Is NT messed up? Or is it just my laptop?

I haven't changed any settings recently and it was fine last night. My work computer was fine as well about 4 hours ago. Everything is either bunched up orWWWAAAYYYY down at the bottom of the page.

Anyone else?
HAHA. I normally stay out of General. I kinda forget about it sometimes, actually. I'm always in Nike, Nike Retro, and Jordan Brand.

This crap is acting up on me too.

I don't know if we're experiencing the same problem, but I have like a big gap inbetween the add and actual posts.

I have to scroll down so far just to see topics.

I thought it was just my computer, but yes finally I'm not the only one experiencing difficulties with this Yuku thing.
I usually don't have a problem with Yuku, but since the switch it does seem to take longer to load. This thing right now is really buggin me, though.
It's like I see the NT Banner and the ad, then I have to scroll ALL the way down to see the Sub Forums
Ye its been happening to me since like 2 or 3 hours ago. I thought it was my computer that was messed up
nah im not having any problems.
but i was having hella problems last night...
couldnt even reply to a post.
yea, for me it gets bunched up, and then it loads fully and its at the bottom of the page...and some pages don't work
This is annoying as hell...
GOT the same prob TIM.. it gives me a HUGE gap between the NT BANNER and then the topics.. also I noticed the INTERACT thing inthe middle of peoples sigs.. im wonderin if techs are adding new features or something.... ohhh and TIM 2 more days right till you guys get the Dmansright
Should be getting them in tomorrow and shipping Friday for anyone who has already ordered.
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