Is There Anything You're Borderline Obsessed With?

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by ItWasTyped

Originally Posted by cracka KC

Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

I have an obsession over Zooey Deschanel

me too my friend especially after seeing yes man

She was in elf as well.
i was wondering who the girl in elf was....

I love her

Top Gun related stuff: The F-14 Tomcat, whenever the movie airs on the movie channels, I always have to watch it...the whole thing. When I need to get psychedup for something or juiced "Danger Zone" is the song I always listen to.

Things I'm lightweight obsessed with would be NT general and Facebook.
- Basketball
- New music
- Sayin' punchlines in real life ex:
Let's get it poppin' like cheap condoms
Let's make like a rocket and blast
Imma get up in the #*! like a bicycle with no seat (pause)

corny but i can't stop
& thinking of what new soccer boots to get
(and Ijust got a new pair)
To the OP. Man Zelda is tight I have played them all and love it as much as you do I feel u 100%. You got nothing to be ashamed of. I have the same problemwith Metal Gear solid. My Mysace is the ending theme to the fame and my ringtone is Snakes Codec.

Anything related to Sports
Fantasy Sports
Metal Gear Solid
Mortal Kombat 2 for the PS3 (Parada2136 if u wanna see me)
Shoes Jordans Basketball Player Shoes
asian women
football (for some reason it gets worse in the offseason)

I'm also obsessed with learning about the day to day lives of people outside of my city/region...what is it like living in NY, London, Paris, any foreigncountry, a third world country, i just want to know
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