Is It Safe To Say We're The Most Desensitized Generation Ever?

Do you all think that when the phone was invented that people were worried about how the world was moving into a a state of the impersonal? Much like people today say about the amount of social networking available to the public? Didn't people say the same about the internet, which allowed people to talk without talking? Every generation has it's own "issue."
Do you all think that when the phone was invented that people were worried about how the world was moving into a a state of the impersonal? Much like people today say about the amount of social networking available to the public? Didn't people say the same about the internet, which allowed people to talk without talking? Every generation has it's own "issue."
Originally Posted by cruzair13

Originally Posted by HOOPSboy

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by PhatBalla23

This generation sucks. There is no life anymore. Most of them are on social networks 24/7 and lack communication skills in real life. They think smoking weed and partying everyday is their main priority, yet later down the road, they will deeply regret that. These teens are followers and are easily influenced by what the media says/portrays.

I'm a teen myself, but my way of life and thinking is a lot different than how most my others my age are.
cosign all of this
Realest thing I ever heard a teenager say

If you want to get a hold of me, CALL ME, I have a cell phone. It's a phone, not a damn text machine, not a tweet follower, and no, I don't have web on my cell phone so I can't check your stupid Facebook message. Texting is the worse by far. People OF ALL AGES use this as the easy way out: late or not showing up for work, not wanting to call someone back, breaking up, fighting, etc. Man/woman up and see em in person or at least call. I hate it when I call someone, leave a voicemail, and the damn person doesn't even have the courtesy to call me back, but instead texts me back. I'm not about to have a text conversation with you for 30 minutes when we could get it done over the phone in less than 5 minutes. You get a pass if you are in class, eating with a group, with fam, or at some important meeting for work.

And also, I don't want to know what you are excited about, what you are doing right now, or what just happened to you unless it's groundbreaking. Someone needs to put a stop to this FB status updates and Twitter stuff.

Yes, I'm mad.

COSIGN to all,
it's mostly the high income kids that are lucky they have money to fall back on, that they do not realize what opportunities they have because they are surrounded by money.
when a middle income, lower income kid goes to partying and such. they are just wasting away their parents' time and work.
I believe that children are suppose to surpass their parents every generation, or at least match their parents success or lack thereof, but
due to lethargy and the "we DGAF attitude", that many teens will not match their parents and cause even more debt.This generation will have the most screw-ups for sure.

and texting and social networks have caused society to not be "social", some people judge others on the way they text? if you have to tell me something, call me.
I'm mad too, I'd rather have a quick conversation, then a lagging conversation with, whats up? nothing. cool, blahblahblah. on a text machine.

You two guys sound old an bitter. Thats what Im getting from you post.
Originally Posted by cruzair13

Originally Posted by HOOPSboy

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by PhatBalla23

This generation sucks. There is no life anymore. Most of them are on social networks 24/7 and lack communication skills in real life. They think smoking weed and partying everyday is their main priority, yet later down the road, they will deeply regret that. These teens are followers and are easily influenced by what the media says/portrays.

I'm a teen myself, but my way of life and thinking is a lot different than how most my others my age are.
cosign all of this
Realest thing I ever heard a teenager say

If you want to get a hold of me, CALL ME, I have a cell phone. It's a phone, not a damn text machine, not a tweet follower, and no, I don't have web on my cell phone so I can't check your stupid Facebook message. Texting is the worse by far. People OF ALL AGES use this as the easy way out: late or not showing up for work, not wanting to call someone back, breaking up, fighting, etc. Man/woman up and see em in person or at least call. I hate it when I call someone, leave a voicemail, and the damn person doesn't even have the courtesy to call me back, but instead texts me back. I'm not about to have a text conversation with you for 30 minutes when we could get it done over the phone in less than 5 minutes. You get a pass if you are in class, eating with a group, with fam, or at some important meeting for work.

And also, I don't want to know what you are excited about, what you are doing right now, or what just happened to you unless it's groundbreaking. Someone needs to put a stop to this FB status updates and Twitter stuff.

Yes, I'm mad.

COSIGN to all,
it's mostly the high income kids that are lucky they have money to fall back on, that they do not realize what opportunities they have because they are surrounded by money.
when a middle income, lower income kid goes to partying and such. they are just wasting away their parents' time and work.
I believe that children are suppose to surpass their parents every generation, or at least match their parents success or lack thereof, but
due to lethargy and the "we DGAF attitude", that many teens will not match their parents and cause even more debt.This generation will have the most screw-ups for sure.

and texting and social networks have caused society to not be "social", some people judge others on the way they text? if you have to tell me something, call me.
I'm mad too, I'd rather have a quick conversation, then a lagging conversation with, whats up? nothing. cool, blahblahblah. on a text machine.

You two guys sound old an bitter. Thats what Im getting from you post.
Originally Posted by cruzair13

Originally Posted by HOOPSboy

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by PhatBalla23

This generation sucks. There is no life anymore. Most of them are on social networks 24/7 and lack communication skills in real life. They think smoking weed and partying everyday is their main priority, yet later down the road, they will deeply regret that. These teens are followers and are easily influenced by what the media says/portrays.

I'm a teen myself, but my way of life and thinking is a lot different than how most my others my age are.
cosign all of this
Realest thing I ever heard a teenager say

If you want to get a hold of me, CALL ME, I have a cell phone. It's a phone, not a damn text machine, not a tweet follower, and no, I don't have web on my cell phone so I can't check your stupid Facebook message. Texting is the worse by far. People OF ALL AGES use this as the easy way out: late or not showing up for work, not wanting to call someone back, breaking up, fighting, etc. Man/woman up and see em in person or at least call. I hate it when I call someone, leave a voicemail, and the damn person doesn't even have the courtesy to call me back, but instead texts me back. I'm not about to have a text conversation with you for 30 minutes when we could get it done over the phone in less than 5 minutes. You get a pass if you are in class, eating with a group, with fam, or at some important meeting for work.

And also, I don't want to know what you are excited about, what you are doing right now, or what just happened to you unless it's groundbreaking. Someone needs to put a stop to this FB status updates and Twitter stuff.

Yes, I'm mad.

COSIGN to all,
it's mostly the high income kids that are lucky they have money to fall back on, that they do not realize what opportunities they have because they are surrounded by money.
when a middle income, lower income kid goes to partying and such. they are just wasting away their parents' time and work.
I believe that children are suppose to surpass their parents every generation, or at least match their parents success or lack thereof, but
due to lethargy and the "we DGAF attitude", that many teens will not match their parents and cause even more debt.This generation will have the most screw-ups for sure.

and texting and social networks have caused society to not be "social", some people judge others on the way they text? if you have to tell me something, call me.
I'm mad too, I'd rather have a quick conversation, then a lagging conversation with, whats up? nothing. cool, blahblahblah. on a text machine.

You two guys sound old an bitter. Thats what Im getting from you post.
Originally Posted by cruzair13

Originally Posted by HOOPSboy

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by PhatBalla23

This generation sucks. There is no life anymore. Most of them are on social networks 24/7 and lack communication skills in real life. They think smoking weed and partying everyday is their main priority, yet later down the road, they will deeply regret that. These teens are followers and are easily influenced by what the media says/portrays.

I'm a teen myself, but my way of life and thinking is a lot different than how most my others my age are.
cosign all of this
Realest thing I ever heard a teenager say

If you want to get a hold of me, CALL ME, I have a cell phone. It's a phone, not a damn text machine, not a tweet follower, and no, I don't have web on my cell phone so I can't check your stupid Facebook message. Texting is the worse by far. People OF ALL AGES use this as the easy way out: late or not showing up for work, not wanting to call someone back, breaking up, fighting, etc. Man/woman up and see em in person or at least call. I hate it when I call someone, leave a voicemail, and the damn person doesn't even have the courtesy to call me back, but instead texts me back. I'm not about to have a text conversation with you for 30 minutes when we could get it done over the phone in less than 5 minutes. You get a pass if you are in class, eating with a group, with fam, or at some important meeting for work.

And also, I don't want to know what you are excited about, what you are doing right now, or what just happened to you unless it's groundbreaking. Someone needs to put a stop to this FB status updates and Twitter stuff.

Yes, I'm mad.

COSIGN to all,
it's mostly the high income kids that are lucky they have money to fall back on, that they do not realize what opportunities they have because they are surrounded by money.
when a middle income, lower income kid goes to partying and such. they are just wasting away their parents' time and work.
I believe that children are suppose to surpass their parents every generation, or at least match their parents success or lack thereof, but
due to lethargy and the "we DGAF attitude", that many teens will not match their parents and cause even more debt.This generation will have the most screw-ups for sure.

and texting and social networks have caused society to not be "social", some people judge others on the way they text? if you have to tell me something, call me.
I'm mad too, I'd rather have a quick conversation, then a lagging conversation with, whats up? nothing. cool, blahblahblah. on a text machine.

You two guys sound old an bitter. Thats what Im getting from you post.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by Sois Frais G

What this generation lacks is a "go-getter" mentality if anything.

Co-sign I was just about to say this. 

I would also say that the actual problems are laziness (sloth) + the 6 other deadly sins (well mostly greed, gluttony, and lust).  There's a lot of people who too caught up trying too hard to impress others around them, mostly thirsty dude trying impress other dudes. 

Gluttony - buying stuff you can't afford...too lazy to Google the actual numbers but I saw it on MSNBC that a pretty big percentage of the American population have huge debts because of this.  From credit cards, to auto loans and buying homes they cant afford, etc...

Greed - Everyone is out to get everyone.  Fighting for every dollar you can get and it doesn't matter who gets hurt or who you step on.  From Scams, Identity thefts, blackmail and extortion. 

Lust - Explanation not needed. 

Envy - go to ISS and the hypebeasts on NT.  Do you really need to worship Kanye West and Pharell?
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by Sois Frais G

What this generation lacks is a "go-getter" mentality if anything.

Co-sign I was just about to say this. 

I would also say that the actual problems are laziness (sloth) + the 6 other deadly sins (well mostly greed, gluttony, and lust).  There's a lot of people who too caught up trying too hard to impress others around them, mostly thirsty dude trying impress other dudes. 

Gluttony - buying stuff you can't afford...too lazy to Google the actual numbers but I saw it on MSNBC that a pretty big percentage of the American population have huge debts because of this.  From credit cards, to auto loans and buying homes they cant afford, etc...

Greed - Everyone is out to get everyone.  Fighting for every dollar you can get and it doesn't matter who gets hurt or who you step on.  From Scams, Identity thefts, blackmail and extortion. 

Lust - Explanation not needed. 

Envy - go to ISS and the hypebeasts on NT.  Do you really need to worship Kanye West and Pharell?
I agree 100% OP..been there done that.

But I have come to realize that our fixations and advancements doesn't necessarily have to end us.

If we can just become conscious and grasp & shift into a more forward state of mind,
we as a people can advance along with the "times".

Put a task to your generation and snap out of just being entertained for the meanwhile.
Were definitively capable of it. Were dumb geniuses who have yet to move out of the stage of "amusement".
I agree 100% OP..been there done that.

But I have come to realize that our fixations and advancements doesn't necessarily have to end us.

If we can just become conscious and grasp & shift into a more forward state of mind,
we as a people can advance along with the "times".

Put a task to your generation and snap out of just being entertained for the meanwhile.
Were definitively capable of it. Were dumb geniuses who have yet to move out of the stage of "amusement".
lol the world has been way more +@%$$@ up before we got here. Every generation blames the next for them being lazy/overexposed. The main problem with every generation is evangelists telling everyone how wrong they are. Do you, mind your business and work hard. Stop worrying about how wrong the next man is, and get yourself straight.
lol the world has been way more +@%$$@ up before we got here. Every generation blames the next for them being lazy/overexposed. The main problem with every generation is evangelists telling everyone how wrong they are. Do you, mind your business and work hard. Stop worrying about how wrong the next man is, and get yourself straight.
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