Is it just me or does Kobe seem hella corny??

Marley and Blowdawhistle: Fist Blow, I didn't say there was anything with how AI is, I just don't agree that he gets the cool pass and other blackplayers who aren't like him don't. The educated point is for those who think you have to have a rough life to mean something to black people.

Second, Marley thats' fine about what you know about Marley and no Goggle wasn't my education it's called reading, listening, and studying. Thingis man you young and how you responded to me really showed that. I wasn't trying to put you on blast just pointing out that you digging on this dude likeyou know how people should act. He should act this way because 1. He's black and 2. He's rich and plays basketball. To me that's ignorance. Youwhite that's cool and I'm glad you was joking about using the N word and the 3 black friends thing because then this thread gets locked and any respectof sense people have for you is thrown out the window.

Last, I'm gonna sound righteous because from the responses this issue seems to be more serious than jokes. It's to the point where Kobe isn'teither black or man enough for people and that's personal. Jordan was attacked and still is attacked the same way. My point is that if you know anythingabout how my people are that is a major issue that needs to stop. We need to stop this condition of thinking we have to act or think a certain way.

So like I said, get educated because just having black friends runs deeper than that. Oh and by the way my wife is white and I have 3 beautiful mixed kids, sodoes that make me corny and a sell out?
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Omg don't act like you've never seen someone on tv and thought oh he seems cool i'd like to kick it wit him
I hope this statement was made by a female.....otherwise,


$*% r u talkin about??
what about me saying be yourself means 1. hes black and 2. hes rich and plays basketball? im done with yall dudes that dont pay attention
Yes Jbone you are a sellout...............J/K . I have to have this discussion w/ my little brother all the time. He's 16 now, so he's at that agewhere he thinks he knows everything and my moms is always trying to get him to do well in school and stuff like I did, but all he has his mind on is becoming arapper.

I always used to get teased when I was in school because I got straight A's all the time and stuff and was called a nerd, geek, smart guy, etc. and reallywasn't into what all the other black kids were doing besides basketball. Just because I would rather go to college to try and become a dentist, don'twear baggy clothes, gang bang, or rap, be really great at sports, etc. Does that make me corny, because I'm not living up to some preconceived notion ofwhat is "hard" and looked upon with admiration?

Most people who have become successful in their profession and lives have someone they've looked up to because they have seen that person's success andif they have certain things that they can pick up on and apply to themselves. Imitation is a form of flattery, if you ever get good enough at something thatpeople want to take certain parts of what you do in their quest to become what they want to be, then be grateful. That doesn't make that person a cornyperson, he/she is just using the resources that are available to them to be the best they can be.
Originally Posted by BlowDaWhistle

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Omg don't act like you've never seen someone on tv and thought oh he seems cool i'd like to kick it wit him
I hope this statement was made by a female.....otherwise,


$*% r u talkin about??

What I'm talking about is this...

1) What dude starts off a sentence trying to prove a point with "omg" ?

2) What dude watches another man on tv and says to himself (not out loud I hope) "man I'd like to kick it with that dude"
2) What dude watches another man on tv and says to himself (not out loud I hope) "man I'd like to kick it with that dude"

nothin wrong with that.. you never wanted to be in Friday and chill with Smokey and Craig?
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by BlowDaWhistle

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Omg don't act like you've never seen someone on tv and thought oh he seems cool i'd like to kick it wit him
I hope this statement was made by a female.....otherwise,


$*% r u talkin about??

What I'm talking about is this...

1) What dude starts off a sentence trying to prove a point with "omg" ?

2) What dude watches another man on tv and says to himself (not out loud I hope) "man I'd like to kick it with that dude"

1) I do

2) So you can't see another man on tv and say you'd like to meet him??...So if someone grows up and their favorite athlete is Jordan or Magic sounds wrong if they say they'd like to meet him?...If someone watches a video of MLK and says "i would've liked to hang out with himwhen he was alive"... i guess thats dumb too since he's "another man"....
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

But in reality, you are the farthest thing from real. You have 3 black friends that let you use the N word....*****! What is that supposed to justify? Damn man, I would really get into it, but you're kinda too corny for me to continue bothering.
f are you talking about? notice the OBVIOUS SARCASM I used with that 3 black friends thing , reading is fundamental son son ... and what did i say in the sean bell thread? that since the one cop who went off with 31 shots was the white cop and he got off that racism will still exist (something to that effect)? that no one getting charged for bells murder is a travesty? i made two posts in that thread and the first one was when i seen on cnn that the white cop was spanish, however it was a typo on CNN ... so whats your point?

im ignorant yet youve said nothing but "what ive said" to back up your arguments and the only thing you quoted was an obvious display of sarcasm on my part and if you cant understand that (especially because directly after that i said "i was joking, but on the real") then you sir are ignorant ...

ondareal, stop being a co-signer like your idol kobe and be yourself

Don't worry about me kid. I can handle my own. You are just way out there with your rationale and arguments. You need to just stop, because it isevident your hate for Kobe is causing you to come off as an ignorant kid.
ld've liked to hang out with him when he was alive"... i guess thats d 2) So you can't see another man on tv and say you'd like to meet him??...So if someone grows up and their favorite athlete is Jordan or Magic or sounds wrong if they say they'd like to meet him?...If someone watches a video of MLK and says "i wouumb too since he's "another man"....
Meeting someone and wanting to kick it with them are two different things.

Magic is my favorite player of all time, I wouldn't mind meeting him and telling him that...and just that.
If I were to meet him and say "hey dude, let's hang out for a while" thinking that we could kick it....well that would just make me a malegroupie and that's not cool at all
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

NT should make a section for stans

where they can talk about kobe,lebron,lil wayne,jay-z,and whoever else gets slurped on this board.

its like yall cant comprehend the fact that kobe can have any sort of weakness

MJ is my favorite player of all-time

and i can admit that he's a corny dude

i just appreciate his greatness on the court

why can't any of you kobe stans do the same??

a section for haters too.
I completely agree with you, gritty.

"Hey man, I watch you guys every night. Great homerun last night. Mind if I get an autograph will quick?" = acceptable

"Hey man, I watch you guys every night. Great homerun last night. So you're just here doing some shopping, huh? Awesome. I've always thought youand I would get along. Mind if I kick it with you?" =
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I completely agree with you, gritty.

"Hey man, I watch you guys every night. Great homerun last night. Mind if I get an autograph will quick?" = acceptable

"Hey man, I watch you guys every night. Great homerun last night. So you're just here doing some shopping, huh? Awesome. I've always thought you and I would get along. Mind if I kick it with you?" =

Well yea when you put it like that of course thats sounds weird...wanting to go shopping with them?'d have to be on some gay stuff with that...mypoint was basically that people watch tv and say "he seems like a good dude" or somthing like that...and thats no different then me saying "kobeseems corny"...i just threw the id like to kick it wit them in there not really thinking about it..i guess that came out as me saying people sit and watchthey favorite players and think "oh i wish i could kick it wit him so bad"...but thats not how i meant it...
I'm sitting here trying to figure out how this post went 9 pages

FYI if anyone thinks most athletes act in interviews just like they do in real life., you guys are sadly mistaken
What in the hell happened to this thread?

Got racial sh*^
Guys quoting themselves, again in a Kobe thread.
People arguing over hanging out with men.
MJ invented basketball so everyone else is a copycat.

Kobe threads suck.
Uh, Massa used to breed us to be bigger to go play
Athletes of today in the NBA, make me proud
But there's somethin' they don't say
Keep gettin' accused for abusin' White *@%+%
From OJ to Kobe, uh let's call him Tobe
First he played his life cool just like Michael
Now he rock ice too just like I do
Yo, you can't do better than that?
The hotel clerk who adjusts the bathroom mat?
Now you lose sponsorships that you thought had your back
Yeah, you beat the rap jiggaboo, fake %$*** you
You turn around then you !*!+ on Shaq
Who woulda knew, Mr. Goodie-Two-Shoes
He love a little butt crack, got enough cash
Little kids with they bus pass who look up to you
To do something for the youth, stupid spoof
But you let them use you as an example
They would rep, but our heroes got they hands full
Originally Posted by CP1708

What in the hell happened to this thread?

Got racial sh*^
Guys quoting themselves, again in a Kobe thread.
People arguing over hanging out with men.
MJ invented basketball so everyone else is a copycat.

Kobe threads suck.

yeah this thread has gotten out of hand.
Originally Posted by BoutMyMoney333

Uh, Massa used to breed us to be bigger to go play
Athletes of today in the NBA, make me proud
But there's somethin' they don't say
Keep gettin' accused for abusin' White *@%+%
From OJ to Kobe, uh let's call him Tobe
First he played his life cool just like Michael
Now he rock ice too just like I do
Yo, you can't do better than that?
The hotel clerk who adjusts the bathroom mat?
Now you lose sponsorships that you thought had your back
Yeah, you beat the rap jiggaboo, fake %$*** you
You turn around then you !*!+ on Shaq
Who woulda knew, Mr. Goodie-Two-Shoes
He love a little butt crack, got enough cash
Little kids with they bus pass who look up to you
To do something for the youth, stupid spoof
But you let them use you as an example
They would rep, but our heroes got they hands full

surprised it took so long for someone to post that

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