Is hip-hop to blame for the youth acting out? bunB and Lupe speak to teacher

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Lupe is completely wrong about that school books being antiquated. Teaching kids how to grow plants won't teach them how to write up a contract or set up a business plan.Or teach them figures of speech and what not.Those antiquated history books are to inform folks of the past and of how conflicts can be settled.Its imo for prevention nobody wants another ww3 or vietnam.Most people learn their rights and what the amendments are through those antiquated text books.That knowledge of shapes angles and geometry get applied when people work even the most basic manual labor jobs. Lupe is the main person talking about be the next bill gates,maya angelou and what not but at the same time he is telling kids yall don't need that yall need to be able to farm and work basic jobs.Dude contradicted himself bad.

I agree. I feel that subjects like geometry and calculus are essential for young kids to learn. It teaches them fundamental lessons besides the actual mathematics

1. It teaches kids that there is no hand outs. You work hard, you are rewarded. You slack, you face the consequences
2. I think it opens doors to fields that urban youth are not represented well in (medicine, engineering, applied science etc), instead of just getting them ready for menial jobs
3. And the most important lesson I believe it teaches kids is that they are in control of their own fate. Whether their be prejudices or hindrances in the classroom, nobody can take a right answer away from you. You can succeed despite the odds that are put against you

This is honestly what calculus in HS taught me. There were kids in my class who failed and said "well i will never use this anyway". I don't think they got the real lesson at the end of the day

i dont know whether to stoneface or laugh. your parents job to teach you what you claim calculus taught you
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Lupe is completely wrong about that school books being antiquated. Teaching kids how to grow plants won't teach them how to write up a contract or set up a business plan.Or teach them figures of speech and what not.Those antiquated history books are to inform folks of the past and of how conflicts can be settled.Its imo for prevention nobody wants another ww3 or vietnam.Most people learn their rights and what the amendments are through those antiquated text books.That knowledge of shapes angles and geometry get applied when people work even the most basic manual labor jobs. Lupe is the main person talking about be the next bill gates,maya angelou and what not but at the same time he is telling kids yall don't need that yall need to be able to farm and work basic jobs.Dude contradicted himself bad.

I agree. I feel that subjects like geometry and calculus are essential for young kids to learn. It teaches them fundamental lessons besides the actual mathematics

1. It teaches kids that there is no hand outs. You work hard, you are rewarded. You slack, you face the consequences
2. I think it opens doors to fields that urban youth are not represented well in (medicine, engineering, applied science etc), instead of just getting them ready for menial jobs
3. And the most important lesson I believe it teaches kids is that they are in control of their own fate. Whether their be prejudices or hindrances in the classroom, nobody can take a right answer away from you. You can succeed despite the odds that are put against you

This is honestly what calculus in HS taught me. There were kids in my class who failed and said "well i will never use this anyway". I don't think they got the real lesson at the end of the day

i dont know whether to stoneface or laugh. your parents job to teach you what you claim calculus taught you
I agree with Lupe to a certain extent, I am a freshman in college and coming out of high school last year I would not say I am adequately prepared to be in the "real world" off of what I learned in high school. While I can look back now an appreciate learning subjects like physics and environmental science, they have nothing to do with anything going on in my life right now. Instead of learning Advanced Physics my junior year, a class on taxes and how to manage money in today's economy would of been way more beneficial to me
I agree with Lupe to a certain extent, I am a freshman in college and coming out of high school last year I would not say I am adequately prepared to be in the "real world" off of what I learned in high school. While I can look back now an appreciate learning subjects like physics and environmental science, they have nothing to do with anything going on in my life right now. Instead of learning Advanced Physics my junior year, a class on taxes and how to manage money in today's economy would of been way more beneficial to me
Originally Posted by JFaceproducer

Originally Posted by Honest Abe Lives

If I were a betting man, I would not bet on the upliftment of the urban community. And when I say urban, I don't just mean black. I mean black, hispanic, south east asian, everyone in the struggle.

Why? Well the main reason is that many people cannot get beyond a victimized mindset. Is the world unfair? Yes. Are some born with much better odds than others? Yes. Those are the harsh realities of the situation.

But how do you react to that? Do you say - "well someone should fix this situation!" Sure, you could. But that's not productive. That doesn't do anything. Nobody will fix it. Because winners never care about the losers. Not in sports, not in entertainment, not in society, not in America. Even if they won by starting with an unfair advantage. They just don't because there is no real incentive to.

So once you understand that nobody is going to give you any REAL sustainable help, what do you do? You just have to work your @%+ off.

But you don't. Because you're distracted. And part of that distraction is the mainstream hip-hop image.

It's not hip-hop's fault, but unfortunately hip-hop IS unwittingly part of the problem.
very well expressed. 
Not big on quoting people, but damn this is the straight truth, expressed concisely and eloquently.  Get this man a podium.
Originally Posted by JFaceproducer

Originally Posted by Honest Abe Lives

If I were a betting man, I would not bet on the upliftment of the urban community. And when I say urban, I don't just mean black. I mean black, hispanic, south east asian, everyone in the struggle.

Why? Well the main reason is that many people cannot get beyond a victimized mindset. Is the world unfair? Yes. Are some born with much better odds than others? Yes. Those are the harsh realities of the situation.

But how do you react to that? Do you say - "well someone should fix this situation!" Sure, you could. But that's not productive. That doesn't do anything. Nobody will fix it. Because winners never care about the losers. Not in sports, not in entertainment, not in society, not in America. Even if they won by starting with an unfair advantage. They just don't because there is no real incentive to.

So once you understand that nobody is going to give you any REAL sustainable help, what do you do? You just have to work your @%+ off.

But you don't. Because you're distracted. And part of that distraction is the mainstream hip-hop image.

It's not hip-hop's fault, but unfortunately hip-hop IS unwittingly part of the problem.
very well expressed. 
Not big on quoting people, but damn this is the straight truth, expressed concisely and eloquently.  Get this man a podium.
Originally Posted by JFaceproducer

Originally Posted by Honest Abe Lives

If I were a betting man, I would not bet on the upliftment of the urban community. And when I say urban, I don't just mean black. I mean black, hispanic, south east asian, everyone in the struggle.

Why? Well the main reason is that many people cannot get beyond a victimized mindset. Is the world unfair? Yes. Are some born with much better odds than others? Yes. Those are the harsh realities of the situation.

But how do you react to that? Do you say - "well someone should fix this situation!" Sure, you could. But that's not productive. That doesn't do anything. Nobody will fix it. Because winners never care about the losers. Not in sports, not in entertainment, not in society, not in America. Even if they won by starting with an unfair advantage. They just don't because there is no real incentive to.

So once you understand that nobody is going to give you any REAL sustainable help, what do you do? You just have to work your @%+ off.

But you don't. Because you're distracted. And part of that distraction is the mainstream hip-hop image.

It's not hip-hop's fault, but unfortunately hip-hop IS unwittingly part of the problem.
very well expressed. 
Originally Posted by JFaceproducer

Originally Posted by Honest Abe Lives

If I were a betting man, I would not bet on the upliftment of the urban community. And when I say urban, I don't just mean black. I mean black, hispanic, south east asian, everyone in the struggle.

Why? Well the main reason is that many people cannot get beyond a victimized mindset. Is the world unfair? Yes. Are some born with much better odds than others? Yes. Those are the harsh realities of the situation.

But how do you react to that? Do you say - "well someone should fix this situation!" Sure, you could. But that's not productive. That doesn't do anything. Nobody will fix it. Because winners never care about the losers. Not in sports, not in entertainment, not in society, not in America. Even if they won by starting with an unfair advantage. They just don't because there is no real incentive to.

So once you understand that nobody is going to give you any REAL sustainable help, what do you do? You just have to work your @%+ off.

But you don't. Because you're distracted. And part of that distraction is the mainstream hip-hop image.

It's not hip-hop's fault, but unfortunately hip-hop IS unwittingly part of the problem.
very well expressed. 
"Teach em how to grow a plant"


as for lupe talking about teaching stuff that matters, it's more than just equations and reading literature. Sure we ain't gon use the quadratic equation or need trig identities out in the real world, but you develop your problem solving techniques. Reading will help you to analyze things/break it down. School doesn't/shouldn't just implant equations in your head, they should help you develop skills to make it in the outside world.
"Teach em how to grow a plant"


as for lupe talking about teaching stuff that matters, it's more than just equations and reading literature. Sure we ain't gon use the quadratic equation or need trig identities out in the real world, but you develop your problem solving techniques. Reading will help you to analyze things/break it down. School doesn't/shouldn't just implant equations in your head, they should help you develop skills to make it in the outside world.
Anyone who was alive in Los Angeles during the late 80s to 90s knows just how much of an effect gangster rap had.
Anyone who was alive in Los Angeles during the late 80s to 90s knows just how much of an effect gangster rap had.
Originally Posted by OoPrinceOfFreshoO

You'd have to "be about that life" to understand what Lupe is saying....
YES SIR..DID READ!! can't speak for all knuckleheads but most who didnt absorb his message wasn't educated by the public system like I...
Originally Posted by OoPrinceOfFreshoO

You'd have to "be about that life" to understand what Lupe is saying....
YES SIR..DID READ!! can't speak for all knuckleheads but most who didnt absorb his message wasn't educated by the public system like I...
i think Lupe was just making a point to teach them something about life (plants are living things) rather than bulcrapp
i think Lupe was just making a point to teach them something about life (plants are living things) rather than bulcrapp
Originally Posted by BX GOT EM

i think Lupe was just making a point to teach them something about life (plants are living things) rather than bulcrapp
Exactly.. He's talking about teaching kids how to SURVIVE.. not pointless math equations that'll we will never use
Originally Posted by BX GOT EM

i think Lupe was just making a point to teach them something about life (plants are living things) rather than bulcrapp
Exactly.. He's talking about teaching kids how to SURVIVE.. not pointless math equations that'll we will never use
Originally Posted by Dr LukeMartin

The parents and the enviroment they raise their children in and along with the choices that the children decide to make will determine their manner of behavior. Not some freaking rap song. Ive been listening to sluts, female dogs, drugs, shooting, and other bad things since I was a toodler. In no shape or form does that represent the life I live or intend to live or my manner of behvaior.

This idea of being a role model for kids should not exist. I live my life for me. Not the little shuns around the world. They(the powers that be) want you to limit your speech in order to make their kids good. IF yo can't take care of your baby, then dont have a baby
Again...nobody is saying it's the sole reason. But it's one piece of a puzzle of problems. Using ourselves as example is a moot point. We're the minority...not the majority of who the targeted are.
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