Is this what really goes down in Washington Heights?

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side note, why is it when a minority does something he becomes a representative of his entire culture/race?
some black people killed each other for jordans this past week.....blacks are so violent. This is what goes down in the hood.
some ayo dominicans film ayo tendencies....all dominicans are ayo. This is what goes down in the heights.
Some extremist Muslims are reacting violently because of offensive cartoons... all muslims are terrorist. This is what goes down in the entire middle east.

Because to a large extent, they control the information.
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Homeboys back was sweating :rofl:

They wearing each others backs out
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No Jokes, but Ninja if you invested in some bars/lounges catering to the gay population in the Heightz, you could seriously make a lot of money.


he really said bronx doe. lmao all that mess is happening under ninja's room
They are obviously just practicing so they dont look like fools in the club, when they dance with chicks...
As gay as this is I wouldn't put this kind of twisted reasoning past these folk. Got the Colombians banging donkeys for practice, that one kid and his chicken, now dudes dancing with dudes in order to look good when they dance with females in the club.
Those is hicks...da majority of hicks these days reside in da bronx.
Let me find out onewearz got a story to tell

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lmaoooooo wtf i think there was a video like this about a year ago some dudes in dr, now this is this a trend or something
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