Is There Anything You're Borderline Obsessed With?

Originally Posted by bjm5295
Favre and the patriots should not be placed together for the rest of life.
-I can't go 3 days without watching a scene from 'The Dark Knight'. I think I've seen it over 20 times.
-I've probably seen every Fresh Prince episode over 15 times.
-I feel like I need sex 7 days a week.
-To me, NT = Internet. Every time I go online, this is the first place I come to.
-I always have a pack of gum in my pocket.
street fighter
shoes (sorta, not really anymore)
First person shooters
movies (horror, action, kung fu)
clothes- jackets, jeans
Dominican, Dominican, Dominican girls
Looking in the mirror (just to make sure I dont look too stupid)
My iPod
a DC2 & s14, I dont own either
school work clean with no smudges
and the worst is seperating my socks by sides, I can somehow figure out which is right or left
Star Wars
Downloading .cbr files
Action Figures: I bought about 10 this week alone. The crib is looking pretty crazy.
Marvel Legends/Xmen
Mighty Muggs

Records bought like 50 yesterday and bout to go back for more. (my expedit shelves are pretty crazy right now)
Bmx Parts

Getting out of CT for good!

Finding a woman with a good head on her shoulders and no children.

Muhsinah's music.

Hating my coworker the Dirty Deacon (one shouldn't hate as much I hate this dude but this cat is the foulest human period)
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