Is this fixable?

Sep 21, 2019
I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong place. Wasn't sure where it should go.
Just got these Royal 1s and notice this weird bulge one the toe. I assume it's excess glue between the outsole and leather but not sure. Not a huge deal but kind of annoying and I know it's something I won't be able to see, especially if it's there every time I look down. It does look a bit worse in person. Depending on the angle, the shape of the toe looks off.
I can return them but wondering if it'll just smooth out over time or if there's something I can do to fix it. Appreciate any input.

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I had a pair of 7s years ago that had this same thing. Really nothing you can do about that.
Thanks. I notice another thing that bugged me so they're going back. I've actually got a pair of AJ4 Oreos that I purchased when they first came out where the whole shoe is crooked in the mid/outsole. Make me crazy!
Thanks. I notice another thing that bugged me so they're going back. I've actually got a pair of AJ4 Oreos that I purchased when they first came out where the whole shoe is crooked in the mid/outsole. Make me crazy!

Are these 2017 Royals? Where did you buy these that you can return them?
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