parents or the music? The answer is THE MUSIC.

I have seen it a hundred times. A young child 1 or 2 years old hears their favorite song on the radio and they begin to flap their arms in excitement, and mimic
the song in baby language. Even though they are not even old enough to talk or walk.
Essentially, they are singing the lyrics to the song. They just cant speak yet.
Anything that has that much influence on the human psyche cannot be overlooked. Which leads me to my main point.

HIP HOP is NOT to blame "CRACK" Rap is.
At least for the last decade(and Im sure its longer than that) 90% of the rappers have been talking about the same thing over and over and over again.
Example: Selling Dope, being "bout that life, cars, money, clothes, and %$#*. And not much has changed from that mantra.
And what I dont understand is: How do we as a people continue to support a lifestyle that has proven time and time again, to be a death trap?
Why do we as a people still consider selling drugs a viable career path? How long is it going to take us to realize that we cannot keep supporting this ignorant mindframe?
When are we gonna wake the %+!+ up!!?

And the worst part about it is that we all know that most of these rappers do not live,nor have they ever lived the life that they rap about.
Their rhymes are fairy tales! They get paid to make up stories about "the hood" and at the end of the day they go home to their suburban mansions.
Living off publishing checks and performance fees, NOT dope money.
These rappers dont give a %+!+ about our community other than getting us to spend our money.

And its like someone posted earlier, these kids eat up every word of these fictional stories, and fantasize about actually living that life.
The rappers dont make it real. WE MAKE IT REAL. If selling drugs wasnt popular people wouldnt do it.

And in this digital age "CRACK RAP" has become an even more negative influence than TV or movies.
These kids have MP3 players with thousands upon thousands of songs in it. And they walk around all day listening to this garbage, polluting their minds almost 24/7.
How can a single parent working 2 jobs compete with that?

We have to go on the offensive, and not accept the ignorant mindframes that we refuse to give away. We have to depopularize the things that we routinely overlook in our communities. We have to make it uncool to sell drugs, rob people, be in gangs, hating on each other and being "bout that life", in general.

I understand that there is a time and place for everything including being about that life. If someone attacks you, there is a possibility that you may have to kill them but…

Until we are honest with ourselves, we will NEVER break the cycle because...
Man sells drugs--> eventually gets locked up or killed--> his kids are raised by a single parent too busy to teach them the right morals--> kid gets their morals from music and
the streets--> kid starts selling drugs--> cycle continues.

Selling drugs is a major reason for the single parent home, due to the fathers being dead or in jail. And that is exactly what CRACK RAP promotes and represents.
The dopeboy lifestyle is and always will be a trap. So we have to stop jumping in the hole without a ladder, and stop supporting those who promote his loser lifestyle to
our kids. Because until we do that, record execs will keep releasing these records, because it is profitable.

The single greatest plague facing our youth today is the wrong mentality

*takes off flamesuit*
I don’t care if I get flamed. Somebody has to tell the truth.

 Completely disagree this post.

1. What is "Crack Rap"? Was Kool G Rap "Crack Rap"? Was NWA "Dopeman" a "Crack Rap" song? Was Biggie "Crack Rap"? Was Reasonable Doubt a Crack Rap album?
2. You can't generalize Hip-Hop and say only the positive stuff is hip hop, and the negative stuff is rap. Hip-hop comes from the streets and you're going to have both elements. Hell, most hip hop legends have both positive and negative music (Pac, Big, Jay, Em, Wu-Tang)
3. If rappers didn't glamourize drugs and violence, movies and television would anyway. We live in a culture that glamaorizes violence in general
4. Do you think people sell drugs cause it's cool? They sell drugs cause it makes $$$$. Take a trip to any ghetto in this country and try to believe that there still wouldn't be pushers if rap never exisited.

I respect it if you don't agree with the negativity in hip-hop, but to try to separate it and call it "Crack Rap" is naive, IMO.

To say it's responsible for the downfall of the black youth is pretty shortsighted also. It's not like 90% of black children growing up in the 60's and 70's ended up being doctors and lawyers, and then "Crack Rap" came and destroyed a generation. I know my parents generation pretty well, there were plenty of pimps, theives, winos, and pushers from that time period also.

Negativity in music is a symptom of the issue, the actual issue is poverty, ignorance, and a lack of education.  
IF you let music influence anything you do in any way shape or form you are an IDOT. Thats just real. Its entertainment just like the movies and tv shows with all the killing in it. If anything they should be blaming Movies. They are more tangible in the sense that you can actually see the violence. But in the end I think the ppl committing the crimes are just dumbasses anyway
IF you let music influence anything you do in any way shape or form you are an IDOT. Thats just real. Its entertainment just like the movies and tv shows with all the killing in it. If anything they should be blaming Movies. They are more tangible in the sense that you can actually see the violence. But in the end I think the ppl committing the crimes are just dumbasses anyway
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