Is it me, or do the mods play favorites....

Aug 6, 2004
Seems like it...
mods on here aren't bad at all. the mods on the other site
. they think they're kings or something and everything has to be perfect and locks it when people are just discussing when shoes come out, you can't even discuss anything there, it's the @@%%*$% internet for godsakes...and it's NOT serious business.
The fact that I'm still here is a testament to the Mod's integrity.

..I've thought about reporting myself a few times.
Originally Posted by toast1985

The fact that I'm still here is a testament to the certain Mod's integrity. 
Agreed. And yet, I still think I've been banned a few tims out of pure spite.  Thread locks too. PURE spite.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

they favor those who follow the rules

Ding Ding Ding...we have a winner. "Tell her what's she's won Johnny..."

I find it hilarious that the people that tend to complain the most about NT and it's inherent rules and regulations, are the very same people who go out of their way NOT to abide by said rules and regulations. Then you wanna complain when the ban hammer comes down...

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

they favor those who follow the rules
aint that the truth

Last post in this one, but uh... are ya'll the same people that think police only profile criminals? Cuz I'm not against being subjective. We're all human here... but I'm against pretending to be objective. 

I know a famous "troll" got to by pass the 1 month waiting period because of everyones least favorite staff member
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