Is Social Media Destroying Society? Former Facebook Exec Says 'Yes'

On NT most of us have a lot in common though and have plenty of constructive conversations.

It's definitely social media technically, but I get more out of it than I do with facebook. Pretty much only reason I still have FB account is to simp.
NT the closest thing I ever had to social media. I quit video games a while back for the same reason. I’d rather have real life experiences. Everyone taking pictures of their food and snap chatting every single thing they do are slowly getting groomed into this auxiliary form of living life without realizing it. “Stop and smell the roses” as they say. Enjoy the experiences you have in life without feeling the need to document everything to gain approval from the next person.

Just out of curiosity, what life changing experiences have you had since you "quit videogames?" Unless you're one of those hardcore dude playing for 10+ hours a week, what life events are you missing out on if you game a couple hours throughout the course of a week or something? Seems extreme to me.

And I take IG pics of my food and it literally takes less than 15 seconds to take a photo, throw in some hashtags and then put my phone away and enjoy the food and/or company I'm with. I honestly don't care about the likes or anything, it's just my way of keeping a journal in some way. Why do people always make it sound like it's such tedious work?:lol:
I think it's interesting every time this question is posed, it's looked at from the way consumers interact with social media. When looking at the way the creators of social media (these big silicon valley corporations) interact with society you'll find some negative things. A lot of these companies set up offices in NoCal and displace poor people aiding the growth of the homeless population. They also provide a lot of data for the NSA if you like being monitored.
Homie, no stalker ish but ive seen you in the father thread. You and everyone else post heir families and stuff on there, ppl post their personal lives stories on here in different threads, etc etc.

NT IS social media.

But to each to their own.

Man I’m contributing to NT society and convos b. :lol: and is the only place I post pictures.

I’m not losing my individuality or creating a false persona because of NT. Unlike SOME ppl on IG, indulged to get attention to mask their insecurities. Theyre ppl out here paying money to take pictures on a seated private jet for IG likes.... :lol:

Outside of that guy lying about his Royce’s and Wall Street, who the hell stunts on NT?

This is a place of dialogue among your peers that has the same interest as you.

IMO, it’s completely different than FB, IG and Snap. That **** is for the egos...
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Social media has it flaws but it also have t perks...

That’s with anything.

Reminds me of that movie ‘Me’ and that episode on Black Mirror.

We’re becoming zombies and machines but also creative geniuses...
And I take IG pics of my food and it literally takes less than 15 seconds to take a photo, throw in some hashtags and then put my phone away and enjoy the food and/or company I'm with. I honestly don't care about the likes or anything, it's just my way of keeping a journal in some way. Why do people always make it sound like it's such tedious work?:lol:

If it's only for keeping a journal, why do you need hashtags?
I think the internet in general is the greatest tool of our time being used for the most evil of purposes. It allowed people who were sidelined and pushed out of society to the fringes to reorganize and lay low and rile up.

Yes everyone deserves a voice. But you have to realize that what you say has consequences. There is no push back in the online space. You don't have to deal with people's feelings and you lose empathy.
I think the internet in general is the greatest tool of our time being used for the most evil of purposes. It allowed people who were sidelined and pushed out of society to the fringes to reorganize and lay low and rile up.

Word it's like a virtual version of Jenny Jones episode geek to chic.
Think about what the internet means for society. The ease of access of information for the masses at the palm of your hand. You only need to teach people complex problem solving skills instead of have them memorize information.

There used to be value in retention of knowledge but now the power is in the ability to problem solve. Its a different kind of society that you need to be in.
Just out of curiosity, what life changing experiences have you had since you "quit videogames?" Unless you're one of those hardcore dude playing for 10+ hours a week, what life events are you missing out on if you game a couple hours throughout the course of a week or something? Seems extreme to me.

And I take IG pics of my food and it literally takes less than 15 seconds to take a photo, throw in some hashtags and then put my phone away and enjoy the food and/or company I'm with. I honestly don't care about the likes or anything, it's just my way of keeping a journal in some way. Why do people always make it sound like it's such tedious work?:lol:

lol reminds me of a friend of mine who went on a mini rant one time about how he stopped playing video games and "experiences life" because of it. Dude kinda gave off the vibe he was "above" the rest of us lol. Never really understood the salt thrown at playing video games. As long as gaming isn't drastically hindering your everyday life, I don't see any issues.

It's all about prioritization, IMO.
Man I’m contributing to NT society and convos b. :lol: and is the only place I post pictures.

I’m not losing my individuality or creating a false persona because of NT. Unlike SOME ppl on IG, indulged to get attention to mask their insecurities. Theyre ppl out here paying money to take pictures on a seated private jet for IG likes.... :lol:

Outside of that guy lying about his Royce’s and Wall Street, who the hell stunts onNT?

This is a place of dialogue among your peers that has the same interest as you.

IMO, it’s completely different than FB, IG and Snap. That **** is for the egos...

But you were stuntin saying you was gona cop everybody a sweater in the fitness thread or some ish for secret santa..... which never happened btw :frown:
NT lowkey does stunt, pickup thread, WDYW thread, car thread, and so on.

No matter what you say nothing will change my mind, b. Social media has all types of platforms and NT is just one of em, thatd all im tryna get at
I think the only thing social media is people’s actual social skills by making small differences in views more polarizing.

Back in the gap, if you wanted to discuss something, you had to actually had to find someone to talk to. If that person disagreed or had an alternative view, you had to face it or work it out. Versus today, on social media, you can just throw something out there and picking and choosing who you interact with based on their views on a particular subject.
I've actually learned a lot about certain news, and causes through them spreading on social media, so I don't think it's all bad. There are some very informative sources that can reach lots quickly.

The problem I see is the lack of consistency is terms of purpose and message. One or two insightful, thought-provoking posts is followed by a dozen "Friday's be like..." or nostalgic childhood garbage, which waters down my timeline on FB.

That's my experience if it matters.
I only use social media to keep in contact with fam/friends that live far away and show them pics of my kid. That’s about it. I’m low key so I don’t stunt. I don’t poor out my emotions on there either.

One thing I don’t understand is people posting vacation pics while they’re still on vacation. IMO that’s just a lick waiting to happen.


basically describing what facebook/instagram and even NIKETALK is in a picture. i perfer niketalk for my internet social interaction.

i rarely occasionally check my facebook and if i do its for a emergency to contact a friend if my phone is dead.
Social media is to common human interaction as porn is to sex. It's removed all of the awkwardness and gives you purely what you want.

that's a profound ******* insight. you've cleanly articulated a number of thoughts and feelings I've had floating around on the subject.

social media is the freedom to talk **** about someone's face while hiding behind a dog photo.

social media is the freedom to say something that will get you punched upon the face in a bar without getting punched upon the face in a bar.

social media is the freedom to criticize the lifestyle and decisions of a successful public figure when your everyday life is the direct result of all the worst choices over many years.

people think "oh it's just the Internet" when they would never say "oh it's just my voice."

no, those are your original thought processes and the roots of your worldview laid bare, sweetheart.

there aren't enough negative consequences (yet) to discourage people from pretending this isn't real *** life.

...but there will be, and that's when that something that WILL happen to society as a result of this development will reveal itself.
But you were stuntin saying you was gona cop everybody a sweater in the fitness thread or some ish for secret santa..... which never happened btw :frown:
NT lowkey does stunt, pickup thread, WDYW thread, car thread, and so on.

No matter what you say nothing will change my mind, b. Social media has all types of platforms and NT is just one of em, thatd all im tryna get at


That didn’t workout because my friend didn’t deliver the product on his end. $250 down the drain. I had stated that in the thread...

Now you’re gonna make me find someone else to do it. :lol:
Social Media isn't destroying a darn thing. Thanks to social media, a lot of black people are starting to wake up.

Look at the number of people that are starting to invest in both cryptocurrency & the stock market because of posts on Twitter/Facebook/IG
Look at the number of corrupted police officers being recorded and put on blast for the way they treat black people.
Look at the number of black people that are actually taking the time to go out and vote now that they see what not voting will get them (prime example Alabama just yesterday)
Look at the number of black people in the hood that get a chance to see hundreds/thousands of success stories from other people that grew up in similar situations.

So what if a lot of trolls are talking ish under your IG pics and YouTube videos.
So what if women are spending a lot of time on Snap/IG posting vids of them in the club or half naked
That stuff isn't destroying anything. Only thing it does is have the older crowd pull one of those "back in my day" moments like they do with every topic that pops up.
*drops mic*
Social Media isn't destroying a darn thing. Thanks to social media, a lot of black people are starting to wake up.

Look at the number of people that are starting to invest in both cryptocurrency & the stock market because of posts on Twitter/Facebook/IG
Look at the number of corrupted police officers being recorded and put on blast for the way they treat black people.
Look at the number of black people that are actually taking the time to go out and vote now that they see what not voting will get them (prime example Alabama just yesterday)
Look at the number of black people in the hood that get a chance to see hundreds/thousands of success stories from other people that grew up in similar situations.

So what if a lot of trolls are talking ish under your IG pics and YouTube videos.
So what if women are spending a lot of time on Snap/IG posting vids of them in the club or half naked
That stuff isn't destroying anything. Only thing it does is have the older crowd pull one of those "back in my day" moments like they do with every topic that pops up.
*drops mic*

I agree with the substance of your post, but something can be both great and terrible.

nuclear power, for example, can be an incredibly illuminating resource AND actual cancer, depending on how it is handled by humans in general.
Just out of curiosity, what life changing experiences have you had since you "quit videogames?" Unless you're one of those hardcore dude playing for 10+ hours a week, what life events are you missing out on if you game a couple hours throughout the course of a week or something? Seems extreme to me.

And I take IG pics of my food and it literally takes less than 15 seconds to take a photo, throw in some hashtags and then put my phone away and enjoy the food and/or company I'm with. I honestly don't care about the likes or anything, it's just my way of keeping a journal in some way. Why do people always make it sound like it's such tedious work?:lol:

I’m pretty positive I didn’t mention anything about having life changing experiences so I don’t know how to answer that. Seems you took offense to the food thing. I’m not knocking it but you can’t deny that people are od with that ****.

For me personally I would spend way too much time playing Madden, 2k, and street fighter. So it was a personal decision to cut that out of my life a couple years ago and I’ve been a lot happier.

I’ve never had social media for the simple fact that I don’t care about what you got going on in your life if I don’t know you and don’t interact with you in reality. I prefer things like NT cuz you get different perspectives and opinions without the barrage of attention seeking photographs.

Like some have mentioned ig can be used as a tool for your business, career etc and that’s all good but it’s not for everybody.
Sean Parker Unloads on Facebook "Exploiting" Human Psychology
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Mark Zuckerberg (L) and Sean Parker (R). Photos: Steven Senne/AP, Axios video

Sean Parker, the founding president of Facebook, gave me a candid insider's look at how social networks purposely hook and potentially hurt our brains.

Be smart: Parker's I-was-there account provides priceless perspective in the rising debate about the power and effects of the social networks, which now have scale and reach unknown in human history. He's worried enough that he's sounding the alarm.

Parker, 38, now founder and chair of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, spoke yesterday at an Axios event at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, about accelerating cancer innovation. In the green room, Parker mentioned that he has become "something of a conscientious objector" on social media.

By the time he left the stage, he jokingly said Mark Zuckerberg will probably block his account after reading this:

  • "When Facebook was getting going, I had these people who would come up to me and they would say, 'I'm not on social media.' And I would say, 'OK. You know, you will be.' And then they would say, 'No, no, no. I value my real-life interactions. I value the moment. I value presence. I value intimacy.' And I would say, ... 'We'll get you eventually.'"
  • "I don't know if I really understood the consequences of what I was saying, because [of] the unintended consequences of a network when it grows to a billion or 2 billion people and ... it literally changes your relationship with society, with each other ... It probably interferes with productivity in weird ways. God only knows what it's doing to our children's brains."
  • "The thought process that went into building these applications, Facebook being the first of them, ... was all about: 'How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?'"
  • "And that means that we need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while, because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever. And that's going to get you to contribute more content, and that's going to get you ... more likes and comments."
  • "It's a social-validation feedback loop ... exactly the kind of thing that a hacker like myself would come up with, because you're exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology."
  • "The inventors, creators — it's me, it's Mark [Zuckerberg], it's Kevin Systrom on Instagram, it's all of these people — understood this consciously. And we did it anyway."
P.S. Parker, on life science allowing us to "live much longer, more productive lives": "Because I'm a billionaire, I'm going to have access to better health care so ... I'm going to be like 160 and I'm going to be part of this, like, class of immortal overlords. [Laughter] Because, you know the [Warren Buffett] expression about compound interest. ... [G]ive us billionaires an extra hundred years and you'll know what ... wealth disparity looks like."

Go deeper: See the video of Parker's comments.

Go deeper: Joe Biden rips Trump's "phony nationalism".
I’m pretty positive I didn’t mention anything about having life changing experiences so I don’t know how to answer that. Seems you took offense to the food thing. I’m not knocking it but you can’t deny that people are od with that ****.

For me personally I would spend way too much time playing Madden, 2k, and street fighter. So it was a personal decision to cut that out of my life a couple years ago and I’ve been a lot happier.

I’ve never had social media for the simple fact that I don’t care about what you got going on in your life if I don’t know you and don’t interact with you in reality. I prefer things like NT cuz you get different perspectives and opinions without the barrage of attention seeking photographs.

Like some have mentioned ig can be used as a tool for your business, career etc and that’s all good but it’s not for everybody.

I didn't take offense to anything, how did you even get that?

I was merely asking what you've been doing so productive with yourself now that you quit videogames because you made it sound like you were so enlightened after putting down the controller? I play about 5-10 hours a week and never once did I think it was detrimental to my life goals and accomplishments. If all you get is "pure happiness", I can respect that.

As far as the food thing, your comment applied to me, so I'm coming from the other end of the spectrum. I'm just asking how something, that takes mere seconds to do, can irk you someone so much that it's a "social media problem"? Now, those people who snapchat everything, I can't help you with that because I don't really do that.

Remember, we're just having a civilized discussion here, no one should be getting their jimmies rustled.
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