Is this whole "college experience" thing overrated?

College, with it's increasingly high cost of tuition, can be overrated, but the experience is not. Aside from getting an education, it's probably one of the best and quickest forms of personal development. It's even better if you go to school out of state and get away from mommy and daddy. I learned more about myself and what I wanted to become during college than in any chapter of my life. Having said that, if you go there just to party, it probably is a waste. You might have a lot of fun, but it's not going to help very much if you plan on being successful in life. You gotta keep a balance between having fun and learning, and stay away from the degrees that have no demand career-wise. Sorry, English, art, and psychology majors.
I asked one of my cousin's friends about the whole college experience and he told that if you're not an athlete,frat boy or a sorority sister the parties aren't going to be that fun.

Is this whole movie college experience overrated or was i just there at the wrong time?

the stereotypical movie college experience exists . . . you just have to hang out with the right people.

the way you described things, your cousin doesn't seem to be dialed in to the right crowd so it's not gonna matter what school you go to . . .
I went to UGA and it was ridiculous. I loved it and had an amazing time. Part of it was going to a big state school thats good at sports and also being a liberal arts major. Its hard to visit a place for a weekend and get the college experience. It's about having a good group of friends and having a blast. Alot of the college experience is learning as well. One of the things I miss about college was being around like minded people. Everyone was learning and up to interesting things. It was easy to find clubs and organizations to join.
Pshh, you're telling me. Mech E/Nuc E for me.

I will never understand this whol college "experience" thing. I'm there for one main purpose. And that is to get a degree so I can get a job and make money. The parties and the women are just a bonus.

With that being said, "WE ARE...." 
CS and Math here. Most STEM degree holders are in college for the same reason + personal interest in the subject matter. Getting that guap after graduation! 
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Even though I'm a "frat boy" my freshman year was easily my favorite year of college, I met a ton of new people and tried a ton of new things. Being Greek had its perks subsequently, but none of those times compare to my first year's experience. Life was just so much simpler back then. I'd get wasted, party, wake up hung over, then play soccer to cure them. I had a close group of friends, a good girl, all a guy could want. Then the years went on and literally ALL of that fell apart. I'd go back in a heart beat.
Brakgirl sounds boring as hell

We parties thurs-sat almost every week. Girls, alcohol, music, beer pong, making tons of friends having the time of our lives.

Someone told me you will never have as much freedom as you do in college and its true.

Full time job, good money, paying off my loans every month. College is what you make of it, you cant judge it by a wack weekend with friends who might not know where all the cool parties / fun is happening at.
Actually most weekends I am kind of boring. Perfect night for me is my PS3 or PC and a good game. That's not to say I don't party, I just don't feel the need to do it every weekend. Maybe like once every other week. I blame my introverted personality and misanthropy. 
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I'm sorry but college>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

1. Buffet meals daily
2. Everything is within walking distance
3. No real responsibility except to study
4. Parties and yambs within walking distance
5. Very good friends living next door

The worst thing that ever happened to me was graduating college, my life was set up perfectly then.
I went to college. It wasnt for me but my college sucks. At least I got a good degree, should be starting at 58 stacks by the end of the year. Not a bad starting salary at all.

I still recommend it so you have a better opportunity at getting a good job but if you can get a good job without it , don't even bother.
The government has been artificially increasing the price of college so they can get student loan interest on loans that will never get paid. I guarantee the cause of the next big recession will be student loans. And it will be far worse than what we are going through now.
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As stated before college is what you make it, point blank..

5 universities in, 2 abroad, finally graduating in May..

been studying and teaching abroad for the past two years, traveling on the weekend, all my credits transfer back to my Uni in the states. My tuesdays alone, dependent on where I'm at can shhh on Euro Trip or any "college experience" movie. And there is things to get into 6/7 days.of the week.
Best thing to do is bust your *** with your studies 24/7 and just party Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights. You'll be getting the best of both worlds. Getting banging grades while pulling broads
Unless you're an engineering major you really don't need to study that much in college.

GPA is overrated for most majors
Unless you're an engineering major you really don't need to study that much in college.

GPA is overrated for most majors

Yup, if you want the "college experience" do not go the engineering path.
My average week during school starting about half way sophomore year went like this:
for i=0,length(term),1 do
while day == weekday do
Wake up between 5-6am
Do homework until class/work
Go to class/work usually from 8am or 9am to 5pm or 6pm (one term until 10pm)
Do homework/study/finish up lab work that I didn't have time to finish in lab until 1-3am
while day == weekend do
Wake up at 8-9am
Do homework/study/finish up lab work that I didn't have time to finish in lab until 1-3am

I went to a few parties when I had time, but I never really liked them. I didn't like the people, the conversations, or the girls at them. It just wasn't for me, but then I've never been a party or people person, and prefer to spend my time up in the mountains by myself or with a few close friends and/or family.
I did hardly any networking, had no reccommendations, and still landed the first job I applied for which also happened to be the job I wanted. Because instead of kissing a bunch of bro *** at some lame party while getting bored of beating scrubs at beer pong I built my resume as much as possible.
Almost everything I did that wasn't school related, and hell most of the things I did in the Army, were meant to build up my resume. To make it as good as possible with as little fluff and sugar coating as possible. I did so because I put next to no stock in networking. People are too fickle and lazy from my experience as a whole for networking to be efficient.
The amount of vagina and marijuana on campus alone made it worth while.

the debauchery on the weekends :pimp:

It was an amazing time. I went on scholarship tho. I think my perspective would be different if I had to pay.
FSU is what the movie Van Wilder was based on.

Look up Bert Kreischer. They literally bought his life story and made a movie about it and had Ryan Reynolds play him.
Unless you're an engineering major you really don't need to study that much in college.

GPA is overrated for most majors

Yup, if you want the "college experience" do not go the engineering path.
My average week during school starting about half way sophomore year went like this:
for i=0,length(term),1 do
while day == weekday do
Wake up between 5-6am
Do homework until class/work
Go to class/work usually from 8am or 9am to 5pm or 6pm (one term until 10pm)
Do homework/study/finish up lab work that I didn't have time to finish in lab until 1-3am
while day == weekend do
Wake up at 8-9am
Do homework/study/finish up lab work that I didn't have time to finish in lab until 1-3am

I went to a few parties when I had time, but I never really liked them. I didn't like the people, the conversations, or the girls at them. It just wasn't for me, but then I've never been a party or people person, and prefer to spend my time up in the mountains by myself or with a few close friends and/or family.
I did hardly any networking, had no reccommendations, and still landed the first job I applied for which also happened to be the job I wanted. Because instead of kissing a bunch of bro *** at some lame party while getting bored of beating scrubs at beer pong I built my resume as much as possible.
Almost everything I did that wasn't school related, and hell most of the things I did in the Army, were meant to build up my resume. To make it as good as possible with as little fluff and sugar coating as possible. I did so because I put next to no stock in networking. People are too fickle and lazy from my experience as a whole for networking to be efficient.

from what i've seen, most of the non-trad engineering students such as yourself (ex-military) were the most diligent and knew what they wanted to get done in college. i.e. did not f around

some of the freshmen don't have a chance when given the opportunity to party and slack off when parents aren't around.

what was your major? mechE & ECE seem to have it the hardest at my school. i'm doing matsci
Unless you're an engineering major you really don't need to study that much in college.

GPA is overrated for most majors

I dunno this is highly dependent on how rigorous your undergrad is in general. At my alma mater people were struggling in history, language an internationa relations studies. Don't get me started on the hard sciences and pre-med.

I remember my friends and I took a blues class senior year thinking it was going to be filler. Then dude was like read these 10 books and memorize 1000 songs. Ish got real :lol:

The exam was him playing songs and asking you to identify the name, artist, date, where it was recorded and open ended qs about the readings. People were mad. :rofl:
LOL, my first experience was the complete opposite. From what I can remember, there was a lot of drinking. Beer pong. People passing out. People occupying rooms. Can barely move a couple of feet without saying excuse me. Found my friend drunk on a stair well and my other drunk friend fell off a fence and basically ate the pavement. Spent the whole night laughing butI had to tone it down cause I didn't want to end up on my face or passed out either. It was a fun experience. jk it suck.
Unless you're an engineering major you really don't need to study that much in college.

GPA is overrated for most majors

I dunno this is highly dependent on how rigorous your undergrad is in general. At my alma mater people were struggling in history, language an internationa relations studies. Don't get me started on the hard sciences and pre-med.

I remember my friends and I took a blues class senior year thinking it was going to be filler. Then dude was like read these 10 books and memorize 1000 songs. Ish got real :lol:

The exam was him playing songs and asking you to identify the name, artist, date, where it was recorded and open ended qs about the readings. People were mad. :rofl:
I'm not suggesting classes were super easy in college but GPA is overrated a lot of times for getting into professional school or getting a job.
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