Is Sex immature?

Apr 11, 2006
It's gets worse the older I get. My cravings are no longer like they were when my life was on par. Nowadays I'm not even attracted to anything sexually. I'm pulled close today visiting this pizza store in Florida. As they say: Life is what you make it. Now I think it's an immature way of showing someone you care/ or love them.
LOL Wutermelon
I can't even make it a thought. Each time I do I begin crying. I may be severely depressed. I eat more these days btw.
On a related note, I was at work the other day when a woman told me she was asexual, it was the most bizarre thing ever. Then she started using the word "germane" in every sentence.
I basically to put it short I'm 29 and was pulled out of a sexually charged relationship. I haven't been the same since then... I woke up this morning with daydreams of someone poking my ex girlfriend. Like, I'm not even thinking about her. It sucks that I know it's depression I also came down with szcophrenia last year and I lost my apartment. To put words short maybe I'm depressed or maybe it is an immature way to show love and I'm not thinking about it like that. ..
I basically to put it short I'm 29 and was pulled out of a sexually charged relationship. I haven't been the same since then... I woke up this morning with daydreams of someone poking my ex girlfriend. Like, I'm not even thinking about her. It sucks that I know it's depression I also came down with szcophrenia last year and I lost my apartment. To put words short maybe I'm depressed or maybe it is an immature way to show love and I'm not thinking about it like that. ..

Look, homie. I'm gonna be as honest as possible. Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm being sincere.

You need help. I'm not just saying that you should get your boys and talk through it with friends. I mean you need to really talk to someone that can help you work through your issues. I've been seeing you post a lot; about going back to school, about moving out from your parent's place, and about how you've been having a rough time the last couple years. It's great that you're focused on the future and making moves that will improve your style, but it's painstakingly obvious that you have some demons plaguing your mind. Coupled with szcophrenia, those issues will just continue to resurface and cause disturbances in your life until you snap. It might not be when you move out. It might not be when you get enrolled in school. But, one day that pressure will come back to bite you if you don't get help and start working through some of your issues.... I've seen it happen to students I worked with as a RA, I've seen it happen to members of my own family.

The black community does not like to talk about certain issues, so be careful who you confide in. But, confide in someone, and get the help you need before its too late.

I wish you the best OP.
Look, homie. I'm gonna be as honest as possible. Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm being sincere.

Ok, *** odd as this may sound. I don't have anyone I just have NT which I've been a member of since 2004

You need help. I'm not just saying that you should get your boys and talk through it with friends. I mean you need to really talk to someone that can help you work through your issues. I've been seeing you post a lot; about going back to school, about moving out from your parent's place, and about how you've been having a rough time the last couple years. It's great that you're focused on the future and making moves that will improve your style, but it's painstakingly obvious that you have some demons plaguing your mind. Coupled with szcophrenia, those issues will just continue to resurface and cause disturbances in your life until you snap. It might not be when you move out. It might not be when you get enrolled in school. But, one day that pressure will come back to bite you if you don't get help and start working through some of your issues.... I've seen it happen to students I worked with as a RA, I've seen it happen to members of my own family.

The black community does not like to talk about certain issues, so be careful who you confide in. But, confide in someone, and get the help you need before its too late.

I wish you the best OP.

Ok, as odd as this may sound. I have no one to talk to. I'm by myself. I only have NT.
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I came in with a joke but this look like a cry for help more than anything 

It's the depression giving you these thoughts bruh, you should prolly hit up a professional or something that **** is no joke
get professional help. do not wait until you're too far gone. schizophrenia is no joke, treatment is very important.

I hope you find all the help you need. We're here for you too fam.
I'm sick but not suicidal sick I'm bored, depressed and have to find new ways to keep myself busy throughout the day. This is where I've always been and the company that has my back as I don't have anybody to talk to.
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