Maybe you're trying to argue that pau was in the conversation for fmvp? Because of course, as the 2nd best player on the lakers I'm sure he got a few looks (word to the rooney rule). But realistically, Kobe was going to win the award.

And I wouldn't call pau an x-factor per se but he was good. Maybe my definition of "x-factor" is different, I see it as a secondary player making consistent contributions and having a big effect on the series. Ron was an x-factor with his defense and random big shots. Pau was just going about his business.

Oh and Sasha was an x-factor. Came in cold to hit two fts to seal the deal in game 7, and avenging getting dunked on by ray Allen :lol:

(Not srs about Sasha btw)
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I never once said Pau was Robbed of the FMVP, never even once said Pau shouldve won it. If I did, you wouldve quoted it long ago. I simply stated there was a case for him to win FMVP.

Hell, the first thing you said to me was

The debate isn't whether it was reasonable that Pau garner consideration. 

Right there, you conceded that all I said was that Pau deserved consideration for the FMVP.

Then you asked me to present the case. I presented a case (and nothing more than a case). Even CP conceded that it was a case, although he probably didnt agree with it, and thats fine. You didnt agree with the case obviously, but instead of just saying that, you nitpicked about rounding percentages as if rounding .0_ is the difference between whether there is or isnt a case for a player.

Now, your telling me I agreed with cartune saying Pau was robbed. I'd like to see where I wrote that. You keep telling me what I wrote, what I meant to say and who I "seemingly" agreed with, etc... Everything I wrote is in writing. You can try and spin stuff to your favor, but everything is in writing.

All I said at first, and all Im saying now is that Pau had a case for FMVP. You call it a "stupid" case, others might agree with the case, whatever. Its a case.

You conceded that it was a case (a stupid one) so we can just leave it at that. No point in going on and on when the discussion is over. Im done.
The Finals MVP basically = leading scorer on the winning team. And apparently not a single solitary damb is given about shooting percentages or how many shots a player takes to become that leading scorer.

The one time in the last 25 years it didn't happen is when Chauncey Billups won it, and he averaged a whopping 0.4 points less than Rip Hamilton.
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The Finals MVP basically = leading scorer on the winning team. And apparently not a single solitary damb is given about shooting percentages or how many shots a player takes to become that leading scorer.

The one time in the last 25 years it didn't happen is when Chauncey Billups won it, and he averaged a whopping 0.4 points less than Rip Hamilton.
That damn will never be given because the NBA's marketing strategies are catered towards the 80% of people that watch NBA but don't know a lick of basketball/math.

Also, that same lack of a damn is the sole reason that Kobe Bryant is even considered a top 20 all-time player.
I've seen the light.
I dont think Kobe is even in the Top 50 all time.
I can name 50 greater than Kobe.

deezy gonna deezy. i see you deezy.
The original Top 50 named about 15 years ago are all better than Kobe.
Add to that Bron, Wade, Melo, Cp3, Durant, Rose, KLove, Griffin, Kidd, Dirk now Kobe cant even break the top 60.
Hell, if we dig deep enough I doubt Kobe is top 100.
Unfortunately, theres no font for sarcasm.
Kobe is top 5.
Dont care what anyone says.
Always saying what Kobe hasnt done or what doesnt have.
Instead of bowing down with respect like they should and acknowledge what Kobe has done for 17 years for this league, the Lakers and himself.
Unfortunately, theres no font for sarcasm.
Kobe is top 5.
Dont care what anyone says.
Always saying what Kobe hasnt done or what doesnt have.
Instead of bowing down with respect like they should and acknowledge what Kobe has done for 17 years for this league, the Lakers and himself.

Top 10-15 maybe, top 5? Nawwwww
Accolades, aside. Top 5.
Im talkin about raw talent and skill.
Heart. Dedication. Determination.

I aint gonna pull out that 5 rings stuff. Or 81 pt game stuff.
Kobe been to 7 Finals. That's a pretty positive impact.

Meh he's played with a lot of talent.

The players I think are better than him would have done better.

In Kobe Bryant's 17 years not once I have seen him take a team and win a playoff series they weren't supposed to win.
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What players do you think are better then him would do better?
Also ya he had the talent around him and what? he won. It's not like he just lost.
You happy your Dallas team won a series they weren't "suppose" to win against a gassed Lakers team?
My slow *** is still trying to ponder how one doesnt think a player is "top 5" but thinks he is better than 2 top 5 players

Or is he simply trying to backpedal away from admitting he's top 5 after I presented a valid argument :nerd:

That damn will never be given because the NBA's marketing strategies are catered towards the 80% of people that watch NBA but don't know a lick of basketball/math.

Also, that same lack of a damn is the sole reason that Kobe Bryant is even considered a top 20 all-time player.

Very true.
Are you slow?


So Kobe can be the better LAKER, but not overall.

Why the **** can't you figure that out???????
I'm talking having a positive impact on the outcome of a basketball game.

Either you dont watch much basketball or you just full of blind hate.
Im guessing the second reason though.

"Im talkin about a positive impact on the outcome of a basketball game blah blah blah"
He has done this. For the better part of the last decade.
And the fact we still talkin bout it make it arguable.
And you sayin outcome this outcome that is just a cop out for wanting to say he overrated.
As a Laker Magic is greater than/equal to Kobe.
As a BASKETBALL player Kobe is greater than Magic.
I would rather have Kobe's skill set.
They are polar opposites though on court attitude wise.
Are you slow?


So Kobe can be the better LAKER, but not overall.

Why the **** can't you figure that out???????

Dude he's a unanimous top 5 player because of his run with the Lakers not when he was a Buck. :lol:

You know they named a 10 year era of LA Basketball after him and Magic right?

Yet for some reason you've backpedal'd from saying Kobe is a top 5 player

but you're stubborn enough to say he's still a better Laker than Kareem and as you put it "1A to Magic a career Laker who is a unanimous top 5 player"

Cumulatively this makes no sense.

Only way it would make sense is if Kareem played longer with the Bucks and was more accomplished with them. But that isnt the case b

So again are you saying Lakers >>>>> The history of the NBA?
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To speak of GLOAT you can ONLY use Laker time. Kareem won a title and MVP's with the Bucks. Those DO NOT count when discussing GLOAT.

When you talk all time NBA, NOW you add his Bucks legacy to what he did as a Laker and that pushes him ahead of Kobe, CLEARLY.

It is not that difficult to comprehend.
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