Is this real life? Vol: Double life...

What the hell are we going to find out next about him?

I remember when dude said he wants white women to feel threatened when walking down the street
What the hell are we going to find out next about him?

I remember when dude said he wants white women to feel threatened when walking down the street
I mean you guys were getting at him about his porsche worth of kicks...of course in times of great upheaval he would relocate before he made his reappearance.
I mean you guys were getting at him about his porsche worth of kicks...of course in times of great upheaval he would relocate before he made his reappearance.
Originally Posted by jumpmankb

Originally Posted by rocman23

What the hell are we going to find out next about him?

I remember when dude said he wants white women to feel threatened when walking down the street
If I recall correctly, son said he doesn't feel right if his clothes didnt look goon enough to the point where white women would clutch their purses tightly when walking past him.
Originally Posted by jumpmankb

Originally Posted by rocman23

What the hell are we going to find out next about him?

I remember when dude said he wants white women to feel threatened when walking down the street
If I recall correctly, son said he doesn't feel right if his clothes didnt look goon enough to the point where white women would clutch their purses tightly when walking past him.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

First one posted


was copied from here: a post by "Verbose"

"I was under the impression that slow-moving tanks with unreliable engines were not regarded as much of an asset back then. I don't know how effective tanks really were, given the amounts of artillery concentrated in the western front.
Well, eventually they were hugely useful. The French in particular went for them big-time, since properly used they radically reduced infantry casualties in attack.

First successful French use of tanks in numbers, coordinated with the infantry, was at the battle for the Malmaision salient in late October 1917. Key to the French getting it right was the break-through design of the Renault FT-17. The French spammed these things. They were particularily nasty at the second battle of the Marne in the summer of 1918, in the counetrattack at Villers-Cotterêts which effectively ended the Germans spring offensive.

The key was to integrate aerial reconnaissance, artillery, infantry and tanks. When all the pieces came together, it worked quite well. But it was a recipy for an army that enjoyed a substantial material advantage over its adversary, which was precisely what the French and the British did, beginning sometime in late 1917.
4500 built during WWI, this one armed with a 37mm gun."


I was waiting for him to suggest dropping da hemi in da tank it make it better, but that part never came. 
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

First one posted


was copied from here: a post by "Verbose"

"I was under the impression that slow-moving tanks with unreliable engines were not regarded as much of an asset back then. I don't know how effective tanks really were, given the amounts of artillery concentrated in the western front.
Well, eventually they were hugely useful. The French in particular went for them big-time, since properly used they radically reduced infantry casualties in attack.

First successful French use of tanks in numbers, coordinated with the infantry, was at the battle for the Malmaision salient in late October 1917. Key to the French getting it right was the break-through design of the Renault FT-17. The French spammed these things. They were particularily nasty at the second battle of the Marne in the summer of 1918, in the counetrattack at Villers-Cotterêts which effectively ended the Germans spring offensive.

The key was to integrate aerial reconnaissance, artillery, infantry and tanks. When all the pieces came together, it worked quite well. But it was a recipy for an army that enjoyed a substantial material advantage over its adversary, which was precisely what the French and the British did, beginning sometime in late 1917.
4500 built during WWI, this one armed with a 37mm gun."


I was waiting for him to suggest dropping da hemi in da tank it make it better, but that part never came. 
I wouldn't even be surprised if that was actually him. It's not like we discovered he was a published history scholar who made a living off of lecturing across the world. Plenty of people you wouldn't expect enjoy studying history. 

That said, it's fairly obvious given the copy/paste that it's not him, and someone else actually took the time to register as him and make those posts just for some "
"; which is beyond pathetic.
I wouldn't even be surprised if that was actually him. It's not like we discovered he was a published history scholar who made a living off of lecturing across the world. Plenty of people you wouldn't expect enjoy studying history. 

That said, it's fairly obvious given the copy/paste that it's not him, and someone else actually took the time to register as him and make those posts just for some "
"; which is beyond pathetic.
No !@*!$## way is that our Ninjahood
what does "somethin from my past mean" when he accidentaly says da. Is he leaving us
No !@*!$## way is that our Ninjahood
what does "somethin from my past mean" when he accidentaly says da. Is he leaving us
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

Originally Posted by jumpmankb

Originally Posted by rocman23

What the hell are we going to find out next about him?

I remember when dude said he wants white women to feel threatened when walking down the street
If I recall correctly, son said he doesn't feel right if his clothes didnt look goon enough to the point where white women would clutch their purses tightly when walking past him.
Classic thread, still has me in tears 

Another great quote in that thread was something like "I saw da transition to looking soft around 07 (Can't remember the year) and I've since resisted it 100%" 

Someone please dig that thread up 
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

Originally Posted by jumpmankb

Originally Posted by rocman23

What the hell are we going to find out next about him?

I remember when dude said he wants white women to feel threatened when walking down the street
If I recall correctly, son said he doesn't feel right if his clothes didnt look goon enough to the point where white women would clutch their purses tightly when walking past him.
Classic thread, still has me in tears 

Another great quote in that thread was something like "I saw da transition to looking soft around 07 (Can't remember the year) and I've since resisted it 100%" 

Someone please dig that thread up 
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