Is their such thing as the wingwoman?

Sep 16, 2003
You know, a girl wants to into something for the night and see a pair of dudes together and sics her friend on the ugly one so she can smash?
Don't dudes have wingwomen?

Girl (dude's friend): This is my friend, XXXXXXX

Guy: Lemme get at Her!

Girl (dude'ss friend): Okay
ok, i'm confused. i thought wing women worked like this; go to a club with a female friend, she scopes out a potential pound mate, she goes over makes yousound fun and interesting, then your WW brings ol' girl over so you can close the deal.
they are the best ones actually. If you go out with girls to the club A. you dont look like a sucka. B. If they are cute all the girls are gonna want to talkto you thats just how girls are.
Also they can infultrate a group of girls easier

EDIT/ NVM I didnt even read the post my bad
i think he means...two girls and one takes on the friend so her friend can get it in...the answer is yes...
It seems there are a few definitions of "wing woman" in this thread so I'm not sure how to respond lol. I can say that for me and my friends whenwe go out and there is a guy who one of them wants to talk to there is no expectation that one of us "take the ugly guy". I think a lot of it has todo with that unwritten rule with guys and wingmen. There is no need to occupy the friend because he already knows to leave the friend alone if he's tryingto talk to a girl. Me may talk to the guy just because, but it is by no means a distraction.
I played wingwoman for a friend of mine a couple of months ago. She was trying to hook up with a guy and shoved me at his friend. He was obnoxious, and kepttelling me how different I am from other white girls. Then he licked my face. At the end of the night it turned out the guy she was with didn't even knowthe guy I was with. He tracked me down the next day on Facebook, and wouldn't leave me alone for a while. It was a nightmare.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! Yes... I think they prefer their scientific name: Cockus Blockus. DF!!!
^^^^This is the truth right here. Usually filled with 100% of haterade.
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