Is "Merry Xmas" the right thing to say?

Aug 17, 2003
With the holiday season here, I was wondering what everyone thinks.. Is it proper to say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to someone as you see them?? When you areworking somewhere, is it right, or proper to say merry xmas to someone as they enter or leave your store???

I ask this because ALTHOUGH it is celebrated in the majority of houses (i celebrate it as well), it IS technically a religious holiday, and SOME peopleactually dont celebrate christmas.. Is it better off to just say happy holidays to everyone instead of merry christmas???

I am half jewish and half christian.. I celebrate both hanukah and christmas.... I dont take it offensive, but someone that doesnt celebrate it might take itoffensive?? Isnt it the same as me telling everybody that I see "HAPPY HANUKAH!"?
most people say "Merry Christmas", as you said i think it's better to say "Happy Holidays".
It's better to say that because you know it shouldn't offend anybody.
Happy Holidays covers it're pretty safe with saying that....

although, what about Jehovah's Witnessess?
Happy Holidays is the way to go.
To me Merry X-Mas is wrong for the simple fact that there is an X in place of Christ. I don't really trip over it though.
i think it's better to say "Happy Holidays".

So we should always cater to the 1% who are offended?

You don't just change 2,000 years of tradition because a few people are offended.

SMH at people trying to secularize everything.
Depends where you live, I used to live in South Florida and there were alot of Jewish people, so you were supposed to say "Happy Hollidays" just tobe sure. But now, I live in Central Fla and it seems like everyone celebrates Christmas so I just say "Merry Christmas" now.
Originally Posted by AC IX

i think it's better to say "Happy Holidays".

So we should always cater to the 1% who are offended?

You don't just change 2,000 years of tradition because a few people are offended.

SMH at people trying to secularize everything.

[Coolio] Awwww Here It Goes [/Coolio]
Originally Posted by Droopy1006

Originally Posted by AC IX

i think it's better to say "Happy Holidays".

So we should always cater to the 1% who are offended?

You don't just change 2,000 years of tradition because a few people are offended.

SMH at people trying to secularize everything.

[Coolio] Awwww Here It Goes [/Coolio]

Thats just a completely IGNORANT (i think thats the word i want) statement.. To say that we shouldnt change something just because its been done over 2,000years of tradition is just being close minded...
So everything that was done in the past MUST be right and we should always stick with that? You have to evaluate the new and adjust to whats right, itdoesnt matter what the TRADITION is!
--- I know this is a HUGE and maybe over the top analogy here but its like saying a 100 years ago we should always use the "N" word because its beentraditiion over 2,000 years and we shouldnt change it! Until we got smart and realized it wasnt right.. Its the same thing here, if we evaluate it and thinkabout it ,and realize saying merry christmas ISNT right, then NO, i dont think we should say it anymore.. Just cause other people say or do something doesntmake it right buddy.
I remember back when I was younger there was no such thing as Happy was Merry Christmas....

also back then, mcdonald use pork oil instead of this vegetable crap for their french fries
trans fat was in everything
buttermilk ranch at jack n the box was free
and oil was cheap...

i miss the past
Happy Holidays would be the best thing imo. Like stated, other religions and affiliations may not celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ and could beoffended by saying Merry Christmas to them. As far catering to the 1% statement, the majority of the world is not Christian. When you are at a place ofbusiness you must worry about offending the customers and people you serve. TO try and take some moral stance on an issue when it is not your business beingimpacted it quite selfish and egregious.
i say merry christmas. even if they dont celebrate it, they can still have a merry day on december 25th. when people tell me happy holidays, i say merrychristmas back, and then usually they say merry christmas back to me.
^ I agree. . i usually just say "happy holidays" because some people don't celebrate Christmas
If a Jewish person wished me a "Happy Hannukah," I would not be offended in the least.
Well for all of those people that think its right to say MErry Christmas... What if you had ten difffernet people come up to you and tell you "HappyHanukah"?? It's the exact same thing.. I celebrate both, but I tihnk for now on when people tell me merry christmas, i am going to say happyhanukah... If they dont celebrate hanukah they can still have a happy seven days during hanukah,lol
Originally Posted by Samito5

I am half jewish and half christian.

damn, not trying to nitpick or w/e, but i always have this conversation, with my friends just like you. i can understand how you can be a mix ofethnicities, like half chinese half dominican, but religion? how can you be half jewish half christian. so you half believe in jesus being the messiah hahaha?i don't mean this to be an attack or nothing, but i was always curious when i hear it.

as for the question, i don't find it wrong to say merry christmas on christmas, but prior to is strictly holidays. i don't mind if people come toand say happy hannukah or happy kwanzaa.
Originally Posted by AC IX

i think it's better to say "Happy Holidays".

So we should always cater to the 1% who are offended?

You don't just change 2,000 years of tradition because a few people are offended.

SMH at people trying to secularize everything.

calm down man.

just because i'm saying happy holidays it means i'm changing 2,000 years of tradition?

happy holidays can mean ALL the holidays that are celebrated in the month of December.

@ you.
Originally Posted by AC IX

i think it's better to say "Happy Holidays".

So we should always cater to the 1% who are offended?

You don't just change 2,000 years of tradition because a few people are offended.

SMH at people trying to secularize everything.

Truth. Check out the Lowes Ad's. I don't knwo if its like this anywhere else but here they're called Christmas Holiday Trees.

Or its no longer Christmas Break, its Winter Break. Why the hell did we (originally) get a month off? cuz of winter no. Its cuz of Christmas.

The worst is the e-mail i got from work. Instead of saying (this is for real too) Happy Holidays or Season's Greetings (
) they went with a "Have a happy and safe Winter Solstice this year"

i wanted to punch my screen, i gave it a big

Seriously its outta hand how people are trying to take anything that involves Christ out....
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by AC IX

i think it's better to say "Happy Holidays".

So we should always cater to the 1% who are offended?

You don't just change 2,000 years of tradition because a few people are offended.

SMH at people trying to secularize everything.

Truth. Check out the Lowes Ad's. I don't knwo if its like this anywhere else but here they're called Christmas Holiday Trees.

Or its no longer Christmas Break, its Winter Break. Why the hell did we (originally) get a month off? cuz of winter no. Its cuz of Christmas.

The worst is the e-mail i got from work. Instead of saying (this is for real too) Happy Holidays or Season's Greetings (
) they went with a "Have a happy and safe Winter Solstice this year"

i wanted to punch my screen, i gave it a big

Seriously its outta hand how people are trying to take anything that involves Christ out....

it's a wierd time we live in now. it's like everyone is so sensitive, according to the media, but my jewish and muslim friends say merry christmasto me. i'm going to SMH the future in advance. i swear if my children in the future tell me have a happy winter solstice, call child services ASAP.
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