Is this girl interested in me?

Wish her a happy birthday on facebook the following day (saturday).

By the response she gave you seems like shes playing with you and tryna see how far she can go with it. Ignore her and she'll get mad at you and start blowing you up, trust me. After a little bit walk up to her and say "whats up stranger" even if shes upset for being ignored she'll want to chill with you. When you ask her to chill and if she blows you off again, MOVE ON! Life is a game, don't make things easy for them. Watch out tho because if she has "500" fb friends she loves the attetion and thinks highly of herself.

All females are the same no matter how old they are.
I don't know why. I will try my best to talk to her on Friday if she is alone, dint think she will be honest with me if she's with a group
im so glad all these social media things didn't exist when i was in high school.

butterflies? wow

also good to see that despite technology and whatnot there's still no substitute for good old fashioned confidence.
If you do it on friday than shes gonna think those "butterflies"
 were for her. Plus is not good to ask her a tough question on her birthday. Especially if its the first face to face interaction and she'll think your desperate.

Don't sign on to fb on friday and wish her a happy birthday on saturday. Play that game
K i tell her Saturday on Facebook. But Friday seems to be the ideal day to talk as I can just say hbd. If I approach her on other days, she may find it too obvious as I'm just trying to talk.
I wasn't gonna do anything crazy on her bday, just make light talk and let her know I'm alive and interested
Originally Posted by yeerp

im so glad all these social media things didn't exist when i was in high school.

butterflies? wow

also good to see that despite technology and whatnot there's still no substitute for good old fashioned confidence.

Originally Posted by th3answ3r

K i tell her Saturday on Facebook. But Friday seems to be the ideal day to talk as I can just say hbd. If I approach her on other days, she may find it too obvious as I'm just trying to talk.
Stop it now! Saturday!

idk why you guys bother. this dude kid alrdy has his mind made up on his next move.
Even if 99.9% of us are telling him not to do it, he's looking for that .1% to say do it and roll with it.
So you guys want me to fb her on sat, I understand that but I shouldn't talk to her irl either?
Originally Posted by th3answ3r

K i tell her Saturday on Facebook. But Friday seems to be the ideal day to talk as I can just say hbd. If I approach her on other days, she may find it too obvious as I'm just trying to talk.


comes here for advice
advice is given
ignores advice, decides to do his own thing
comes back here crying for moral support & help after nervous break down
Well it's back to school, I doubt she will need my attention anymore. Not that she's in a clique or anything but she will see her friends
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

You're in High School son, what are you doing?

Here do this, this is how I got teh womenz back in my younger days.

Just stop giving a damb. Yes. (crazy I know right?) Really though, stop caring about anything that has to do with women. Their problems, attention seeking tendencies. Just be straight up with her and keep it moving. I know it sounds silly and you're probably asking yourself "If I follow these steps, how will I get women if I'm flat out disregarding them?" The key is, to be confident, believe in yourself and work on being comfortable under your own skin and they will flock to you. I reapeat. THEY WILL FLOCK TO YOU. Since it's HS, you're bound to see each other often and stuff, so if you're somewhat attractive (nice symmetrical face) and you carry yourself like a true gentlemen and a scholar-I might add-, attraction will be built much quicker.

In a nutshell, disregard females and acquire confidence (or currency, but you dont' have to, you're 16 bro just do you).

Try it man.
its hard not to care. but when you achieve this state of mind ...
Just move on OP, thats the best thing to do, theres nothing to be proud of being a simp
Girls like a challenge too. You have to create some sort of attraction for this a girl to like you. A challenge will get her attracted to you.
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