Is Megan Fox really that hot? [Pics]

Originally Posted by smoothrick007

Originally Posted by smoothrick007



@This guy quoting hisown post

And yes, I too can look into her eyes forever
you dont get it do you?? Im talkin to the people comin on here posting the nonsense about "oh shes just average" and the lame ones likethese "I know 20 more girls better than her" I find it ironic and funny because you can name all the beezys in your hood, and think of the ex girlthat got away, post all the pics of JESSICA MISS RABBITS, and post all the pics of BAR RAFAELI' all you want. The fact of the matter is that Miss Rabbitand BAR will never be MEGAN FOX status. Im not a drone or a bot following the other sheeps, im seriously trying to state facts here. Look at all the mediaexposure she has gotten will be getting for years to come. Is she OVER RATED? you have to re think that question, are you asking over rated as in the worldthinking shes the most sexiest woman in the world??? well opinions are always going to vary and I know the majority of the hate on her is simply because shesbeen the IT girl now and the media is blowing her all crazy and not your favorite girl. I understand the reason for being soo upset but you have to realizeyour VIDEO girls or chicks from webcams are NEVER going to be the IT girl so the media isnt going to give her theexposure Megan is getting.

Theres nothing you can do about that, Fox is going to continue to have 20+ threads a week here on NT, shes going to be on every tv channel you see when youturn on the tube, shes going to be on every magazine cover when you walk into your 7 11. Im not jocking her that hard, im just stating OBVIOUS facts people.NOT everyone is going to agree but actresses and singers compared to your video girl or web cam chick is like comparing apples to oranges, there in two totallydifferent worlds, you people arent going to win so post all the pics of your fav girl you want. The fact is that when you turn on your tv tonight youre gonnasee something about Megan Fox on more than one channel, go to your magazine store= youre going to find Megan gracing more covers than your fav girl.. Im sorryto break it to ya people

THEEEE only credible woman to post IMO ^.. not hating on your fav girls but like I saidyour fav gurl hasnt been in two blockbuster movies like Megan or Eva (Mendez has more) and this is where the BATTLEs really starts to happen because actressesand singers have way higher exposure to the public limelight so there going to be getting more people riding their wagons longer compared to the Beezys youkeep postin here on NT... wow this aint even a fair pic, both are UNIQUELY stunning in their ways and thats what makes them completely in a way bigger leaguethan others. Eva is Latina, has those die hard curves, brown eyes and juicy lips to where MEGAN has her own exotic look in her dark hair and blue eyes, tatsand such.... too hard to pick my friend..
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Regular Rican chick in the hood >>>>>>> this chick.



roll.gif about no.

I'd take the chicks on the left and right over Megan anyday...

And i'm almost positive they have better box and can hook up some tostones after I nut.
The thing about Megan Fox is her natural beauty and attitude. She gives off the vibe that I'll do whatever the f i want and I could care less what youthink about me. She doesn't care what people think about her and that's why I find her sexy. That and her amazing eyes.
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